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Messages - BlackPearl

Pages: [1]
Help / Replacing one of the PRC classes with my own
« on: June 24, 2016, 12:53:15 PM »
Trying to chance one of the existing classes.

I've edited these files to replace the lines for lets say class 254, the Brawler.  I've gone through all the PRC archives and replaced CLASS_TYPE_BRAWLER with my own constant.  I've recompiled all files I have edited.  Things seem to work.  However I'm stuck with the contents of prc_scripts/prc_brawler.nss
If I rename the file  (and rename the line in prc_inc_function.nss) it doesn't load.
If I keep the same file but change and recompile the contents it doesn't load.

When I say it doesn't load what I mean is a feat I create for the class in say prc_feats.nss works, I can see changes to the UI and numbers in the character screens but I when I put that same code in the class include file where it belongs it will not load.

I've tried inserting some code that outputs to the log files but the message does not appear, and nor is the load listed as loaded.  No error messages are apparent.

So I'm thinking the problem is the file not being included from the SetupCharacterData() function because the file name is passed to a variable then loaded, my compiler, which does work, doesn't compile the file using the variable data and thus going down the include tree for my class file.

Is this a common problem?  How do I get around it?

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