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Messages - Grakl

Pages: [1]
Help / Re: Question about duskblade's arcane channeling
« on: July 11, 2013, 11:46:24 AM »
I know this is terrible thread-cromancy but it has some information pertinent to my problem. I created a Duskblade and I believe I've correctly quick-bar'd the "Hold the Charge" toggle. I use the toggle and it displays "*Hold the Charge*". When I cast any of the Duskblade's "touch" spells on myself I get an error about the pvp settings (I'm playing single-player) not allowing me to execute that action. Unfortunately, Uncertainty's fix to cast on an item always outputs an error to the chat log "Sequencer: Can not store an offensive spell" or something along those lines. When I cast the touch spell on anything (say an NPC, chest, etc...) even with *Hold the Charge* toggled, it will cast the spell regularly as a touch spell and won't store it.

I'm using the GoG - NWN - Diamond Edition (1.69) version of the game with PRC 3.5 (no CEP). Thanks for any help anyone can offer.

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