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Messages - Nellis

Pages: [1]
Help / Re: Cloaktower
« on: October 01, 2011, 08:00:34 AM »
Thanks, that wasn't expecting a fix. I really should update the PRC, but for now I am settling for the fix. I don't have that much weekend left to relax and play.

Help / Re: Cloaktower
« on: October 01, 2011, 04:32:03 AM »
Well with some Googling I found out it likely involves a command along the lines of a runscript command to switch or enable a quest state, but I can't for dear life find a list of them anywhere. Can anyone please help me?

Help / Cloaktower
« on: September 30, 2011, 08:12:13 PM »
I created a 'normal' PRC wizard for the OC, but I found out that the npc in the Cloak Tower won't recognize me as such, thus preventing me from getting membership. I can only imagine it must be so because the class was altered in some way.

Is it possible to enable or enter that quest through the console somehow?

Prestige Classes / Shadow Adept, Shadow Double ability
« on: September 29, 2011, 06:56:17 PM »
How exactly does the Shadow Double ability work? Is it under direct control of the caster? From the PRC description on Forgottenrealms I get the impression it is a limited double, but not to which extend. Is it just a melee dummy, or can it use spells, feats, the works?

And lastly, what would be the ideal way for a Shadow Adept to take advantage of his Shadow Double in combat?

Help / Re: Where did I go wrong? (Bonded Summoner)
« on: September 27, 2011, 04:05:50 AM »
Ok, I made a lvl 40 character instead, using only monk levels now. Worked. This is what I ended up with

Additional info

Main weapon: Unarmed (I thought it would be creature?? Took the wrong weapon focus then.)
Attack bonus: 33/30/27/24
Attack1: 2-20+12 (Critical 20 / x2)
Fortitude 26
Reflex 19
Will 38
Base Attack: 31
Spell Resistance: 37
Immunities: Crit, Poison, Mindaffecting, Paralysis, Disease
Damage Resistance
And of course AC 45

What do you think?

Edit: I test played it against a few high level creatures. The only problem it had was dealing with high damage resitance / reduction. Perhaps it could have been overcome if I specialized in Unarmed instead, I can't tell.

Help / Re: Where did I go wrong? (Bonded Summoner)
« on: September 27, 2011, 02:55:38 AM »
That's why I will take the Earth specialization, so I can change into an Elder Earth Elemental. Won't the attack bonus of 33 Strength make up for that?

Help / Re: Where did I go wrong? (Bonded Summoner)
« on: September 26, 2011, 06:56:10 PM »
I forgot to write down why I started out with a single monk level. The plan was to make use of the lv 10 Bonded Summoner ability to turn into an elder elemental. The monk and plenty of wisdom would have added a nice AC modifier on top of that. But, alas.. can't get there yet.

Help / Where did I go wrong? (Bonded Summoner)
« on: September 26, 2011, 06:53:48 PM »
I have some trouble with the Bonded Summoner prc. As far as I can tell I have all the requirements for it, but I can't select it when I level up.

I started out as a monk, then took enough Wizard levels to give me access to level 2 spells. Check. I had already given myself 12 Intelligence when I rolled the character, just so I could also cast these level 2 spells (not sure if that was also requirement, but I'd like to know). At that point I didn't have enough Lore yet, so I took one Fighter level (I also didn't want to persuit the monk route on the long run). Check. The wizard also gave me a familiar. Check.

What could I have done wrong? I am curious about the familiar thing, since it seems to imply I need a feat called 'familiar'. But I see none (aside from Summon Familiar as one of my abilities). What gives? :(

Help / Re: Beginner Help
« on: September 24, 2011, 11:18:22 AM »
Divine spells don't suffer from arcane spell failure - you can cast them even in heavy armor ;)

LOL I can't believe I forgot that. I really only added that bit to drive my point through, but in doing so I missed the obvious. ;)

At any rate, thanks for another excellent explanation. Gosh, I am having so much fun with this stuff.   ;D

Help / Re: Beginner Help
« on: September 24, 2011, 07:36:55 AM »
Thanks for the advice. I've looked over things and decided I am not so fond of losing caster levels as much as character levels in getting to the right prc. So I have another question along those lines.

I was thinking of starting with a few wizard levels instead, following it up with a single hexblade level and then some fighter levels. One problem though.. does the hexblade automatically also let me cast wizard spells in armor? Or (even crazier) divine spells?

I thought that the types of spells (arcane / divine, intelligence / charisma) might be treated differently.

Help / Beginner Help
« on: September 23, 2011, 06:57:54 PM »
Hi, my name is Nel and I need some beginner help. I am quite familiar with NWN2 and in seeking more challenges I decided to install NWN1 a while ago. I finished the OC without any hackpacks, but found it to be terribly bland compared to NWN2. A friend pointed me to the NWN PRC, and I have been browsing the site since. There is SO much info that I just couldn't make up my mind on how to start out. After days, I just decided to start a character for SotU and see what happens. A week into my game, I've come at a crossroads though, and now I find myself still overwhelmed by the amount of choices

I created a Mul Sorcerer that I kind of want to see taking the Acolyte of the Skin route. It's a roleplay character that focuses only a bit on magic and mostly on melee (fixed 16 charisma, limiting spell levels + nice constitution and strength), not a power character by any means. I'm not completely happy with my AC. What sort of options do I have with the PRC to turn this guy into an armored spellcaster?

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