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Author Topic: Adding spells to other classes.  (Read 9021 times)

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February 07, 2011, 06:26:37 AM

I tried to add some "Justice of Weald and Woe" spells to assassin's spellbook, without much success, so can anyone tell me, please, what i'm missing ?!
  the steps i've done were:

1-add the spell to the feat cls_feat_asasin.2da
2-add the spell to cls_spell_asasin.2da AND cls_spcr_asasin.2da

actually i think i should add it to the dialogue options, but i don't know where it is (new to this ><)

thanks beforehand :)

February 09, 2011, 11:45:27 AM
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Quote from: marohair39

I tried to add some "Justice of Weald and Woe" spells to assassin's spellbook, without much success, so can anyone tell me, please, what i'm missing ?!
  the steps i've done were:

1-add the spell to the feat cls_feat_asasin.2da
2-add the spell to cls_spell_asasin.2da AND cls_spcr_asasin.2da

actually i think i should add it to the dialogue options, but i don't know where it is (new to this ><)

thanks beforehand :)

It's really easy if you downloaded our SVN repository - there are some tools that make it painless ;), and it's getting very complicated if you don't have those tools.

So if you want to try I would recommend downloading the repository first.

February 10, 2011, 05:06:22 AM
Reply #2

done :D , followed the steps in this article:

what should i do now ?!

February 10, 2011, 11:14:48 AM
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Quote from: marohair39

done :D , followed the steps in this article:

what should i do now ?!

Make sure you have Java installed on your PC, and:
1. add the spell to cls_spcr_asasin.2da
2. run assemble_spellbooks.bat (this may take a while)
3. update file-ends in include\inc_switch_setup.nss (set 177 of line
SetPRCSwitch("PRC_FILE_END_cls_spell_asasin", 177);

to the number of rows your new cls_spell_asasin.2da has.
4. build the PRC (run make.bat and wait) or replace all 2da flies in prc_2das.hak with the files you have in your repository and copy new tlk file.

February 11, 2011, 01:58:48 PM
Reply #4

First, thank you for the help !!

I followed the exact steps ... without much success 0.0:

started by copying the cls_spcr_asasin.2da (only this one first time) and  cls_spell_asasin.2da (2nd time) to the svn 2da folder (had them already ready so figured, i could just replace the one that came with svn with those i already extracted and modifeed) .

the rest i did as you explained, exactly. but still didn't work ..maybe should add the feat one too ?!

also, about the folders/files with (!) mark, means they got new files added/modifed in them ? :o

February 11, 2011, 02:31:07 PM
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Quote from: marohair39

First, thank you for the help !!

I followed the exact steps ... without much success 0.0:

started by copying the cls_spcr_asasin.2da (only this one first time) and  cls_spell_asasin.2da (2nd time) to the svn 2da folder (had them already ready so figured, i could just replace the one that came with svn with those i already extracted and modifeed) .

the rest i did as you explained, exactly. but still didn't work ..maybe should add the feat one too ?!

also, about the folders/files with (!) mark, means they got new files added/modifed in them ? :o

You need only to edit spcr file, others (feat, spell, iprp_feat, cls_spell, cls_feat, tlk) are edited by assemble_spellbooks.bat (this process takes about 5~10 minutes on my computer). After it finishes you need to run make.bat to compile the PRC (this operation is much longer, usually takes over an hour on my PC). This will build all PRC haks and install them into your NWN folder.

Do you get any errors during the build process?

February 11, 2011, 04:36:13 PM
Reply #6

same result ><

1- edit .2da
2- use assemblespellbook
3-add the number of the new rows added to in_switch_setup.
4-click on the make.bat to port them to nwn folder.

about errors, i didn't see any, everything seems to go smoothly.
I will keep trying and see where i'm doing it wrong even after following the steps. At least now, i got the idea how to make it work :D

again thank you for help !!!

EDIT: as a last question, i.e, in the case of shadow arrow spell, its name in Justice of the W&W's spell book is "JusticeOfWealdAnd_ShadowArrow", it isn't an issue if i change the name when i add it to "cls_spcr_asasin"  ?!
« Last Edit: February 11, 2011, 04:50:29 PM by marohair39 »

February 12, 2011, 09:47:04 AM
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Quote from: marohair39

EDIT: as a last question, i.e, in the case of shadow arrow spell, its name in Justice of the W&W's spell book is "JusticeOfWealdAnd_ShadowArrow", it isn't an issue if i change the name when i add it to "cls_spcr_asasin"  ?!

Oh, perhaps that's where the problem is - if you try to add shadow arrow spell, you should add following line to cls_spcr_asasin.2da (copy from cls_spcr_justww.2da):
Code: [Select]
32 ShadowArrow         4     3710    

(first number is the row number in 2da, than goes the spell name, can be almost anything, than the spell level and the SpellID - row number in spells.2da)

You should not use the line from cls_spell_justww.2da!! i.e.
Code: [Select]
25 JusticeOfWealdAnd_ShadowArrow           4     12798  7798     7521    3710        ****    

February 12, 2011, 12:16:30 PM
Reply #8

First off, really sorry for being unable to make it work after all the easy explanations
it's really starting to get frustrating xD
i started all over, everything:

1 - modified cls_spcr_asasin.2da
Code: [Select]
47 ShadowArrow                 4     3710

2- clicked on assemble_spellbooks.bat
wich indeed added the spells to:

Code: [Select]
196 Assassin_ShadowArrow                           10676     0    99             1  

Code: [Select]
178 Assassin_ShadowArrow                           4     10676  5676     5080    3710        ****

3- changed the row number from 177 to 178 in in_switch_setup.nss

4- used make.bat (to make sure it would copy things, i deleted the prc's tlk in nwn, and indeed it added a new one)

 (but just to be sure, the last line in the install is is "installing prc.. followed by another asking me to click on any key to continue ..after i do tho, it closes itself >_<)

am i doing something wrong, still ?! ><

February 12, 2011, 01:07:09 PM
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Nope, that's how it works. Now delete prc_data.* files from your database folder and test your changes in game ;p

February 12, 2011, 01:15:45 PM
Reply #10

wooooooooooot !!!! QQ
YES, it worked !! thank you a lot :D

November 04, 2011, 01:23:16 AM
Reply #11

I'm trying to add a spell Archivist can't normally cast to their spell list.  I saw this thread but the link to the guide here is broken.

Also I am not sure where to download the SVN repository.  I checked the downloads section here.  Is it called something else other than SVN repository?

November 04, 2011, 06:43:14 AM
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