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Author Topic: Psion shaper astral construct  (Read 7032 times)

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January 19, 2011, 11:07:27 AM
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Is there any chance or way to get to keep the astral construct longer than just round/level. I always find that I have to summon it loads of times compared to any other summon. I cant have my astral construct and another summon from cleric either which probably means no summons from any magic class.

Since astral construct seems to be more or less the base of shaper and a really cool idea to begin with which is more or less ruined by the idea of having to summon the construct 10 times or more compared to the other summons eating up much powerpoints (also means you cant buff him pre battle and run around buffed through many battles compared to other summons) it wouldnt seem to be to far to get to keep it for 10mins/level or more. Yes its a powerhouse at the later levels but really what other caster that focuses on summons doesnt get kick ass summons in the end.

Perhaps changing it to 2 augmentation: for each point duration increases by 1 hour and having at a base 1 hour which is still much shorter time compared to 24h of most other good summons. Or having boost construct change the time to some more.

The way it is now is seriously dissapointing though.

January 19, 2011, 06:49:53 PM
Reply #1

Quote from: Findus

Is there any chance or way to get to keep the astral construct longer than just round/level. I always find that I have to summon it loads of times compared to any other summon. I cant have my astral construct and another summon from cleric either which probably means no summons from any magic class.

Since astral construct seems to be more or less the base of shaper and a really cool idea to begin with which is more or less ruined by the idea of having to summon the construct 10 times or more compared to the other summons eating up much powerpoints (also means you cant buff him pre battle and run around buffed through many battles compared to other summons) it wouldnt seem to be to far to get to keep it for 10mins/level or more. Yes its a powerhouse at the later levels but really what other caster that focuses on summons doesnt get kick ass summons in the end.

Perhaps changing it to 2 augmentation: for each point duration increases by 1 hour and having at a base 1 hour which is still much shorter time compared to 24h of most other good summons. Or having boost construct change the time to some more.

The way it is now is seriously dissapointing though.

That's exactly how it is in PnP.  I take it you are using the Extend Power metapsionic feat?

January 20, 2011, 05:32:48 AM
Reply #2
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Quote from: DM Heatstroke

That's exactly how it is in PnP.  I take it you are using the Extend Power metapsionic feat?

Yeah ofc. Well that sucks here I thought I could play a psychic theurge with a good summon and buff it to get three good fighters, perhaps even four if summoning cleric worked with it. Shouldve chosen kineticist or whats it called with the dmg spells instead.

 Tell me theres atleast some kind of prestige class that improves upon the construct atleast that you havent impletmented. Im not into the rules that much I just play the game on the computer.

January 20, 2011, 10:56:11 AM
Reply #3

Of course in PnP the short duration is much less of a problem because you get the full 100% experience and thus fight a much smaller number of shorter and easier encounters. It would be nice to see an option added to make the duration turns rather than rounds to compensate.

January 20, 2011, 12:26:19 PM
Reply #4
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Actually I found a prestige class for it at another place:

Also everyones talking about some psion prestige class named Anarchic Initiate on almost all forums Ive lurked which is apparently awesome, but I cant find anything about it. Anyone want to share with me what its all about?

I have no idea if you follow specific rules on which prestige classes/classes to add though, but I find them interesting. Seeing as you added thrallherd which everyone seems to think is broken as hell, adding some other couldnt be that bad could it? hehe. Must try thrallherd out some day.

January 20, 2011, 02:25:41 PM
Reply #5

the Anarchic Initiate PRC is almost like the wilder class with few more feats:

it gives you :
**+ to casting each level
**the Chaos Wild surge => when you use it, the reslt of the outcome of the psi-power you use depends on some %. i.e: if you got less than 50%, your power is halved (all it stats), more than 50%, it's empowered 100%+ it is maximized.
**psychic enervation =>(same as wild surge)
**calrity of confusion => +2 to saves vs effects with lawful descriptor ?
**postpone enervation
**Chaos breaches, minor and greater => works like anti magic field, but instead of nullyfying the spells/powers, it make them go wild if the casters fail their checks (the greater one actually can kill .. i think ? :o)

all in all, not so much different than wilder (more selection powers maybe, depending on the starting class ?)