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Messages - Styxx42

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Looking for race, not on the website
« on: September 01, 2011, 05:51:06 PM »
FYI I looked through what i believe was each and every description and could not find the long jagged finger nails.


General Discussion / Re: PRC 3.5 beta 2
« on: August 28, 2011, 10:51:11 AM »
Sorry, one other question... Is PRC 3.5 beta 2 still incompatible with CEP 2.4 mounts?  If so, could you point me in the direction of resolving this conflict?

The new CEP 2.4 mounts (griffon, rhino, elephant, etc.) use the same system as the 1.69 horses from Bioware, and will work. The old CEP mounts won't work, but they looked terrible anyway. :P

Well that is awesome to know.
Man this game just keeps getting better and better because of PRC, CEP and the still amazing community.

Other then importing the mounts do I as a module updater(not builder)do I need to do anything else to use those CEP special Mounts with PRC?

Help / Updating a Module with PRC, CEP and ACP
« on: August 27, 2011, 01:24:48 PM »
Just trying to get the ORDER OF OPERATION down and I am kind of frustrated right now after hours of doing and testing and running in circles. 

I take a module that is clean of any HAK's.
I want to put PRC, CEP and ACPv4.

What is the order I should use with Content Installer to get this to work.?
Here is what I tried.
I ran C_Installer on the module using PRCC2 Option.  GOLDEN.
(But I always want more)
I then went into the module and removed the PRCCEP TLK reference and swapped it to BLANK.  (so the Content Installer will run and not say it can't.. IS THIS BAD TO DO?)
I then Ran ACPv4_CepRobes
It creates a custom Override HAK beause of all the duplicates.
I then load the module in aurora  and run the PRCcompiler   "nwnnsscomp.exe -cego *.nss"
But I get a TON of errors and it dumps out never completing my compile.
Usually on Too many arguments and most of the time in Talent bla bla bla.

Is there a proper order I should be doing these in?
Is this even possible?

I would really like ACP fighting styles because I feel they are very important to making the game that much more visually enjoyable but will do with out if I have to.

Oh one other question.
If I was modding the O.C.  Would I run the PRCC2 and then the PRC_OCFIX?
Or would I run it the other way around?  Or would I manually import the ERF referenced in the HIF of the OCFIX?

Thanks again for any help.

General Discussion / Re: PRC 3.5 beta 2
« on: August 23, 2011, 10:57:29 PM »

You can still use 1.69 horses (IMHO those look better than CEPs).

Unless you are riding a Spider, Tiger, War Boar, Wolf etc then there really is no comparison to the old 1.69 mounts.

Try changing difficulty setting in game options.

Will try that.

Thanks Xwarren for taking the time.

Help / Damaging myself and my summoned creatures.. Can I turn this off?
« on: August 08, 2011, 09:46:25 PM »
Love PRC first and foremost. 
Thanks for it.

Question is.  My buddy plays a caster and he and his summoned creatures keep taking splash damage from his attack spells.
As there is only the two of us, we die pretty quickly when his summoned help and himself die and then beat me up after that.

I have gone through the switches time and again and can't really see where this would be enabled.  Or would it be module specific?
As far as I can tell this has happened in two different modules.

Any pointers or help would be very appreciated.
I was using PRC 3.3h and just today have updated to 3.4 (Sticking with what works with CEP 2.4 for now)


Other Features / Warforged player model?
« on: August 21, 2010, 10:55:25 PM »
No Sir.

Iron Golem or Shield Golem is what we use.

Help / problems leveling
« on: August 18, 2010, 10:49:00 PM »
That was exactly it.  Missing a Hak on the server.


Thanks for the help.

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