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Messages - Chaszmyr

Pages: [1] 2
Other Features / Re: Next PRC Update requests
« on: August 09, 2015, 06:48:50 PM »
My main criticism would be that there seemed to be a focus on being completely authentic to original D&D texts, to the point of confusion. My example would be Hellfire Warlock's prerequisites:

Entry Requirements

Skills: Intimidate 6 ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 12 ranks, Spellcraft 6 ranks.

Language: Infernal.

I had to find the prerequisite 2da to make sure that "Knowledge (the planes)" meant Lore, and had to dig through prereq scripts to find that "Language: Infernal" meant that you needed to be able to cast Hellrime Blast or Brimstone Blast.

Just my two cents! Everything else I can think of is subjective; for example, I have made a few abilities free action to give NWN a more action-ey feel, but that is definitely my own twist on things and not something I'd ask the entire PRC to follow suit on.

General Discussion / Re: What server is everyone playing on? 2015!
« on: August 09, 2015, 06:40:40 PM »
Heyo, I am staff on Cardathian Adventures - The World of Arleah. We use a heavily modified PRC, as I've done my own fixes, and more importantly cut or modified things to suit our setting. Pure roleplay world, etc etc. Just thought I'd chime in while I was browsing the forum :)

Help / Re: Shadow Discorporation
« on: October 26, 2013, 01:43:51 PM »
It wasn't working for me right away either, but I noticed that my OnPlayerDying event was still calling "nw_o0_dying" as well as "prc_ondying",  which was basically just EffectDeath and done, which would kill PCs before Shadow Discorporation even had a chance to fire. After that, it started working just fine, though I spruced it up with a little bit of VFX, which was when I came across the GetRandomLocation dilemma. It seems to do a pretty good job of getting valid locations, I just don't want valid locations behind locked doors, haha.

Help / Shadow Discorporation
« on: October 26, 2013, 03:30:08 AM »
So, Shadow Discorporation (on Telflammar Shadowlord) acquires a random location (GetRandomLocation function from X0_i0_position.nss) 30 feet from the PC. Unfortunately, this does not take into account that players might be jumped behind locked doors or into secret/restricted areas.

Now, I know of the LineOfSightVector function, I could compare the PC's location and the random location and make sure they are in line of sight, however, the NWN Lexicon warns that the LineOfSightVector function is an "expensive function", so I'm afraid to heavily loop a line of sight check with it.

Do you have any suggestions on efficient script logic for this? Maybe I should let it try to gain line of sight via LineOfSightVector something like 5-10 times maximum? Maybe a few times and then try 15 feet a few times, and if it can't find a legal destination it fails?

Just looking for an opinion on what the most efficient means of eliminating or minimizing the (maybe even accidentally) exploitive potential Shadow Discorporation has.

Help / Re: Sacred Fist caster level issue
« on: April 30, 2013, 03:03:15 AM »
Playing around with equipment and resting seems to have fixed it, but he doesn't remember using equipment that would have triggered it. I'll keep an eye on the situation. Thanks!

Help / Sacred Fist caster level issue
« on: April 29, 2013, 01:43:27 AM »
Heya, some of my players are having a problem with Sacred Fist's full caster level progression not functioning. The latest one to report it is getting a caster level equal to his cleric level + practiced spellcaster only. I know of the issue with racial spells, but all of the Sacred Fists so far have been standard races with no racial spells. The DivSpellLvlMod in classes.2da of Sacred Fist is still set to 1, so it isn't there.

Any idea where else the issue might be? Thanks!

Help / Lingering Damage question
« on: February 02, 2013, 01:39:04 AM »
Heya, I was toying around with Lingering Damage, which appears to want to work with ranged or melee both:

if( GetWeaponRanged(oItem) || IPGetIsMeleeWeapon(oItem) )

This makes it not work with ranged weapons, because that needs to be on the ammo, so I tried:

if( GetWeaponRanged(oItem) || IPGetIsMeleeWeapon(oItem) || IPGetIsProjectile(oItem) )

...And it worked. However, every single shot - even non-sneak attacks - apply lingering damage to the target. I can only surmise that GetCanSneakAttack isn't happy with ranged sneak attacks somehow. I looked at...

if(bIsFlanked || bIsDeniedDex && bIsInRange)

I am definitely not flanking the target; they were swinging at me face to face in melee. They are definitely in range, so is GetIsDeniedDexBonusToAC somehow not working right for ranged?

TL;DR, using Lingering Damage with ranged weapons in an experimental way caused it to think that all non-sneak attacks were sneak attacks, and I'm wondering if I've just broken it because I'm using it in a way that isn't intended (maybe GetWeaponRanged is only there for darts and throwing axes and shurikens?), or if something isn't calculating right for ranged and my experimentation isn't actually at fault. Thoughts?

Help / Re: Racial Spells
« on: January 27, 2013, 08:10:45 PM »
Aha! I get it now. I can implement a workaround for my server in the meantime, thanks for letting me know what was making it break!

Help / Server lockup problem with PRC database
« on: January 17, 2013, 01:52:42 PM »
Running our server and nwnx2 and whatnot on linux. Maybe once a week or so, we get this error in the console thingy:

Error Number  -120, 90619
Writing to File


And usually the last thing in nwserverLog1.txt is:

[Thu Jan 17 04:33:24] Storing Bioware2DACache

Thankfully our host wrote a kill script for me that fixes all of this, but I'd rather not have to have the server lock up so hard that NWNX2 can't fix it and need my intervention on a weekly basis. Any ideas?

Help / Re: Racial Spells
« on: January 16, 2013, 10:42:00 PM »
Heyo, any update on the racial spells? :o

Help / Re: Debug spam?
« on: January 15, 2013, 02:08:07 PM »
Aha! Awesome, thanks.

Help / Debug spam?
« on: January 14, 2013, 04:40:26 PM »
Having an issue where players are being spammed by some spell stuff in their combat log, most notably "x2_s3_flamingd caster level = 2" whenever someone with Dragonfire Inspiration on a weapon strikes something in melee. It is kind of random who sees it, but they don't need to be in party or anything. Looking into that script I can see it has to do with some DoDebug stuff, but I don't have PRC_DEBUG in my personal_switch.2da at all.

Any ideas? Is there any other 'debug' that could be on causing it?

Help / Re: Racial Spells
« on: January 08, 2013, 03:10:48 PM »
Sweet, thanks! No worries, I've got a pile of module work to do too that'll take a while.

Help / Re: Racial Spells
« on: January 08, 2013, 02:28:24 PM »
Aha, I was thinking of working around it myself with ReqAction, good to know I was on the right track. I'll knock that out.

I should add that I am using this teleport on a custom race that I added. I thought the problem might have been with that, but racial_sla.nss didn't actually check for that:

Code: [Select]
            nCasterLvl = 6;

Sorry that I didn't mention that before in case that is a factor, but yeah, please let me know what you find.

Help / Re: Racial Spells
« on: January 08, 2013, 02:04:02 PM »
Just adding on, there is an additional problem going on: after casting racial teleport, the character's caster level is stuck at 6 no matter what. A full server reset is the only way to fix it.

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