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Messages - Deis500

Pages: [1]
Help / Psionic Powers Misnamed
« on: July 05, 2010, 09:49:54 PM »
Quote from: KenquinnTheInsaneOne

One quick question why are you using the PRC-CEP merge with the original campaign? The OC does not use any CEP content so you don't need to use the PRC-CEP merge file.

Thank you for the information! : ). I didn't realize CEP didn't affect OC.  Could you tell me whether the expansions use any of the CEP content?

Thank you for the help and the link to the newer files :D.  That is some kickass support!

Help / Psionic Powers Misnamed
« on: July 05, 2010, 05:37:55 PM »
I am having a problem where all psionic powers once chosen from the psionic powers menu after leveling, from then on show up in my radial menu and feat list as the incorrect names.  The names are names Warmage Ice Strike, or Warmage Maximized Lightning, or Warmage Shocking Grasp, ect. ect.

This makes it very difficult to play any character that uses psionic powers as I have to memorize random names for the powers.  I couldn't find anything similar to this when I searched on the forums or google so maybe I have done something wrong?  

I installed Neverwinter Nights Diamond, then installed the critical rebuild to version 1.69.  I then installed the CEP 2.2 Full, and then PRC 3.3.   I then installed the PRC and CEP 2.2 Merge files and used the PRC updater to update the Campaign and Expansion files using the prcc2 option as instructed in the readme.

Aside from this problem everything else works perfectly.  Can anyone help me solve this?  I'd love to play a Psionic character.

Edit: I was curious and decided to check and the Warmage's abilities all have "Slayer of Domiel" names xD.

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