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Author Topic: Shifter (PNP) and healing  (Read 4831 times)

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June 26, 2009, 04:46:40 PM
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One thing that bugs me about the Shifter (PNP) class is that if you shift while injured, if your true form has enough less CON than the form you're shifting from, you will die when it shifts back to your true form and before you shift into the new form--even if the new form has more CON than the old. This especially doesn't make sense because shifting supposed to heal you anyway. It would be easy to fix by healing before shifting back to the true form rather than after. What do you think?

June 29, 2009, 10:14:44 AM
Reply #1
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Quote from: CapnQ

One thing that bugs me about the Shifter (PNP) class is that if you shift while injured, if your true form has enough less CON than the form you're shifting from, you will die when it shifts back to your true form and before you shift into the new form--even if the new form has more CON than the old. This especially doesn't make sense because shifting supposed to heal you anyway. It would be easy to fix by healing before shifting back to the true form rather than after. What do you think?

No comment?

In particular, I'm wondering two things:
1) I'm not familiar with the actual PnP rules that cause a shifter to heal when changing forms. Would this change still fit the rules?
2) Would this change be more open to abuse?

I've been playing with this change, and it really makes the shifter a lot smoother to play--if you're in a fight and need a different form, you can just switch to it and not worry about automatically dying. This is especially useful because for some forms, you can't heal yourself and shift because healing scrolls and potions don't work: you get a message that "Your spell failed due to being in a form that prevented either a somatic or a vocal component from being used".

July 05, 2009, 12:24:53 PM
Reply #2

Well, according to the PHB 3.5, the druid's wild shape works like the polymorph spell unless otherwise noted. Wild shape fails to note anything about healing, so we reference to the polymorph spell, which mentions that the caster regains hit points as if having had a full night's rest (without the other benefits), which is 1 hp per character level.

July 06, 2009, 09:58:36 AM
Reply #3
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Quote from: Onisuzume

Well, according to the PHB 3.5, the druid's wild shape works like the polymorph spell unless otherwise noted. Wild shape fails to note anything about healing, so we reference to the polymorph spell, which mentions that the caster regains hit points as if having had a full night's rest (without the other benefits), which is 1 hp per character level.

1) You quote PHB 3.5, but isn't PRC (and NWN1 in general) based on 3.0 rules? My understanding is that the wildshape/polymorph rules changed a lot from 3.0 to 3.5, so referencing 3.5 rules probably won't help a lot.
2) A full nights rest in PnP might be one hp per character level, but in NWN a full night's rest always heals completely, so I'm thinking the Shifter should follow this same rule.

My real question was, does anyone see a reason it would be bad to do this just before shifting rather than just after, to keep the Shifter from dying when shifting?

July 13, 2009, 12:06:53 PM
Reply #4

No full healing, certainly. And yes, NWN is 3.0 rules.
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.