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Messages - wakkander

Pages: [1]
Help / Re: PRC Script Compiling
« on: March 01, 2017, 12:39:08 AM »
So I have managed to get to a point to where I can get the compiler to function, but I am still getting the error:

Code: [Select]
Error: NSC1047: "const" qualifier not allowed on local variables (see declaration of "CHUNK_SIZE") Compilation aborted with errors.
it seems to be with the includes primarily. is there an extension or fileset I should have installed for the prc scripts to compile?

Help / Re: PRC Script Compiling
« on: February 27, 2017, 09:47:02 PM »
I was able to get it 'running', but to little avail. It opens, then immediately closes.

Help / PRC Script Compiling
« on: February 26, 2017, 09:58:49 PM »
So I have been trying to wrangle the PRC Pack into an existing PW, and have been having persistent issues with the compiling of scripts.

After initially being unable to compile I switched to the nwtoolset extended. This fixed things until I received this error:

Code: [Select]
2/26/2017 9:53:37 PM: Error. 'afr_onenter' did not compile. prc_inc_castlvl.nss(228): Warning: Number of identifiers exceeds the standard compiler's maximum internal limit (16383); the standard compiler may not be able to compile the script.  Consider removing excess functions, global variables, constants, or structure types. prc_inc_shifting.nss(1563): Error: NSC1047: "const" qualifier not allowed on local variables (see declaration of "CHUNK_SIZE") Compilation aborted with errors.
Since I haven't changed any of the prc includes, and have just been merging the event scripts I presume this is a compiler issue and not one with the scripts. I am not sure what else I can try though. The PRC Script Compiler 2.0 simply crashes my pc on launch.

Anyone have and solutions or suggestions for alternatives?

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