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Author Topic: XP gain question  (Read 10916 times)

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September 17, 2012, 09:50:21 PM
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Is there a way to make summoned creatures not count against XP gain?  I don't want my summons to drop XP gain from killing things.

 If yes, is there a command line(s) I can add to mt preferences so it auto loads each time I play?

September 18, 2012, 04:35:06 PM
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You can use PRC XP system. It's enabled by setting PRC_XP_USE_PNP_XP switch on the module (or in personal_switch.2da). It's configured by various PRC_XP_* switches from prc_inc_switch.nss. Tomorrow I'll post how a sample personal_switch.2da for xp system should look like.

September 18, 2012, 10:37:11 PM
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Can't wait to see the same for the prefernces file.

September 19, 2012, 12:40:32 PM
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This is sample personal_switch.2da for PRC xp system. With switches set up in this way xp system will use default bioware xp tables and familiars, companions, summoned creatures won't affect experience points gained.

Code: [Select]
2DA V2.0

   SwitchName                              SwitchType SwitchValue
0  PRC_XP_USE_PNP_XP                       int        1           
1  PRC_XP_USE_BIOWARE_XPTABLE              int        1           
2  PRC_XP_SLIDER_x100                      int        100         
3  PRC_XP_PC_PARTY_COUNT_x100              int        100         
4  PRC_XP_DOMINATED_PARTY_COUNT_x100       int        0           
5  PRC_XP_HENCHMAN_PARTY_COUNT_x100        int        0           
6  PRC_XP_UNKNOWN_PARTY_COUNT_x100         int        0           
7  PRC_XP_SUMMONED_PARTY_COUNT_x100        int        0           
8  PRC_XP_FAMILIAR_PARTY_COUNT_x100        int        0           
9  PRC_XP_ANIMALCOMPANION_PARTY_COUNT_x100 int        0           
10 PRC_XP_MUST_BE_IN_AREA                  int        1           
11 PRC_XP_MAX_PHYSICAL_DISTANCE            int        100         
12 PRC_XP_MAX_LEVEL_DIFF                   int        5           

September 19, 2012, 08:29:43 PM
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Thanks for this!!

Just tried the XP.  It seems to work.  The only I find is that some enemies no longer provide any experience.  In the prelude of NWN, the tough goblins and mysterious mages provide no experience (doesn't say 0, just get nothing when you kill them).  Otherwise it is working fine.  I'll see if anything else later has no experience.  Assuming that leveling is occuring at a good pace, I will be satisfied.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2012, 08:31:25 PM by Necro »

September 20, 2012, 11:17:15 AM
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Thanks for this!!

Just tried the XP.  It seems to work.  The only I find is that some enemies no longer provide any experience.  In the prelude of NWN, the tough goblins and mysterious mages provide no experience (doesn't say 0, just get nothing when you kill them).  Otherwise it is working fine.  I'll see if anything else later has no experience.  Assuming that leveling is occuring at a good pace, I will be satisfied.
Have you installed prc_ocfix? The system won't work for creatures with custom OnDeath scritps.

September 20, 2012, 01:15:08 PM
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Yes I applied the OC fix when I installed 3.5 (always do as I like the Dread Necro).

I am ok for now as I am gaining experience faster than the OC typically does for a single character even with the 0 XP enemies.  How would I slow the XP gain by say 20% (I want 80% of the current rate)?

September 20, 2012, 01:56:59 PM
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Yes I applied the OC fix when I installed 3.5 (always do as I like the Dread Necro).

I am ok for now as I am gaining experience faster than the OC typically does for a single character even with the 0 XP enemies.  How would I slow the XP gain by say 20% (I want 80% of the current rate)?
Edit personal_switch.2da and set PRC_XP_SLIDER_x100 to 80 ;)

September 20, 2012, 07:54:32 PM
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Thanks allot!!

November 01, 2012, 07:33:57 PM
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I did that and it worked, but in the prelude chapter the goblins and skeletons were giving 48 and 14 xp separated, why?
then i killed javen, jaden, dunno his name (the human fighter) and got 48 xp too, but not the extra 14... wth? O.o
Edit: well the first problem  seems to have disappeared, but the tough goblins and mage dont give xp (and i have the oc fix ofc), will this happen throughout the game to these "champs" enemies?
« Last Edit: November 01, 2012, 08:20:35 PM by havoker »

November 06, 2012, 12:03:59 PM
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I don't know if this wasnt read (no one saw it) or is just that my question got ignored cause there is no "fix" for this problem?

November 06, 2012, 02:07:48 PM
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Sorry for late replay. I remember fixing some creatures from OC with custom OnDeath scripts (tough goblins etc.). So imo what you described should not happen. I don't remember when I last played OC though. I'll have to test this myself.

November 08, 2012, 07:45:41 PM
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Some mobs don't give xp, others do... one time i think escape sorcerer didnt give, another time it did.
The 4 assassins that keep spawning in first chapter trying to kill you don't give.
The brain devour didnt, the dude with dire mace in bergar nests (the overconfident one after sword coast boy), the guard captain (friendly npc in the start of every one of the 4 parts in the first chapter)
The priests of helm neither... but well, with the increased xp rate i believe im still leveling faster than normal, but i really wanted xp from the mind devourer, just to know how much it would have been.
In the long run i think the xp system will be flawed in these details, but i believe it will still give more xp than default.
Btw, why the hell some mobs give xp others don't with mods?
Why they don't give at least the default xp? O.o

November 13, 2012, 12:27:07 AM
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I thought I would try this xp system out as well.  I am currently running an eldritch disxiple through the OC.  I have not had the problem where mobs give 0 xp.  I have not yet killed the intellect devourer(on my way now), but I have killed the Assassins sent by desther and did indeed get xp for them. 

I have also noticed that I get 2 xp gained messages.  I am guessing that the second one, which is always smaller, is the normal amount I would get from just using Bioware xp gains.  I say this because I am seeing familiar numbers, 4xp for weaker opponents for example. 

fyi: I am using the oc fixes prc with no other hakpaks/overrides and using the xp 2da posted above. Hope this helps

EDIT: Ok, I killed the intellect devourer now, turns out that I am only got ONE of the "experience points gained: xxx" messages. Normally when I kill something with this personal 2da I am getting two such messages.  I paid a little more attention this time and same thing happened with the mysterious assassins.

sidenote: xp gain as posted is indeed too fast for the OC.  I realize that playing through the OC was not the intended purpose of this system, but thought this information would be useful to future people.  As a reference after collecting 3 reagents I am already level 7.  Normally Level 7 is at the Chapter 1 Finale in my experience.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2012, 02:36:06 AM by Barlot »