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Messages - Nigen

Pages: [1]
Base Classes / Dread Necromancer Spell Focus
« on: June 29, 2010, 02:38:19 PM »
Hey everyone, just a quick question. Due to the fact that Dread Necromancer spells seem to be implemented as special abilities/gained as feats (not sure if that's true, just what seems to be the case), does Spell Focus(Necromancy) and the like apply to their abilities?

Help / Psionic Sudden Failure
« on: June 18, 2010, 12:48:09 PM »
By the mechanized mega arsenal of Autochthon, it works! Outstanding!

Thanks very much guys. When I rule the world, know that there will be comfortable position in the Ministry of RPGs reserved for you. ;)

Help / Psionic Sudden Failure
« on: June 17, 2010, 10:35:13 PM »
Hmm...Well, I tried reinstalling it with the .exe, but that didn't work (first with overwriting the database folder, then cutting it out and installing that straight), but no such luck. In fact, I'm pretty sure it stole my wallet too!

Anyway, any other ideas on how this might be rectified? I'd rather avoid having to start it all over again (granted, I'm not THAT far into it, but still...), and it would be nice if I had some means of repairing the issue in case it happens again.

Help / Psionic Sudden Failure
« on: June 17, 2010, 04:43:52 PM »
Well, I'll give that a try then. Hope it works (and that it isn't a recurring problem).

Any idea how it might have turned out that way though? I hadn't touched the data in the NWN folder, done an update or anything of the sort, so would that have just been something the game itself changed as a result of running? I doubt it's a virus or anything (although I wouldn't rule that out, I find it more likely that a glitch is responsible), but it would be nice to know if this is a common problem and a way to avoid causing it again.

Thanks for your quick response by the way.

Help / Psionic Sudden Failure
« on: June 17, 2010, 12:25:54 PM »
Hey everyone.

I used PRC back before NWN 2 and loved it. Couldn't play without it really (I especially enjoyed playing as a lich with all those new spells). Recently, I got the urge to go back and play NWN 1, and went to find this again. It was to my great delight that truenaming and psionics were fully implemented. Having wanted to play a Psion for quite some time, I immediately got my hands on the Character Creator, made up an Elan Psion, and went to work in the Shadows of Urdentide campaign.

At first, it worked like a dream. Getting used to augmentations took a minute, but mostly due to having to go back and forth repeatedly than because of any complexity. I played for a while, cackling madly as my psychic force demolished all in its path (except the, do I hate those things...). All worked perfectly, from what I could see. Saved and reloaded a few times and didn't have any problems with that either.

Anyway, shortly after getting my hands on...well, the hand artifact, I saved, quit, and shut down the system to do something else. Later, I came back and tried to load. To my great shock and horror, my psionic powers cease to work! The radial menu works just fine, and when I tried to attack myself or Dorna with them, they responded that you can't do that with friendly fire active, so the system hasn't lost it entirely, but when firing at enemies or trying to summon an astral construct or whatever else I tried to do, nothing happened. No errors, no change in PP (which, incidentally, restored properly on resting), just didn't work.

My only hint is at the beginning, where the server says in the text box:
Unable to load 2da cache object (CacheChest) from prc_data

I don't suppose anyone knows how to repair this? I was having so much fun with the psionics, and I really don't want it to fail now...

Anyway, thanks in advance for any assistance, and thank you those who worked on this incredible PRC. :)

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