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Messages - Thexare

Pages: [1]
Help / Re: Looping dialogue to select spells at character creation
« on: December 12, 2016, 06:18:16 AM »
Just checking in as another Duskblade with the same problem at the same level. Fired up the debug thing on the most recent attempt, text follows - format might be slightly off, retyping manually. Using PRC 3.5 applied to NWN OC.

Here's after I exit the conversation, before it comes up again:
Code: [Select]
Running Prc_templates
prc_inc_sneak: Rogue Sneak Dice: 0
prc_inc_sneak: Blackguard Sneak Dice: 0
GetOffHandAttacks: iOffHandAttacks = 0
prc_bab_caller: restoring base attack bonus of Jacob Orine
GetSpellslotLevel(1, Jacob Orine) = 0
GetSpellslotLevle(9, Jacob Orine) = 0
GetSpellslotLevel(224, Jacob Orine) = 0
GetSpellslotLevel(225, Jacob Orine) = 0
GetSpellslotLevel(188, Jacob Orine) = 0
GetSpellslotLevel(237, Jacob Orine) = 0
GetSpellslotLevel(187, Jacob Orine) = 0
GetSpellslotLevel(61, Jacob Orine) = 0
GetSpellslotLevel(62, Jacob Orine) = 9
GetSpellKnownMaxCount(9, 0, 62, Jacob Orine) = 3
GetSpellKnownCurrentCount(Jacob Orine, 0, 62) = 3
GetSpellUnknownCurrentCount(Jacob Orine, 0, 62) = 0
GetSpellKnownMaxCount(9, 1, 62, Jacob Orine) = 5
GetSpellUnknownCurrentCount(Jacob Orine, 1, 62) = 12
GetSpellKnownMaxCount(9, 2, 62, Jacob Orine) = 4
GetSpellUnknownCurrentCount(Jacob Orine, 2, 62) = 11
GetSpellKnownMaxCount(9, 3, 62, Jacob Orine) = 1
GetSpellUnknownCurrentCount(Jacob Orine, 3, 62) = 13
StartDynamicConversation(): Starting new dynamic conversation, parameters:
sConversationScript = 'prc_s_spellgain'
oPC = 'Jacob Orine' - '' - '' - 7fffffff
bAllowAbort = False
bForceStart = True
oConverseWith = 'Jacob Orine' - '' - '' - 7fffffff

GetSpellslotLevel(62, Jacob Orine) = 9
GetTotalNrOfSpellsKnown(Jacob Orine, 0, 62) = 3

You can unlrearn 1 spells
Do you want to unlearn a spell?

Code: [Select]
prc_onuserdef: 1001
<I select no.>

Code: [Select]
GetSpellslotLevel(62, Jacob Orine) = 9
GetSpellKnownMaxCount(9, 0, 62, Jacob Orine) = 3
GetSpellsKnown(Jacob Orine, 0, 62) = 3
GetSpellKnownMaxCount(9, 1, 62, Jacob Orine) = 5
GetSpellsKnown(Jacob Orine, 1, 62) = 5
GetSpellKnownMaxCount(9, 2, 62, Jacob Orine) = 4
GetSpellsKnown(Jacob Orine, 2, 62) = 4
bChangeExitTokenText = True
oPC = 'Jacob Orine' - '' - '' - 7fffffff
You can select more spells when you next gain a level.

And then it repeats.

I should be learning a level 3 spell at this point.

Since this is an issue multiple people are having at the same point, if there is a problem with the files it's likely at the host.

Spells, Feats, and Skills / Katana Finesse + Insightful Strike?
« on: April 15, 2013, 07:51:34 PM »
Just a simple question. Does Katana Finesse from Iaijutsu Master allow Insightful Strike to apply to katana? Had an idea for a weird Int-centric Swashbuckler/Iaijutsu Master/Warblade build, y'see.

General Discussion / NWN2 PRG Documentation
« on: February 09, 2013, 03:52:17 AM »
Sorry, not the right forum, but there isn't a right forum anymore.

I was poking around on nwnvault and stumbled across an early release of the NWN2 PRC-equivalent. This is pretty cool. But all the links are dead.

Does anyone have any information on this still? At least the manual would be nice; the manual installation would be a bit of a pain in the ass, and I'd like a chance to poke around and see if it's worth the effort to use that instead of one of the (unfortunately smaller) alternate /Override/-using class packs.

Builders / Re: Spice up the Original campaign
« on: May 22, 2012, 03:26:42 AM »
More than an XP adjustment, what I personally would be interested in is changing things to account for all the extra classes - letting Warmages and other arcane casters go through that mage tower thing (I never actually played one, so I don't know if there's anything to it other than a shop), letting Ultimate Rangers do the druid's quest, and so on.

General Discussion / Re: Necromancers, Rise again
« on: November 03, 2011, 12:40:38 AM »
I assume though he's a split attribute caster? Thats gonna be tough for a Save-or-Die type Necromancer, so that aspect might not work.
The THeurge doesn't have any casting of its own, it just continues with the extra spells-per-day from previous classes, and the spells/day boost comes every level to both. So, wahtever stats are relevant to your previous classes. With that in mind, theoretically, a Wizard/Archivist mix could work, since both use Int. Or a Cleric/Witch, to use Wis. But I'm not very good at building casters, so I'm almost certainly missing something.

Spells, Feats, and Skills / Weapon Focus (Aptitude 1) - What?
« on: October 16, 2011, 03:39:14 AM »
The feat in the title, Weapon Focus (Aptitude 1). What exactly does it do?

Other Features / Switch documentation
« on: September 13, 2009, 04:31:00 PM »
Quote from: xwarren

Take a look at prc_inc_switch.nss file in prc_include.hak
Thanks, I got it now. Maybe a note about that could be added in the next Manual update?

Other Features / Switch documentation
« on: September 12, 2009, 11:29:14 PM »
Is there any publicly-available information on what the Switches in PRC Options do? I couldn't find it in the manual, or anywhere on this forum. And I'd really rather not screw around with things when I don't know what they do...

Base Classes / The Bowman
« on: September 11, 2009, 03:04:03 AM »
Check your difficulty settings? I think Normal has ranged attacks not provoking AoOs.

Help / PRC and Endless Nights 3
« on: September 10, 2009, 11:07:20 PM »
Well, other than the above-mentioned oddity, I didn't have any issues.

Made it to Dread Necromancer 9 without any problems, short of nearly getting petrified 49 times before finally getting petrified the 50th time.

Well, there was one issue, don't know if that was module specific though... Off to the Bugs forum.

Help / PRC and Endless Nights 3
« on: September 09, 2009, 12:40:37 AM »
Before anyone asks, I'm using EN3 because it's the newest version that doesn't require the CEP. I don't have room for the CEP even if I wanted it.

So, I start as a Mystic, and scroll up in the chat log at the bottom to see what random event I started with. Half-celestial, sounds pretty cool. By which I mean "prone to making me slaughter everything messily". I open the inventory to put my clothes on, and...

What's this Character Properties doing there? And where are all my sweet bonuses? On the Character Properties item? That's not even supposed to be an item!

So, in non-story format, apparently there's a slight incompatibility issue with PRC and EN3.  I guess that's the "creature hide" I've seen mentioned. How could I go about fixing this?

EDIT: Having scrolled through the EN3 comments, this appears to be the only PRC/EN3 issue, so at least it's nothing game-killing.

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