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Messages - Swank Country

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Character Builds / Castlevania styled Lasher build?
« on: September 05, 2010, 01:14:41 AM »
So I believe this is my first post. :D

Castlevania sure has lots of fighting of the undead, but that's not all that you'll find inside the shadows. Vermin, were-creatures, demons, dragons, and even trolls. (On a side note, I've never actually played any of them except for Simon's Quest and a Super Nintendo version that I can't recall the name of.)

The builds listed already really are good all-around. Yet, I wanted to give him a bit of a twist that didn't make him feel like a lumbering pile of metal. Sure, paladin's fight evil. They certainly seem to have the market cornered, but this ranger is ready for a shot! Heheh.

I spent some time coming up with a build that's less divine dependent when fighting with a whip, while keeping those vampire hatred juices flowing. I'll just jump right into it:

Ultimate Ranger 11/Lasher 19/Foe Hunter 10
CG Human

Starting Attributes: 16 str, 10 dex, 12 con, 14 int, 8 wis, 15 cha
Ending Attributes: 26 str, 10 dex, 12 con, 14 int, 8 wis, 16 cha
(Lvl 4 add cha, rest into str)

Level Progression:
1-5 Ranger, 6-7 Lasher, 8 Hunter, 9-10 Lasher, 11-17 Hunter, 18-19 Lasher, 20 Ranger, 21-22 Hunter, 23 Ranger, 24-26 Lasher, 27 Ranger, 28-31 Lasher, 32 Ranger, 33-36 Lasher, 37 Ranger, 38-39 Lasher, 40 Ranger

43 Discipline, 42 Intimidate, 40(20) Tumble, 40(20) Spellcraft, 30 Hide, 30 Move Silently, 14 Search, 2 Craft: Weapon

Notes on feats:
Ranger Bonus is selected after main feat window in CC. Don't freak out like I did!

B-F and FoP on lvl 1 could be subbed for Nimbus and Holy Radiance, if you want a splash more undead damage.

Feats: *Substitutable
1: Blind-Fight*, Force of Personality*, Ranger Bonus-> Exotic Proficiency: Whip
2: Favored Enemy: Undead
3: Weapon Focus: Whip
4: Ranger Bonus-> Endurance*
6: Sanctify Martial Strike: Whip
9: Improved Critical: Whip
12: Power Attack
15: Cleave
18: Great Cleave
21: Epic Weapon Focus: Whip
23: Favored Enemy: Vermin*, Ranger Bonus-> Favored Power Attack*
24: Epic Will
27: Toughness
30: Great Strength 1
31: Overwhelming Critical: Whip
33: Armor Skin
35: Epic Prowess
36: Devastating Critical: Whip
39: Epic Toughness 1 and 2
40: Ranger Special Ability +3d6 Sneak Attack*, Ranger Bonus-> Improved Favored Enemy*

This is a role-playing concept more than anything, so adjust feats, skills,  and attributes as fits your taste. The first thing that comes to my mind is the vermin favored enemy. 'Twas just for flavor.

Well, hope I didn't miss anything in the post. I'm off to run this character through Darkness over Daggerford! Both firsts for me!

I realized just now that the Death Attack ability of the Foe Hunter might not work on undead, as they're crit immune... But I haven't tested it. Argh? I don't play much, and test even less.

Enjoy and have fun!

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