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Messages - Jean-Luc

Pages: [1]
Prestige Classes / Re: Bladesinger - Song of Celerity
« on: August 15, 2012, 03:50:22 PM »
Yeah, the ability isn't all that powerful but a quickened stoneskin, lesser spell breach or fireball can be nice, especially since the BS needs to melee and not waste too much time on spells mid-combat.

EDIT: The duskblade basically already has  a more powerful version of this ability.

I do admit that the absence of SoC bothers me more for fluff reasons than gameplay ones. A bladesinger just doesn't feel like a bladesinger without all his "songs".

In any case thanks for the reply.

Prestige Classes / Re: Bladesinger - Song of Celerity
« on: August 15, 2012, 11:51:07 AM »
C'mon guys, not even a simple, "No we don't care about SoC, go away"?

Prestige Classes / Bladesinger - Song of Celerity
« on: August 11, 2012, 11:57:55 AM »
Hello. First of all thank you for putting together this wonderful mod. :)

Secondly, from what I see in the manual, BS has no SoC ability of any kind so some of his levels look kinda empty.

4: None.
5: Bonus Feat.
7: None
8: Bonus Feat.
9: None

I was just wondering if this is an omission or a design decision? If it's an error are there plans to add SoC (don't worry, I won't ask when ;))? Even a (quickened?) haste ability (like in the nwn2 pack) would be enough imo.

Thank you.

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