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Messages - cozmo

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General Discussion / Re: Shifter PnP for NWN2
« on: June 21, 2017, 08:52:09 AM » has it preety cheap iirc 1o or$15 for the complete n2wn2 set with all westgate and soz xpacs

General Discussion / Shifter PnP for NWN2
« on: June 19, 2017, 06:07:04 PM »
I loved the Shifter PnP class so much that I have spent a few weeks working on a version for NWN2.  It is still in beta, but for any fans of this class, it is available now at the vault.

I want to thank the PRC for inspiring me to get back into coding again.  Been ages since I did a project like this.  I had to go a completely different route to get my class to work than what the folks here at the PRC did.  But they inspired me to strive find a way to make it work.

Feel free to check out my labor of love @

Thank you, and enjoy.

Character Builds / Re: The end of the Hellfire Chicken (chp 3)
« on: March 27, 2017, 11:41:20 PM »

Can you saturate the battlefield w/ Chill Tent
OMFSM  I did not realize that you could SPAM the heck out Chill Tents.  So yeah,  U de-leveled and re-leveled as straight 'lock.  Took Dead Walk and Chill Tent.  Took Blue down in just a few mins.  Now to get rid of Big Red.

Character Builds / Re: The end of the Hellfire Chicken (chp 3)
« on: March 26, 2017, 11:37:23 AM »
It is insane.  I can shape shift into something with a dex of 24 and STILL not hit the damn thing with a ranged touch attack. I may just re-roll her and drop the 3 levels of HFW just to get the Cone shape.  Maybe with my high CHA I'll get through the SR.   Its sad, because I just loved the idea of this character.

Character Builds / The end of the Hellfire Chicken (chp 3)
« on: March 26, 2017, 04:13:53 AM »
Sadly, I made it all the way to Chap 3 and the HFC Failed  :(

Got to the blue dragon and just cant down that boss , so the red dragon is also a fail.  Even with lots of potions and scrolls just cant kill the Blue Meanie qq.

If I had a few more levels, could probably do it.  But the build failed. OTOH, I may just take her to HoTU and get her to 15 and see how she does in that xpac.   ;)

Help / Re: Shifter PNP and item spells
« on: March 23, 2017, 11:44:49 AM »
Oh and BTW, nice to know somebody actually reads and responds to these forums  :D

And yeah, I found that code , I'm just not sure if it is actually a part of the rules or something that was overlooked.  I haven't played PnP in AGES.  FFS, I gave away my old D&D books to a friend's kids years ago.  And IIRC it was the 2nd edition.  Was no Shifter or Warlock classes.  Heck, I don't even think it had druid. Think all there was was Fighter,Wizard,Cleric and Rogue. 

But damn, the monster Manual (hardcover) was soo cool.  Loved some of the illustrations.

Character Builds / Re: The adventures of the Hellfire Chicken (chp 1)
« on: March 23, 2017, 09:34:46 AM »
So you are leveling as pure warlock until epic levels and only then entering pnp shifter?

Nope, she took 6 levels of warlock, then took 3 levels of shifter pnp, and now is working on Hellfire warlock.   The 3 levels of shifter was to get her chicken and other shapes. From now on she will get her other 2 HFW levels and then just continue as Warlock. 

Help / Re: Shifter PNP and item spells
« on: March 23, 2017, 09:31:10 AM »
I'm not familiar with the pnp rules that the class is based on.  So not sure if it is a valid 'complaint' or not  ;) Just seems odd.  I also noticed that being a pixie I cant use any of her racial natural spells don't work either, such as her invisibiity or tangle or such when she is shape shifted.

Character Builds / Hellfire Chicken (chp2)
« on: March 23, 2017, 04:12:50 AM »
So it seems that after gathering all the reagents for the cure her work is NOT done (who woulda thunk it HA HA)

Anyway, Helms Hold was not bad.  She managed to kill a bunch of fake Helmites and destroyed tons of undead and reached level 6.  After

clearing out the courtyard and first floor she had a nice conversation with the Gaurdian of Helm and talked him into giving her

another level (cough cough ... exploit).  So she was then able to take her 1st level as Shifter pnp.  Selected package #2.  And her

first shape is the Drow.  Perfect.  He comes with skill in long sword AND more important has medium (and heavy) armor skill.  Since

she already took the battle caster feat, she can wear a nice shiny chain shirt now as a drow and not worry about her invocations

fizzing out.  Yippie!

On to take care of that traitor Desther...

That boy in the basement is handy, sells some good buffing potions.  With a nice stock of bottles Desther and his small army of undead

proved to be easy.  I did NOT do that fight using warlock magic.  Instead she took advantage of her newly learned Drow shape. 

On to CHP2. 

I grabed all the usual quests and decided to deal with one of the warewolves 1st.  This got me to my next level which I took as

shifter.  My goal in this chapter is to gain enough shifter levels to learn the chicken shape (more on this later). 

After dealing with the wizard Wanev, a wolf named Silvernback and a few other odds and ends, I finally have level 3 shifter, which

allowed me to learn the CHICKEN.  Yes folks, my goal is eventually to be a chicken that blast everything in sight with hellfire (:

After all, potions of lesser restoration aint that expensive (:  Even though the manual says that only HELLFIRE SHIELD does

constitution dmg, I know that hellfire blast does too.  But that is besides the point.  Potions of endurance and the aformentioned

potions will make that constitution loss irrelavent.

Now to just level some more and get those HFW levels.

So I quested along mostly using Hogger.. Eh Hemm. I mean Dire Boar Shape which is my best melle at the moment.  And after a bunch of

quests and stuff e.i. Did the Neverwinter woods, Charwood etc . I finally went into the caves the archyolist sent me to.  And got my

1st level of HFW.  Woo woo I'm getting there.

On to more.. still need to finish this quest for an ancient book. Oh did I mention I picked up some of the books that crazy mage

wanted?  Also killed a few escaped prisoners and stuff.  Basically I'm doing everything in this chapter I can :)

Of course... I get into the 1st level of the creator ruins and OOPS get dazed by a minogon.. Luckily I had picked up a helm that

protected me from mind spells, I had just forgot to put it on.  After I came back to my senses I put that on my head.

After finishing the creator ruins and turning a bunch of quests I decided I have had enough of this area.  So i decided to just move


Aarin Gend sends me on to Luskan. I say o.k.  and head on my way... But I'm NOT sure I can't pick up a few XP along the way.

At this point I am 6/3/1 Warlock/Shifter/Hellfire and XP is 52,059. I know I left a FEW quest undone, and an ear left un cut. (:

So of course I got ambushed on the way north to the INN.  Ha ha, as a dire boar I smoked those turkeys.  And there was some stuff left

to do at the Inn.  After turning in another ear and stuff I decided to just go on to luskan.

Help / Can't remember the name of a tool
« on: March 23, 2017, 01:54:46 AM »
There was a utility that would take a .bic file and show level by level what classes/skills etc taken on levelup.  Can somebody help me remember?

Help / Shifter PNP and item spells
« on: March 22, 2017, 10:38:00 PM »
OK, If i have an item that casts a spell on use and I am in a shifted form that does not allow vocal spells w/o natural spell then the the spell fails.  I can KIND of understand this. 

But, I wanted an item i could use even when shifted.  So i created my MK II trap finder and instead of on use cast spell find traps i have it call this THIS script  <snip>
    object me=GetItemActivated();
    int sp=SPELL_FIND_TRAPS;
    DelayCommand(1.0f,ActionCastSpellAtObject(sp,me, METAMAGIC_NONE,TRUE,PROJECTILE_PATH_TYPE_DEFAULT,0,TRUE));

Note that the object casting the spell is the item, NOT the player. And it has both flags set for allowing spell even if not known, and instant cast.  Yet it STILL generates the message that spell can be cast because of the form I am in  :( 

Any ideas?  Am I going to have to make a script that actually summons something that can talk and have THAT cast the spell?  Would be kinda cute, but a little more work than I want.

Thanks in advance,

EDIT:I was kinda being sarcastic above about summoning in a NPC to cast the spell... it DOES work.. Still, this is NOT what I want to have to use:
    object pc=GetFirstPC();
    location loc=GetLocation(pc);
    object foobar;
    int sp=SPELL_FIND_TRAPS;
    AssignCommand(foobar,ActionCastSpellAtObject(sp,foobar, METAMAGIC_NONE,TRUE,PROJECTILE_PATH_TYPE_DEFAULT,0,TRUE));

Character Builds / Re: The adventures of the Hellfire Chicken (chp 1)
« on: March 22, 2017, 09:51:57 PM »
Consider Expertise & Imp Expertise for AC. EB is a touch att (Dex), so you usually only get boned on 1's. You can mitigate a little with good feats

On the way to the big time: Vitriolic Blast Essence
"Your eldritch blast does acid damage, and ignores spell resistance. Any creature hit automatically takes 2d6 acid damage every round. This effect lasts for one round for every 5 invoking levels you have." Dissolve the uber class (chosen of Bozo-ware) with ease.

Once you hit the big time, consider Eldritch Sculptor. It just doubles the EB damage, gives +2 to EB's & boosts the E-Chain range to 60 - that's all.

Not sure about exp helping.. atm I get some lousy roles and really miss my target alot.  Which is why as I'm leveling i'm using Hogger ... oops i mean Dire Boar shape.   :D

Ayup,  I test leveled her , and around 21 she will have Lord of essences which also means she will have BOTH vitrolic and brimstone blasts so DOT of both acid and fire.  And along with eldritch doom , dex wont matter.  Add in Hellfire and yeah, she gonna be one heck of a killer chicken (:   (btw, i am SLOWLY trying to port the pnp shifter to nwn2.. gonna take a while.)

Character Builds / The adventures of the Hellfire Chicken (chp 1)
« on: March 21, 2017, 12:30:54 PM »
So, after tweaking the PRC so that warlocks invocation levels count as spell levels for the shifter pnp, I have started a new character.  The Hellfire Chicken (or she will be eventually).

She is a Pixie Warlock.  And the plan is to be a Warlock/Hellfire Warlock/Shifter pnp.

Started her out in CHP 1 of the OC, I skipped the prelude as it tends to bug w/PRC.  I just gave her the XP she would have got from the prelude.

Starting stats S6/D18/C10/I20/W14/CH24.  Some notes on the stats.  Silly me did not know when I rolled her that she would NOT need natural spell. I took the xtra Wis for that . Its not mentioned in the manual or in the menus, but u need at least a WIS of 13 for natural spell.  But oddly... Warlock 'invocations' dont need it.  Oh well.

 I left her DX at 18 since there is a bug of some sort w/shifter pnp.  If you have high DEX some shapes will lag for like 2 mins when you try and shift into them.  No idea what the bug is.  I've just started to delve into the code.  Took me a while to figure out that it was the stats causing the problem

I want the high INT for all the skills she will eventually need. and of course, 'lock needs that high CH.

Now as to her race.  Pixies are FUN and Cute.  Here are the positives :
Natural SR that goes up as she levels.  Natural DR.  So she can shrug off many spells and many hits.  Down side , as a 'lock she starts out with a so/so AC.  So some bosses WILL hit her hard. But... She has a natural entangle spell that can sometimes keep things at a distance.  Or, i that done work, she can always use her natural polymorph and just put on her fur coat (ie, Bear form).  One downside to that, whenever she uses her natural polymorph may spells and stuff that were on her toolbar will just dissapear and need to be re-assigned later.  And as a last resort, if she really needs help , she can always hire a bodyguard.  I'm partial to that Utgard Barbarian  ;)

She also has a natural INVISIBILTY spell.  That amazingly can be cast UNLIMITED times.  Handy for quick escapes or to just skip a bunch of useless trash that wont give her any real XP.  Which leads to...

Her biggest downfall. As a Pixie , with all these wonderful perks she takes a major XP hit.  I keep the ECL settings at normal. 

OTOH its not really too bad.  I'm at the end of CHP1 at level 5 with 11.6k XP.  With a non ECL character I can usually get a few more levels just by grinding the Mummies from the sarcophagus in the warrens of the damned.  oh well, If i want I could always have the guardian of helm give me a few levels when I reach him soon (cough cough exploit).

So that is where the (eventually) Hellfire Chicken is at so far.  I'll post more in a while.  She is about to take part in the ritual to get the plague cure.  I'm sure nothing will go wrong.  Fenthick says everything is all set  ;)

Will post more later, hope you enjoyed hearing about this exciting little fey.

l8r g8rs

Prestige Classes / Re: Warlock/Shifter pnp "fixed"
« on: March 21, 2017, 12:02:49 PM »
Actually I am doing my 'Hellfire Chicken' now...  Been playing a few hours..  I'll post info in the character builds forum.

Prestige Classes / Warlock/Shifter pnp "fixed"
« on: March 21, 2017, 03:01:08 AM »
Well, after realizing that I could NOT make my 'hellfire chicken' I decided to do a little mod'ing to the prc (:

Took a bit of work as the NWN1 toolset just up and choked when I tried to recompile prc_prereq.nss.  Even AFTER I added in the rest of the .haks to the module  :(

So off to the vault I went to get the more advanced script compiler.  I already have the nwn2 one, at that is sweet as it works right in the toolset  :-*

But after making a few .bats and of course a small change to the source , I am all good to go.  I can now take pnp shifter after 6 levels of warlock. YIPPIE.  The sweet thing is, if he/she takes the shape shift invocation, it don't matter which race either.

I'm probably NOT going to play a Naz. Rak.  since that just seems waaaaaay OP.  I mean w/6d6 sneak attack, who NEEDS any levels of anything  ::)

I think I'll make a brownie or a pixie , i'm rather fond of them.

Cheers to anybody who actually still reads these forum.  If u want my code snippet to 'fix' the warlock, let me know.  its only one line.

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