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Messages - Elkie

Pages: [1]
Help / Some Psion powers not functioning properly
« on: April 22, 2010, 11:53:36 AM »
Exellent work with the Psions, after i noticed them I havent really played any other class :D (i suffer a bad case of psionicsholism :D )

I just thought I might submit a few bugs i noticed:

-Mass cloud mind makes all the enemies in module ignore me for the rest of the module as it seems to change their faction to friendly.

-Black dragons breath doesn't do any damage

-Ultrablast wont manifest, i get a message that says something like "Cant because pvp is off"

They really don't hamper the gameplay but especially mass cloud mind was a power i was waiting to use.

Help / NWN crashes randomly after installing PRC
« on: March 21, 2010, 06:46:30 AM »
NWN used to run properly, before installing PRC, on my Windows 7 computer. I've tried re-installing NWN and without PRC it runs just fine, but every time, after installing PRC it starts crashing.

I was interested in Stratovatius's comment on the other thread as it seems to be a problem encountered before, but i haven't been able to find any information about it on any threads here or elsewhere on internet.
The weirdest thing is, that the character classes all appear as barbarian on the screen where you choose to load a saved game

Help / NWN crashes randomly after installing PRC
« on: March 18, 2010, 02:48:15 PM »
I tried running memtest86, and it found no problems with my ram.  I searched all the topics in these forums for same error, and found this:

Do you get any errors when it crashes, or do your class names show as Barbarian?

Seems like other people have had the same problem, but i didn't find any information about it.
Stratovarius is an amazing band, by the way :)

Help / NWN crashes randomly after installing PRC
« on: March 17, 2010, 01:13:59 PM »
First I'd like to thank the PRC team for all their hard work. I found about PRC just a while ago, and I've been really impressed.

I've got a problem with random crashes. I installed PRC and oc_fix into OC SoU and HotU, and at first it seemed to run perfectly, but after some time it started crashing, about every 15 or 20 minutes. There doesn't seem to bee anything in common with these crashes, they just occur randomly.
I tried to reinstall nwn and put the PRC on a clean install but it didn't help. Could it have something to do with Windows 7? I have 4 cpu  AMD Athlon II 620 processor, Windows 7 and Nvidia Geforce gt 220 if that helps any.

EDIT: now when im loading a game it shows all the classes as barbarian

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