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Author Topic: Eldritch Deciple  (Read 3282 times)

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May 06, 2012, 12:16:00 PM
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Thanks for all your dedication and work!!!

I have the 3.5 release and have been playing around.  I notice that the Eldritch Deciple says that the first level does not level the divine spel class.  However my Shaman (5), Warlock (1), Eldritch Deciple (2) did give my Shaman 4th level spells to pick.  So the first level did stack for my divine spell class.

Also, the healing blast special that I chose in the Complete Mage says that it changes the Eldrtch Blast to a healing blast.  In the PRC it is a area effect.  This has greatly increased its power.  In fact, I love to run into the middle of an undead fight (once my helpers grab the mobs attention) and star casting the healing.  It keeps my team healed and damages the undead.  I used this in my Dethster fight and it made things much easier as I was fighting Shadow Fiends who my helpers would miss allot due to their hiding bonus.

Thanks again as I really like how the PRC enhances NWN!

May 06, 2012, 03:22:39 PM
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I notice that the Eldritch Deciple says that the first level does not level the divine spel class.  However my Shaman (5), Warlock (1), Eldritch Deciple (2) did give my Shaman 4th level spells to pick.  So the first level did stack for my divine spell class.
I copied the description from WotC site and I forgot to edit it, sorry. You're right, Eldritch Disciple adds full caster level (10/10) to the base class. We could code 9/10 progression but only for 'scripted' spellbooks. It's not really possible for bioware classes (cleric) - that's why I left it at 10/10.

Also, the healing blast special that I chose in the Complete Mage says that it changes the Eldrtch Blast to a healing blast.  In the PRC it is a area effect.  This has greatly increased its power.  In fact, I love to run into the middle of an undead fight (once my helpers grab the mobs attention) and star casting the healing.  It keeps my team healed and damages the undead.  I used this in my Dethster fight and it made things much easier as I was fighting Shadow Fiends who my helpers would miss allot due to their hiding bonus.
Yes, this ability changes Eldritch Blast into healing blast. Eldritch Blast comes in many shapes (i think we have 8 in PRC) so I would have to add 7 extra feats just for healing blast + a code that would check which blast shapes character has and add coresponging healing blasts. Instead I added only one shape - 'Healing Doom'  :P. I garee this may be very powerful against undead. I should probably add a saving throw or something. But IIRC in NWN2 healing blast works the same way.

May 10, 2012, 05:53:19 PM
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Both answers make sense.

Also, is the real shifter working?  I remember in the past that some fixes were outside an official release.