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Messages - taoistarts

Pages: [1]
Help / Builder looking for a build mod or help
« on: August 09, 2010, 08:45:00 AM »
Quote from: DM Heatstroke

Here is where I started.

Thanks. This is actually a ton of help.

Help / PRC and CEP2
« on: August 09, 2010, 08:43:21 AM »
Quote from: xwarren

PRC Companion is not supported any more!!! Don't use it with PRC 3.0 and higher versions.

 If I am not mistaken this got added by the module updater.

Help / PRC and CEP2
« on: August 07, 2010, 01:10:41 PM »
Quote from: xwarren

Quote from: taoistarts

Quote from: clansunstar

I did eventually find the issue I was having. It was in a hak above the cep and below the merge hak. I made a minor change to said hak and bam I got all the cep2.3 creatures .

Was it the appearance 2da from the prccomp hak? Because that seems to be what is creating the issue.

PRC Companion is not supported any more!!! Don't use it with PRC 3.0 and higher versions.

Ahh then that may have been the issue.  I will remove it.  Thanks

Help / Builder looking for a build mod or help
« on: August 07, 2010, 07:57:18 AM »
So.. I've been wanting to build a world for me and some of my friends. I really want to use the PRC with the Convo CC but I also want to use the CEP as well as a number of tileset haks and ideally some clothing haks though I am not sure what 2das I'd need to rewrite. I'm not much of a scripter though I know a little. I also know next to nothing about databases and I don't have a lot of experience at setting up the mod from scratch. So here's my question. would anyone be willing to layout all the steps I need to or walk me through the process  of creating something like this? Alternately  does anyone have a base build mod for a world?

I know this is asking for a ton of help with something most of you likely have put tons of time in to learn. I can't seem to find a decent guide for this sort of thing even on each part individually since most documentation I CAN find is so out of date as to be nearly useless.

Heck I'd even appreciate someone pointing me in a starting direction to where I can learn all that I need to know.

Help / Help with ConvoCC for server
« on: August 07, 2010, 07:09:47 AM »
Well I just went to check out your world Moixa and I didn't get the CC convo when I logged in.

Help / PRC and CEP2
« on: August 07, 2010, 05:46:12 AM »
Quote from: clansunstar

I did eventually find the issue I was having. It was in a hak above the cep and below the merge hak. I made a minor change to said hak and bam I got all the cep2.3 creatures .

Was it the appearance 2da from the prccomp hak? Because that seems to be what is creating the issue.

Help / PRC and CEP2
« on: August 05, 2010, 05:48:12 AM »
Quote from: clansunstar

Quote from: dsabrae

We are using the one located

on deepingdale at the moment. Seems to work pretty well for us.

are the cep2.3 creatures showing up for you? i started with the hak from the link you provided and i cant seem to get the creatures to show up as they do in the cep2.3 , any suggestions on where i might be messing up at?

I am having the same issue. Anyone have a suggestion for a solution?

Help / Swordsage issue
« on: August 02, 2010, 06:36:32 AM »
Tried to jump in and check your server out, but unfortunately I can't. Missing ar1.69_cep2_prc.tlk

Help / Swordsage issue
« on: July 30, 2010, 04:43:50 AM »
So I've installed everything (correctly, I think) and I use the CC to create a swordsage. Everything goes along fine until I attempt to level. Then it says I must only have one discipline focus. When i look it appears that the CC has given my character ALL the discipline focuses at first level and I cannot level because of it. In point of fact, I never got to choose the discipline focus as I recall and so it did apparently assign them to me.

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