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Messages - erie

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Help / Re: issue on PRC crafting
« on: May 18, 2012, 01:05:18 AM »
Thank you, all clear;
Especially for your kindly explanation Calirion  ;D

Help / issue on PRC crafting
« on: May 17, 2012, 02:34:49 PM »
Hi dudes,

Recently I picked up my old nwn games again and really enjoy the great mod of prc very much.
Amazing job!

However, I found myself with some trouble on the "new" PRC crafting sub-system.
I am playing NWN+all 2 exp. at 1.69, as well as PRC v3.5, no cep.
And my major char is a Sor at level 6, with feat of Luck of Heroes, Craft Wanderious and Craft Magic Armor & Weapon.
I found the "Examine recipes and ... -> craft item" is working perfect for me, but it creates just non-magic stuff you know.
The issue is, when I click at the "Examine recipes and ... -> examine recipes and craft item", then click at my char just like craft normal items, the mouse is till GREY therefore not clickable!
Instead, point the mouse to a gear, e.g. a Leather+1, it is clickable. But clicking at gear simply takes no effect at all, no popups and no dialog at all.

I've totally unaware at this issue please kindly help me with one or two hint to let me move on.
I am worrying at my feat invest heavily :-(

P.S. I have read the crafting part of documentation v3.5 for about 50 times, disappointing that does not help.
P.PS. Google said there used to be a prc shop allow you to buy some recipes but it seems for v3.5 there are just shops for spell scrolls and some misc martirel, at least for me.
I tried to look at the switches on PRC crafting but they just stay identical as the default values. Re-installing PRC pack is not helpful, as well.

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