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Messages - Merlex

Pages: [1]
Spells, Feats, and Skills / Attune gem
« on: February 12, 2011, 10:46:06 AM »
Quote from: xwarren

[This feat works as a toggle - use icons that appear in your class radial menu (the place where all class special abilities are - ie. turn undead, summon familiar, rage, bard song etc) to enable or disable it.

Thank you for your quick response. I wish it was that easy. I checked the radial menu its not there, neither is craft magical arms and armor.

Here's my radial menu.  Left- special abilities- bottom left wizard- (from the top clockwise) summon familuar, mount actions, power attack 0-4, pa 0-20, pa quick selects, prc options (it's not here either). That's it. The rest of the special abilities: crafting skills (not there), taunt, detect, stealth. I also have spells, defensive casting, counterspell, and metamagic.

I have Leto 1.69 i used to add weapon profiency: martial, and weapon focus: great sword, before i added PRC. But i started a new game after i added PRC with that character. I also added Tony K's AI in chapter 2. I'm guessing Leto the problem?

Spells, Feats, and Skills / Attune gem
« on: February 12, 2011, 06:31:12 AM »
I took the attune gem feat, and can't seem to get it working. I'm playing the OC with a Wizard 5/ EK 4/ Spellsword 5. I've tried various low level spells, mirrow image, protection from evil, ect. I'm using a saphire for this test. I'm 5000 xp over my level, and have 89,000 gp in my bank. When i cast the spell on the gem, i get this message: 'not a valid target for this spell'.

I noticed something in the manuel about a sub-radial entry, but i've checked them all, and can't find one. Thanks for any help.

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