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Author Topic: Request Template: Shade  (Read 5108 times)

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September 29, 2010, 02:44:26 PM

I cant seem to find the PRC Template list anywhere ( thou i've been looking) and i would like to ask if it isnt In PRC yet if anyone got a clue about Nwn Modding, if adding the Template SHADE would be greatly appreciated for the use on the server i play on.

*cough* sorry for sorta requesting this out of the blue, i doubt anyone would take it up but hey you'd never know unless you'd ask.

September 29, 2010, 05:19:53 PM
Reply #1

Could you be a little more specific about the template please? I did a little Googling and it seems that there's several versions of the Shade template (one's undead, another's humanoid, another is outsider, etc).

Do you know which book the template you're interested in is from?

As far as I know (and I could be wrong), such a template is not in the PRC at this time.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2010, 05:21:46 PM by heimdallw32 »

September 30, 2010, 01:10:55 AM
Reply #2

I actually did do some work on a Shade template, probably close to a year ago, and then submitted what I had done to the PRC team. Even though there were a few things missing, it should not have taken long for someone to add those parts in.

September 30, 2010, 05:27:17 AM
Reply #3

Nice Ganshi, Oh Heimdallw gimme a moment, i should have Some SS'es of the Corebook containing the Shade template, but yeah it got several odd templates lying around.

Edit: I seem to have lost it over the Years :P sadly.

I do however remember that the template was ca this:

Shade; humanoid template added onto a former Creature.

bonus hitdice +d2

movement speed increase ?

+1 ac
some mumble stuff

When in Shadows/shadow'ed area/night/underground.

Recieves +2 charisma +2 constitution.

Passive abilities: Rapid healing?: 1 hitpoint per round.

Shadow jump: May Jump Via the shadows ( Like telflammar's shadowlord's Shadow pounce) every 2nd round as a free action. Limited time, it was limited range based on the lvl of the shade thou.

active abilities: Shadowtravel/shadow Walking: Functions as teleport without error 1/day or can alternatively be used to planeshift to the Shadowplane or back to the material plane.

Passive ability: Can use "controle Light" in his vincinity it increased by by 10% per level, aswell as 5 or 10 feet per level increase.

I think that was it, so if you see something smiliar its what i was speaking about.

However! I do not care which template refered tp, I merely Desire the Shade template that does "something" hell even if it was a negative template ( aka it made it harder, char weaker) i wouldn't mind, as i merely want the role play aspect of the Shade, but with only words and nothing to back it up, playing a shade is rough ya.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2010, 09:32:51 AM by White195 »

November 02, 2010, 06:14:00 PM
Reply #4

I can second this thread.

A Shade template would indeed be awesome.

I used to have loads of D&D books, Monster Manuals and so forth. I seem to recall the template being fully explained in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Settings book, with all the nescessary bonuses and such. I can't seem to find all my old books, if I could I would have written everything down here.

This is the book.

Not sure if this info is usefull, but hope it helps.