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Author Topic: Prestige Class: Ghost-Faced Killer  (Read 6523 times)

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June 08, 2009, 12:13:45 PM

He Who Walked Among Us - SamuraiCW16/BG3/GFK21
Strongheart Halfling
Lawful Evil

Str 13
Dex 18
Con 10
Int 12
Wis 8
Cha 14

1 - SamuraiCW 1 Power Attack, Cleave
2 - SamuraiCW 2
3 - SamuraiCW 3 Weapon Finesse
4 - SamuraiCW 4 +1Dex
5 - SamuraiCW 5
6 - SamuraiCW 6 Force of Personality
7 - SamuraiCW 7 Hide 5
8 - BG 1 +1Dex
9 - BG 2 AmbiDex
10 - SamuraiCW 8(GFK prereq skills)
11 - GFK 1
12 - BG 3 +1Cha, Divine Might
13 - GFK 2
14 - GFK 3
15 - GFK 4 Imp Crit:Short Sword
16 - GFK 5 +1Cha
17 - GFK 6
18 - GFK 7 Weapon Focus:Short Sword
19 - GFK 8
20 - SamuraiCW 9 +1Cha
*no loss in bab,-1fort/+2ref,will for having odd levels
21 - SamuraiCW 10 Divine Shield
22 - SamuraiCW 11
23 - GFK 9
24 - GFK 10 +Cha, Epic Wep Focus
25 - SamuraiCW 12
26 - SamuraiCW 13
27 - SamuraiCW 14 Epic Prowess
28 - SamuraiCW 15 +1Cha
29 - SamuraiCW 16
30 - GFK 11 Disciple of Darkness
31 - GFK 12
32 - GFK 13 +1Cha
33 - GFK 14 Armourskin
34 - GFK 15
35 - GFK 16
36 - GFK 17 +1Dex, Greater Dex I
37 - GFK 18
38 - GFK 19
39 - GFK 20 Greater Dex II
40 - GFK 21 +1Dex

Str 13
Dex 24
Con 10
Int 12
Wis 8
Cha 20

Skills 171
Disc 20(21)
Intim 43(52)
Spellcraft 20
Tumble 40

Fort 30
Reflex 28
Will 26

AC 27(29fullplate)
HP 358
BAB 30
AB 38/33/28/23 38/33/28
1-6+1 17-20x2

Sneak Attack 7d6
Mass Staredown(Intim 56 V DC 1d20+HitDie+wisMod)
Disciple of Darkness(As Spell Truestrike)
Ghost Sight(Perma See Invis)
8 Divine Might/Shield(+5AB/AC 2min duration total)
3xKiai Smite(+5AB/damage)
1xSmite Good(+5AB/+3damage)
7 Ghost Steps(only form of natural "hiding")
7Frightful Attacks(WillDC36, +1per power attack level against onlookers)
11 Initiative
Can wear any armour/shield, shield will give +4 AB too due to small size and dual wield medium sized
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 12:13:57 PM
Reply #1

6/4/10 Anti-Palidan/Blackguard/Ghost Faced Killer
Chaotic Evil

Str 22
Dex 8
Con 14
Int 14
Wis 8
Cha 18

would normally only have 28 skill points at 10th, need 30

1 - Antipalidan 1 Power Attack, Concentration 4
2 - Antipalidan 2
3 - Antipalidan 3 Cleave
4 - Antipalidan 4 +1CHA
5 - Antipalidan 5
6 - Antipalidan 6 Improved Initiative, Hide 6, Intimidate 8
7 - BlackGuard 1
8 - BlackGuard 2 +1CHA
9 - BlackGuard 3 Divine Might, Move Silently 6(cross class), Taunt 10
10 - GFK 1
11 - GFK 2
12 - GFK 3 +1CHA Weapon Focus Scimitar/Imp Crit Scimitar/Force of Personality
13 - GFK 4
14 - GFK 5
15 - GFK 6 Knockdown
16 - GFK 7 +1CHA
17 - BlackGuard 4 taunt 20
18 - GFK 8 Improved Knockdown
19 - GFK 9
20 - GFK 10 +1CHA

CHARISMA bonus gives you
+2 to all saves
+1 to will saves when you have a slot for Force of Personality
+1 round of Divine Might divine damage
+1 damage divine might, frequently doubled by high crit scimitar
+1 DC Frightful Attack (already +4 DC due to ANtiPalidan Fear Aura)
+1 Taunt Check (up to -6 targets AC/30% spell failure for 5 rounds), Use taunt to set up
knockdowns which give you your sneak attack oppurtunities since you wont be sneaking much in heavy armor =)

this build has a little versatility in that it can create sneak attack oppurtunities with the
taunt/knockdown combo. Against sneak immune it uses Div Might with high crit weapon. You should carry an extra set of light armor when you intend to assassinate a target with Frightful Attack and use plate and Tower shield most other times.

you give up BG spells but they're not that hot in my usage. You really need any skill points you can get for stealth and taunt and maybe a little discipline.

in NWN2 might want to throw in some levels of Marshal for Art of War Discipline debuff. Drop to 4Antipalidan/3Marshal to avoid XP penalty and lose 10th level of GFK pre-epic. Between your IMP Knockdown, high CHA taunt, and marshal aura, your opponents will spend most of thier time on thier arse taking sneaks. Use a Large size model like ogre for more fun.

One problem with this build is AP Fear Aura is hard to use. It counts as an attack, dispelling stealth. The set up scenario looks something like this:

Turn on Power Attack (advise lowest level, you dont wanna miss after all this work)
Swap into some armor you can sneak in
Approach target(s) with AP Fear Aura on and make sure they are debuffed
use Ghost Step
Use stealth (ghost step is best used with stealth to buy more time, works just like HiPS)
Use healing kits to heal damage taken while waiting for Ghost Step to kick in. Healing kit does not dispel stealth
Make sure power attack still on
Check targets resistance and make sure not immune to fear (and preferably has weak will saves i.e. melee type)
Attack debuffed target that cons lower level than you (Frightful Attack only works on targets weaker than yourself)

A lot of work to kill something weaker than you anyway

This is also a little tough unless you have crafted some plate mail with no skill penalties and/or wear stealth boosting gear. I carry two sets of armor, one heavy, one light, I'm an Orog its not like it encumbers me =)

For what its worth this is my "base" div might build. I use 6/4 AP/BG or 6/7 AP/BG (if third PRC requires 3rd or 4th level divine casting) on just about every CHA based build and it works pretty well with all of them:

antipalidan/blackguard/thrall of Orcus 6/4/10 (unbelievably powerful)

antipalidan/blackguard/SOULEATER 6/4/10 (gets UMD cross class which is CHA based)

antipalidan/blackguard/Fist of Hextor 6/4/10 (fear abilities stack alignment change required)

antipalidan/blackguard/Ravager 6/4/10 (fear abilities stack)

antipalidan/blackguard/Champion of Bane 6/4/10 (possibly best possible saves in game, alignment change required)

antipalidan/blackguard/disciple of baalzebul 6/4/10 (+4CHA bonus,4d6 sneak, UMD as class skill)

antipalidan/blackguard/Initiate of Draconic Mysteries 6/7/7 5/10/5 5/5/10(Fantastic saves, Fearful Prescence stack)

antipalidan/blackguard/Ocular Adept 6/4/10 (fantastic DC's on rays when CHA based)

antipalidan/blackguard/Warchief 6/4/10 (+6CHA, high level cohorts, ref/will saves)

antipalidan/blackguard/Marshal 6/7/7 (great saves, can choose aura to boost any save by CHA bonus)

antipalidan/blackguard/Iaijutsu Master 6/4/10 (few spare feats but Iaijutsu CHA based)

antipalidan/blackguard/talontar blightlord 6/7/7

antipalidan/blackguard/Black Flame Zealot 6/7/7
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 12:14:07 PM
Reply #2

The Sightless Eye - Ninja28/NinjaSpy4/GFK8
"As a Shifter may forget their orignal form..."
Was going to leave ninja to someone else but couldnt resist.


Str 13
Dex 23
Con 10
Int 10
Wis 16
Cha 8

1 - Ninja 1 Dodge
2 - Ninja 2
3 - Ninja 3 Wep Finesse
4 - Ninja 4 +1Dex
5 - Ninja 5
6 - Ninja 6 Toughness
7 - Ninja 7
8 - Ninja 8 +1Dex
9 - Ninja 9 Imp Initiative
10 - Ninja 10
11 - Ninja 11
12 - Ninja 12 +1Dex, Power Attack(4conc,10 bluff/hide/ms/Tumble)
13 - Ninja Spy 1
14 - Ninja Spy 2 (8Intim)
15 - GFK 1 Imp Crit:Rapier
16 - Ninja Spy 3 +1Dex
17 - Ninja Spy 4
18 - GFK 2 Wep Focus:Rapier
19 - GFK 3
20 - GFK 4 +1Dex
21 - GFK 5 Epic Wep Focus
22 - GFK 6
23 - Ninja 13
24 - Ninja 14 +1Dex, Greater Dex I
25 - Ninja 15
26 - Ninja 16
27 - Ninja 17 Self Conceak I
28 - Ninja 18 +1Dex
29 - Ninja 19
30 - Ninja 20 Self Conceak II
31 - GFK 7
32 - Ninja 21 +1Dex
33 - Ninja 22 Self Conceak III
34 - Ninja 23
35 - Ninja 24 Defensive Roll
36 - Ninja 25 +1Dex, Epic Dodge
37 - Ninja 26
38 - Ninja 27
39 - Ninja 28 Self Conceak IV/V
40 - GFK 8 +1Dex

Str 13
Dex 34
Con 10
Int 10
Wis 16
Cha 8

Skills 211
Disc 43(44)
Hide/MS 43(55)
Spellcraft 20
Tumble 40(72)

Fort 22(26)
Reflex 35(39)
Will 24(28)

AC 33
HP 304
BAB 26
AB 41/36/31/26
1-6+1 15-20x2

18d6 Sneak
HiPs/Epic Dodge/Self Conceal V/Imp Evasion
17xEthreal Step/Greater Ki Dodge/Ghost Strike
8xGhost Walk
3xEthreal Step
2xFrightful Attack DC17
16 Initiative
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.