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Messages - marmot

Pages: [1]
Follow up question.

Are the True Necro's Morgh creations going to count as extra henchman? 

Help / Shaman companion considered a henchman, no dialog and odd voice set
« on: November 30, 2015, 09:00:58 PM »
I'm playing Revenant and it has a limit of 1 henchman and I get the error, "You may only have 1 henchman at a time." when the companion is with my character and I talk to the Homunculus to join me. 
If one of the module's henchman are already with me I can summon the Jaguar without a problem but if one of the henchman die and I need to resurrect them then I have to unsummon the jaguar, 'hire' the henchman with dialog then teleport back to my grave, rest, then summon the jaguar, then run all the way back to where I was.

Also, the jaguar has no control dialog.  I could swear that it had a dialog similar to a summons 'battle tactics' dialog before I upgraded to 3.5 from 3.2 PRC.

Lastly, when it attacks it screams "your taint shall be cleansed".   That can't be right for an animal companion. 

I'll start the module over (for like the 9th time) after setting  SetMaxHenchman (2) but the jaguar isn't really a henchman.

EDIT:  I found some postings about how to adjust the OnModLoad event in Module Properties which then recompiles the script.
This should let me adjust the number of henchmen but not why the Jaguar is looking like a henchmen instead of a companion.

Help / Re: Becoming a werewolf
« on: November 30, 2015, 08:49:28 PM »

Think the d-load link is dead:'s_curse_of_lycanthropy

Nodata's Lycanthropy curse scripts are required  in a module for the werewolf PRC prestige class to work with the infection/Iron Will requirement?  I thought the PRC included infection from just a regular werewolf spawn.

Help / Becoming a werewolf
« on: November 28, 2015, 06:08:53 PM »
I found my dead PC's harddrive and transferred all the old files over to my laptop and there was the old NWN.   I played so many excellent modules and discovered a few that were on my bucket list.  Being tired of the original classes, I reinstalled PRC and then looked for an update and found that 3.5 was made.  Added it right away and inserted it into the "Revenant" module from the bucket list.

I wanted to play an infected werewolf and tried getting infected by the NWN original Port Llast side adventure on the Black Wolf but getting injured down to single HP's doesn't catch the disease.  What module would I need to play or what DebugMode command to use to simulate being infected?  The Tinker Gnome character I chose has IronWill prereq and I didn't want to use the natural lycan feat.  This particular  character is never going to take the 3rd level of werewolf.   The PRC dialogue on templates doesn't offer Werewolf as an option and I didn't see a variable to modify in the code switches.

I used the search feature ('were', 'werewolf', 'lycan') and was surprised no one asked the question before.

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