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Messages - RogueThunder

Pages: [1]
Help / So... Adding PRCs to the PRC?
« on: July 08, 2009, 07:47:56 PM »
Oi. Once again.

So. In my random randomness I took it to me to see how hard it would be to add some stuf to the prc...

XD In my... crazedness I strarted searching around for how...

Talk about a hard subject to find information on... all I really found realating to adding classes to NWN at all was

The PRC Im looking at is Unseen Seer if anyones curious xD... anyway...

All I need to know really is what files Im going to need to muck around in, and what program to muck around in those files with. Through the aformentioned NWN forums thread I found a fairly interesting tool called Near Infinity -ignore this part-but I open the classes part and it cuts it off at 26... which hehe... we have quite a few more than. -ignore end here-
Edit: found my way into the PRC .da2 atleast now... but lol... still could use some hints as to where I might need to muck around... XD

Anyway XD seems like most of Unseen seers abilities are already implemented so it shouldnt be dificult... reltively speaking... and I actually would rather be amused to add it myself atleast for myself XD...

Ah well. If Im just uttterly crazy... ah... :o

Other Features / Poisonmaking? XD?
« on: July 02, 2009, 09:48:56 PM »
Oi once more...

So. Being Im playing a ninja whos hit the level he HAS use poison.... lv3 XD...

Im kinda curious where the eff Im supposed to GET said poison. I put ranks into poisonmaking foolishly thinking it would let me... yknow. Make poison. But I cant find any way to actually do so...

Umm. Yeah. Wha? Does poisonmaking do less then the goggles?

Prestige Classes / Some hybrid rogue/spellcaster pcs prehaps?
« on: July 02, 2009, 07:12:09 PM »
Quote from: xwarren

1. shadowmind *is* implemented in PRC
2. daggerspell mage - there is something similar - Arcane Trickster, as for divine casters - Black Flame Zealot should do :)
3. AFAIK spell sneak attack works fine B) (i got over 100 dmg from casting Ray of Frost!) , but I didn't play any class with it recently - is it broken?

But I would like to see Daggerspell Mage in PRC to, since it's more melee class than Arcane Trickster.

Didnt know shadowmind was implemented. Oh well I hate psi anyway...

I guess we have arcane trickster... But itd be nice to have a contrasting alternative.

As for black flame zelot. Not so much tho. Its non-good. XD for one. Also only gains divine spells per day every other level as base.

Didnt know spell-sneak-attakcs worked fine, had someone swear they didnt ever work--thanks for telling me they were wrong XD...

Prestige Classes / Some hybrid rogue/spellcaster pcs prehaps?
« on: July 01, 2009, 08:22:50 PM »
Oi again!

So. Going down the amazing PRC list the PRC has added (lol...)

I realised quite a gap... There are as far as I can tell NONE of the rogue(or nin ect)/spellcaster hybrid prcs implemented...

The three that come to mind as a good spread are...
Shadowbane Stalker (Comp Adv) [Rogue/Divine]
Shadowmind (Comp Adv) [Rogue/Psi]
Daggerspell Mage (Comp Adv) [Rogue/Arcane]

Also say... Daggerspell Shaper might be nice (Comp Adv) as its a druidic divine/rogue hyrbid. But eh. Eh. They dont need it as much... and really it looks like a nightmare to implement. Then again. So is daggerspell mage... its just the only arcane one in the books I have my hands on atm.

Anyway. Nwn is a bastard for not letting you sneak attack with spells that you should be able to sneak attack with. (Rays, touch attacks, and ranged touch attacks) XD...


Anyway... ^.^ You lovely folks implemented the ninja. So how about some of the more useful spells for the rogue/ninja classes ever made?

Grave Strike (Can sneak attack undead) (Wiz/Sorc 1)
Golem Strike (Can sneak attack constructs) (Cleric/Paladin/Favored soul 1)
Vine Strike (Can sneak attack plant-creatures) (Druid/Ranger 1

They're all Swift spells lv1 that have a duration of 1 round.

These are all from the Complete Adventurer WotC book. ^.^

I actually can't imagine it'd be too hard to implement them. Hijack some of the Favored Enemy code... a little from sneak attack. Work together checking how much to do... Not exactly the original wording, but same effective effect...

I might actually give a try at coding it XD but I'm a terrible programmer. Don't actually know where/how to add a spell... suppose I might try learning xD

Edit: It strikes me some consideration for the Hand of the Winged Masters speical ability to switch out sneak attack damage would also be necessary... Just noting it. XD

Edit2: The enchantments that go with this are the greater Truedeath Crystal(weaponslot crystal... *sighs* hate that weird system) and Demolition crystal, both from the magic item compendium. There's also a +1 enchant based on ghost touch, and undead to death(not sure which book that's in, looking it up) that for +! bonus cost gives you effectively ghost touch and sneak attack/crits to undead. *shrugs* undead are the irritating ones.

Other Features / Installer and apllier... and .net
« on: July 01, 2009, 06:08:28 AM »
A little request. Could we see the installer and updater have the same .net requirement? Please? Currently the installer requires 1.1 and the "updater" requires 2.0 .net... Shouldn't be that hard to toss the installer up to a 2.0 installer. ^.^'

Thanks, just a bit of a messy bit on xp.

... Now if only my w7 system would stop doing crazy crashing issues in NWN... (XD It comes with a weird meta version of .net that couldnt give a damn)

Base Classes / Shifter--Race, Extra Shifter Feat, minor bug
« on: June 22, 2009, 02:56:10 AM »
Eh, just a little one.

To trigger the selection of your extra trait, you have to initiate some sort of dialog if you gained it on character creation.

You DO get to gain your starting one automaticaly right away.

Course, trying to craft something, then aborting, fixes this. Still a neusance to note tho.

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