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Messages - Xand

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General Discussion / disable party xp adjustment
« on: November 08, 2010, 11:11:11 PM »
I went ahead and uploaded it as is:

As of now it hasn't been approved.  If people show interest in it I'll clean it up and improve the functionality.

Let me know if you test it and have any problems.

General Discussion / disable party xp adjustment
« on: November 08, 2010, 10:08:49 PM »
It's going well.  I'm playing through it with my girlfriend and we're on chapter 2.  Occasionally we run into a monster that has a non-default ondeath script.  This is pretty rare, though, and when it happens I just award xp manually.  It'd be more work than it's worth to include fixes for that.

I haven't done much testing for ECL and the version of pwfxp I used as a starter I believe was based on PRC 2.2, so not all races are included anyway.  Because of this (and because I never really agreed with ECL as a way to balance races) the version I'm working with has ecl xp penalty disabled.  It'd be easy to add it back in...the code is all there.  I'd just have to add all the newer races.

I'm also running it with a 40% party bonus.  This equates to a  party of two receiving ~70% of what a single player would get.  That's easily adjustable in the .nss file, though.  That's considerably higher than the default, but I felt 70% was more appropriate than 60%.

Otherwise, yeah.  It seems to be running perfectly.  Getting the same XP rewards that I would have if I was running normal bioware.  This means that any module that's been playtested with the bioware xp system in mind should run at exactly the same pace with this system.  No leveling too fast or leveling too slow problems.  If for some reason the module has the slider set to something other than 10, I recycled PWFXP_GLOBAL_MODIFIER (off the top of my head, might be wrong) to function the exact same way.  Set to 10 = same as bioware slider set to 10.

If you want to run with the above settings installation is simple.  Just import the .erf, turn bioware xp off, and go.  I'd be able to walk you through any personal customizations you'd like to make.

Summon/henchman/dominated/etc xp penalties are, of course, off by default.

General Discussion / disable party xp adjustment
« on: October 20, 2010, 10:00:59 PM »
I converted a PWFXP script to draw on the base values from the campaign's xp tables instead of computing them itself.  This means that you receive the exact same experience that you would using bioware xp, but you have more control over modifiers (such as turning off summon/henchman hits).  I wasn't planning on uploading it because I don't really know what etiquette is on that...and there's kinks that I could easily work out but don't feel like it...such as reimplementing the slider so that it can function essentially the same as the bioware slider.

I've noticed some creatures still do not give experience.  Loxar in No Man's Land (Blacklake) is an example of this.  I'm guessing Kenquinn was right in that they have special scripts.  Probably so they can give more experience than the table would allow.

Anyway, I haven't played through with this yet.  Going to start soon.  But if anyone is interested in it give me a PM with an email and I'll send you the .erf.  It's all packed so it's just import and go.

I may upload it to the vault when I get less sick of looking at the stuff (and figure out if I need to ask the pwfxp guy's permission or not).

General Discussion / disable party xp adjustment
« on: October 18, 2010, 03:38:14 PM »
It could have screwed up because of my inept installs and updates.  There was, surprisingly, no data here or on the new beta pack's page on what one is supposed to do when updating.  So I installed, then ran oc fix...then when 3.4 came out I installed right over top of the old one, then ran oc fix a second time.  I wasn't sure if I should, but I wasn't sure if I shouldn't.  I was pretty frustrated at the time (with xp stuff) and my logic was "Well, if I'm supposed to reinstall this whole damn thing, then screwing up my old install won't really be that hurtful, will it?"

Anyway, I'll set all my event scripts to their prc versions and see what happens.  I guess I didn't think it necessary since it seems to operate how it's supposed to without changing that for single player / multiplayer party leader.

Edit:  Changing the events had no noticeable effect whatsoever. :/

General Discussion / disable party xp adjustment
« on: October 18, 2010, 03:59:56 AM »
While it's true that it will cut you off eventually (when you've got +8 levels on the creatures) depending on the module and level of play that very well may be the difference between challenging and cakewalk.  Anyway, the slider is there for people to manipulate and so is the dmgxp.2da table.  He said he didn't want to edit the table, but I'm sure a 50% increase of trash xp will more than make up for loss of boss xp.  Honestly every creature I've tested so far at 10% pnp xp is slightly more than bioware xp.  I thought about reducing it to 9%, but since I'm playing multiplayer it's already halved anyway so I'll just consider it a token party bonus.

Any thoughts on the multi xp dead end?

General Discussion / disable party xp adjustment
« on: October 18, 2010, 01:58:42 AM »
Alright, more on the multiplayer front.  I was told it may be the count_x100 values that were 0'd out so I tried changing those all to 100.  Still only one person gets xp.  

I tried it with and without setxp.  

I noticed it's actually the party leader that gets xp each time while others get jack, so I tried unflagging 'only one party.'  Without being grouped everyone gets xp for their kills normally.  As soon as a party is formed, though, only leader gets xp again.  If leadership is transferred, XP reception is transferred as well.

prc_xp_max_level_diff isn't set, however I made sure that everyone involved (including the skeletal summons) were all level 2.  Besides, regardless of who gets the kill leader is always the only one to collect the xp.  

I suppose I could remedy this by just awarding levels each time party leader levels, but that wouldn't make it any less broken. :(

I pulled this from prc_ondeath, but I can't make sense of it.  It may be relevant so I'm including it here:

Code: [Select]
        if(GetObjectType(oKiller) == OBJECT_TYPE_TRIGGER)
            oKiller = GetTrapCreator(oKiller);
        if(oKiller != oDead
            && GetIsObjectValid(oKiller)
            && !GetIsFriend(oKiller, oDead)
            && (GetIsObjectValid(GetFirstFactionMember(oKiller, TRUE))
                || GetPRCSwitch(PRC_XP_GIVE_XP_TO_NON_PC_FACTIONS)))
            GiveXPRewardToParty(oKiller, oDead);

My ondeath script isn't set to prc_ondeath, but everytime I've mentioned it no one has seemed to think that was relevant.  So I'm guessing it's not.  I, quite frankly, don't understand the implications of changing those events.

General Discussion / disable party xp adjustment
« on: October 17, 2010, 07:18:35 PM »
If you still have a save right before the boss up your level until he no longer has a CR of impossible.  If he gives you xp, then you'll know it's because of the tables.  If he doesn't, then you'll know it's probably the script as Kenquinn said.  Probably a lot easier than looking his script up manually.

General Discussion / disable party xp adjustment
« on: October 17, 2010, 05:50:48 PM »
They're probably too high level...PRC_XP_MAX_LEVEL_DIFF looks like it's only in place for level of killer and level of party member (to avoid 20's carrying 5's), so I don't think that will work (though I think I saw that advice in a different thread here).  

The XP table itself is in prc_2das.hak as dmgxp.2da...I'm not sure if rows or columns are PC's and which one is creatures, but if you have a DMG it probably matches that.  You can fill in the blanks there, though it'd be a crapton easier to do if you had more excel-like functionality than tlkedit (so you could drag entire rows/columns).  That's a lot of data to edit.

General Discussion / disable party xp adjustment
« on: October 16, 2010, 08:51:08 PM »
I spoke too's still not working.  I inserted all the switches into module property variables for each campaign .nwm file.  If I host I get xp and she doesn't.  If I run nwserver it appears whoever joins first gets the xp.  

Any more ideas?

Could it possibly be a problem with how prc_xp_use_setxp works?  Maybe change the module's OnPlayerDeath value to prc_ondeath?  Are secondary pc's treated as henchmen and I'm zeroing out their xp by using the PRC_XP_HENCHMAN_PARTY_COUNT_x100 0 switch?  That wouldn't make sense because experience is still getting halved, but I dunno...I'm grasping at straws here.

General Discussion / disable party xp adjustment
« on: October 16, 2010, 04:31:01 PM »
Quote from: KenquinnTheInsaneOne

If the personal_switches.2da does not work for servers, and I don't see why it should not, but that it what has been said here.

 Creating your personal switch settings
 For singleplayer, you can create a 2da file and place it in the overide
 Then via the PRC Options switch you can read that 2da and it will
 use it to set switches for you.
 This will not work in multiplayer.

Honestly, it does work a little bit...I've been able to get it to work for me or her...but never at the same time and never reliably.  It's like sometimes it decides to load and sometimes it doesn't.  I'm going to try loading it into the prc_2das.hak to see what happens.  I just have to wait until she's back home since I can't test it without a 2nd player.  

I don't know how to do any of the things you just said...write a script, add to a model, or call this unknown prc function that loads the script I don't know how to write. :/  I guess I'll try to look up tutorials on writing scripts if loading it into the top hak doesn't work.  It just seems like there's gotta be a better way.

General Discussion / disable party xp adjustment
« on: October 16, 2010, 02:57:04 PM »
Quote from: barna10

You can change the switches in the manual. Look in the preferences for "Variables". Add the lines of the personal_switches.2da file in here.

I'm assuming you mean module...I don't see variables in a preferences.  I see variables in the script editor, but that's about it.  Is this the standard way of doing this?  I mean, I assume somewhere along the line somebody's wanted to have their switches effect multiplayer games...this is neverwinter nights, after all.  

I saw in a forum post something about a top this referencing the top hak in the list found in module properties -> custom content?  prc_2das.hak is the top hak listed there.  If I import personal_switches.2da to prc_2das.hak using nwhak, will that work?  If it would it'd be a lot simpler than editing each module.

General Discussion / disable party xp adjustment
« on: October 15, 2010, 11:03:08 PM »
Yeah, 10% is roughly equivalent for what I've tested it creature, for example, gave 160 instead of 151.  Another gave 10 instead of 8.  I suppose I could lower it to 9% (or maybe it understands decimals?), but I don't really see it being worth it.

Now for all this effort I didn't even realize the note in the prc_inc_switch.nss about it not working in multiplayer.  Now my nwn folder is crammed with nwnx2, the dedicated server from bioware and the prc server pack.  And I don't know how to work any of it. ><

Anybody give me any direction?  Maybe there's something a bit more powerful than an override?

Would manually changing the module (each chapter, in this case) to point to prc_ondeath script work?

General Discussion / disable party xp adjustment
« on: October 15, 2010, 12:53:38 PM »
What about this "PRC_XP_USE_SIMPLE_LA" flag?  Description is a  little vague:

 * This modifies the amount of XP a character recieves based on Level Adjustment
 * - Doesn't take racial hit dice into account.
 * - Should work with any prior XP system.
 * - Use this on pre-exisitng modules.

I suppose I could also run a low "PRC_XP_MAX_LEVEL_DIFF" so that if I was wrong it wouldn't get too out of control...but that would have the downside of probably not awarding me XP for higher level bosses.  (Edit: Scratch this, I see now that it pertains to difference between killer/party member...not killer/baddie).

I'll probably run with a max level diff net and the slider ratio'd to have it match one of those first creatures, but I'm worried that barna10 saw roughly equivalent XP in HotU...that tells me that it's possible their scale slides up as level increases.

General Discussion / disable party xp adjustment
« on: October 15, 2010, 12:22:15 AM »
Yeah, according to the file I believe it was CR > abs(+/- 8) does not give XP.

So I added SetXP and got nothing...but then added the "PRC_XP_GIVE_XP_TO_NPCS int 1" line and now it's finally working.  I don't know why that line seemed to do it, but it did.  My current .2da is:

Code: [Select]
2DA V2.0

     SwitchName                              SwitchType SwitchValue
1    PRC_XP_USE_PNP_XP                       int        1          
2    PRC_XP_PC_PARTY_COUNT_x100              int        100        
3    PRC_XP_HENCHMAN_PARTY_COUNT_x100        int        1          
4    PRC_XP_DOMINATED_PARTY_COUNT_x100       int        1          
5    PRC_XP_ANIMALCOMPANION_PARTY_COUNT_x100 int        1          
6    PRC_XP_FAMILIAR_PARTY_COUNT_x100        int        1          
7    PRC_XP_SUMMONED_PARTY_COUNT_x100        int        1          
8    PRC_XP_MAX_PHYSICAL_DISTANCE            int        150        
9    PRC_MULTISUMMON                         int        1          
10   PRC_XP_SLIDER_x100                      int        100        
11   PRC_XP_USE_SETXP                        int        1          
12   PRC_XP_GIVE_XP_TO_NPCS                  int        1          

Now I'm facing the problem of getting entirely too much xp (300 per zombie lol).  Obviously I can manipulate that with the slider, but as I've never played through the campaigns before I'm not sure how to pace myself.  I'm about to play through all 3 campaigns with my girlfriend, so if someone wants to fill me in on what levels I should expect to end each game on (and each Chapter of the first one if you're pro) I'll attempt to come up with a rough estimate to compare that to.

How's the pace of your HotU game going, barna10?  I'm thinking of arbitrarily setting the slider to give the same amount of experience for an easily accessible creature (zombie, probably).  This might have the side effect of giving me not enough later on.  I'm not sure.

General Discussion / disable party xp adjustment
« on: October 14, 2010, 09:31:30 PM »
Yeah, that's been added.  I had it set to 1000, but I lowered it to 150 with no effect.

I'm sending you a PM since you're the only person I know that's gotten this to work.

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