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Messages - DaddyPaddy

Pages: [1]
Prestige Classes / Why don't i have any spells?
« on: October 19, 2009, 08:27:14 PM »
Thanks for the help guys.  With a wisdom of 14, I can cast all the spells.

Couple bugs I've found though=

The Justice is supposed to get "Steady Hand" at 6th level, according to the guide/class description.  It doesn't work, meaning that on "Very Difficult" game setting, anyone attacking you in melee combat gets an attack of opportunity on you.  Was really looking forward to that little perk.  Any fixes?  Or is that a hard coded thing?

Also, the spell "Serpent Arrows" doesn't seem to do much.  I was expecting creatures to be summoned or something, but even against weaker Chapter 3 HotU creatures, the spell is always resisted and absolutely nothing happens.

I also don't think "Death Attack" works like it should- I've yet to slay anyone with it after studying them.  Has anyone else tested this?

The Bowman/Justice ranged sneak attack combined with Hide in Plain Sight works great though- especially with Obscuring Mist or Fog Cloud combined with Ultravision.

Anyone elses thoughts on these issues, or the class in general?

Prestige Classes / Why don't i have any spells?
« on: October 17, 2009, 12:39:30 PM »
Quote from: N-S

JoW&W should get its own spellbook. Did you try resting? Do you have 11+ in the spellcasting ability score? (It's WIS isn't it?)

I tried resting several times, but I bet you're right about the ability score.  Seems like I have 12 in Intellegence, so I bet it is wisdom.  I have just 10 ranks in wisdom.  I'll redo the character tonight and post back.

Prestige Classes / Why don't i have any spells?
« on: October 16, 2009, 05:24:22 PM »
I'm making a Bowman/Justice of Weald and Woe char.

There's nothing in my regular spellbook, and nothing in the radial menu for spells.

Just a hunch, but do I need to take some ranger levels?  Maybe they would show up in that spellbook?

Thanks a bunch, and love the PRC add-ons.

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