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Messages - Noldofinwe

Pages: [1]
Help / PRC and CEP2
« on: June 13, 2009, 11:27:48 AM »
Mm sorry for triple posting :P

But we tried playing online, but we found two bugs:
first, once second or third player joined the game, all items where removed from the inventory of the other players, leaving them naked.

secondly no XP for kills, though without PRC and in Singleplayer i did got XP for kills.
So sadly it became unplayable after an hour or so :(

Character Builds / Wizard/Shadow Adept/Archmage
« on: June 13, 2009, 06:04:35 AM »
Mmm I didn't see that :P Now i have to revise my build (i'm playing avariel so Red Wizard is not really an option)

I was thinking about taking a lich or baelnorn, demi lich is pretty cool, but is quite hefty on the caster levels you lose. What would make an intresting combination? Wizard/Shadow Adept/baelnorn (not considering the allignment requirements) or Wizard/Shadow Adept/lich  (all 10 levels of course).
Is a demi-lich actually feasable with its  high costs in a campaign?

Character Builds / Wizard/Shadow Adept/Archmage
« on: June 13, 2009, 03:36:33 AM »
Hi, I was thinking about getting your spell DC (esspecially for necromancy and intant death spells) as high as possible. Now both Shadow Adept and Archmage have spell power feats and i was wondering, do these effects stack?

Then you could take something like wizard 5/archmage 5/ shadow adept 30 with epic spell focus on necromancy + the spell power feats of both classes.

Help / PRC and CEP2
« on: June 11, 2009, 06:59:32 AM »
Ok nevermind it works now ^_^ Still have the naked dwarf bug though but that's just a minor inconvenience.  What i did was i made a manual merged TLK of PRC and CEP and then deleted the tlk insert in the prcpack.hif file (that made the module updater automatically insert the rest and then i added the tlk in the toolset. :)

Help / PRC and CEP2
« on: June 11, 2009, 05:25:16 AM »
Hey, i love what you did with all the new prestige classes. But i've been busy to get this to work with Aielund saga mod(they have some new beta's that work with CEP2). The PRC runs, but for example duskblade doesn't get any new spells. I manually edited the mod (Edited all the strings with Executescript... etc),   because the automatic updater didn't work. I also downloaded a merged PRC/CEP tlk/hak and included it in the module but this didn't work either.

So i decided to make a my own merge following the instructions in the manual, but once i have a CEP2 start module and try to auto update it says that TLk files can't be merged.
Also when i use the summon undead 1 spell (in OC), instead of a human skelleton i get a dwarf in underpants o_0

Well i hope somebody can help, cause i would love to play the Aielund saga again with some friends :)

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