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Messages - fireinakasha

Pages: [1]
Help / Non-standard Arcane Caster Spells Per Day Not Working
« on: April 23, 2010, 09:42:42 PM »
Title pretty much says it all.  Psionics are working fine, as are martial maneuvers, and all the prestige classes work swimmingly with the base casting classes (i.e. wizards, sorcerers, etc.).  But then I try to make a Duskblade, or a Warmage.  I get the dialogue to pick my spells known for those classes, and they get added correctly (I am assuming).  But then when I go to cast them I get the message "you have no more spells of level X available for today."  No amount of resting seems to be able to replenish my spells per day.  Is there something I am missing?  

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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