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Author Topic: Pathfinder: A Ponderance...  (Read 5886 times)

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December 20, 2013, 11:33:00 PM

I know changing the ruleset for NWN to Pathfinder would be beyond the means of our programming capabilities, but I had a thought. Could we back-convert some of the new Pathfinder Classes to NWN?

Full writeups of these classes can be found here.

  • Bombs: Hm, this'd actually be fairly simple. Make it a clickable feat, basically. Normally pretty bog-standard as far as effect, model it off the Alchemist's Fire (apropos, wouldn't you agree?).
  • Alchemy would probably be just normal spellcasting, but all the spells would normally have the personal effect. Prepared like a Wizard, and even learned like one. Infusions would be a bit sticky, but perhaps you can activate an "infusion mode" granted by that discovery, so any time you "cast" the extract in question, it instead spawns an item in your inventory that behaves like a potion. Probably tricky to hook in all that.
  • Mutagen: Pretty boring, really. Just a temp buff clickie, in 3 flavors (to start).
  • Discoveries, Grand Discoveries: A lot of them would be reasonable enough, I suppose. Some Discoveries might be tough and/or impossible include, either needing new code from whole cloth or being downright engine-unfriendly.
  • Poison Resistance, Poison Use: Poison Resistance should be pretty darn easy, and Poison Use already exists.
  • Swift/Instant Alchemy, Swift Poisoning: Really not sure on this one. It depends on how much we can mess with the crafting system and poisons.

  • Orders: Most of them seem pretty simple, except perhaps for the edicts.
  • Challenge: Actually not super far from a Knight's Challenge, and we could use that as a base.
  • Banner: We can do this pretty easily, except for the charge-based bonuses.
  • Mount: Steal from the Paladin?
  • Tactician/Greater Technician/Master Tactician: The biggest issue is the teamwork feats themselves.
  • Expert Trainer: No Handle Animal Skill, if memory serves. May have to remove/replace.
  • Cavalier Charge/Mighty Charge/Supreme Charge: There's no charging. We'd need to switch this out. Maybe extra bonuses while mounted instead.

  • Firearm Use: Weeeeeeeell, it depends. I've seen a few different firearm haks, of varying quality. If we could incorporate one, it'd make this pretty simple. Otherwise, it'd be a pain.
  • Grit/Deeds/True Grit: Well, the Daring Acts rule would be right out. We could probably add an OnCrit effect for replenishing Grit. We might have issues with the individual deeds, but the actual Grit system is pretty simple. True Grit might be tricky.
  • Nimble: Should be pretty simple.
  • Bonus Feats: Also pretty simple.
  • Gun Training: Depending on how we program/incorporate firearms, this could be easy or hard.

« Last Edit: December 25, 2013, 09:51:37 AM by malonkey1 »
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December 24, 2013, 11:06:33 AM
Reply #1
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I don't know the classes (NWN is my only experience with D&D), so can't comment on a lot of it. However, charge based stuff exists and is used in ToB.

You could just add a "charge" feat that gets added to everything's hide during the oncliententer or whatever event sets up hidetokens/skins if they are absent (I've never had reason to look at that, but it must happen sometime), and make feats that do nothing but are accounted for in the generic charging script.

December 25, 2013, 09:52:21 AM
Reply #2

Yerp, I added a link to the classes in the post.

The link's also below:
The eventual creator of the PRC Incarnum System!
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December 25, 2013, 06:23:37 PM
Reply #3
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Poisoning as an immediate action probably could be done with the current PnP poison system. Using itemprops seems to force you to spend the rest of the round hasted, but you could have a number of control feats like "Use Nightshade" with subradials of "Use Nightshade: Mainhand"/offhand/arrows/bolts/bullets and just give that an activation time of 0 and you're good to go. They'd have to be added to your hide and taken off when required like the prep spellcasters, but that's been done before.

As for crafting alchemical stuff in a round, simple stuff that has no parameters to set could be done with control feats, or, failing that it would have to be done via quickselects, so you'd have "Craft quickselect 1" that you could fire off in combat.


Unless I'm mistaken, switching class skills isn't something that would be terribly tidy. It's not really significant though.

Edicts would have to be down to module builders, except it's possible to throw alignment restrictions on some of them.

Some teamworking feats could be done by sticking stuff into existing scripts, but indeed a lot of them won't be possible.


I don't believe it's possible to check when you actually score a critical hit (unless you want to do everything through prc_inc_combat, then you can). I'm not sure what the swashbuckler uses to do its stuff, but that could be modified.

May 07, 2014, 03:06:30 PM
Reply #4

Revisiting this, I think the Summoner would be the hardest. In addition to likely needing several spells scripted specifically for it, we have the issue of the Eidolon. Even without the archetypes, the Eidolon would be a complex beast. I think Eidolon design itself could be done via Dialog menus (a dialog prompt coming up at each new Summoner level asking if you want to modify your eidolon). I think the real problems would lie in modeling the Eidolon. We'd have to figure out a way to dynamically generate a model for it, probably with different base models for body shapes and then changing out leg, arm, head, etc. models. I think the effort required to script and create a functioning eidolon would be impossible for most of us. The individual effects the Eidolons can gain aren't anything really new, just existing monster abilities.
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