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Author Topic: Can't advance as Mystic Theurge  (Read 5456 times)

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October 20, 2009, 05:16:57 AM
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Hello all,

Well I've been playing with the PRC for about two weeks and it's a lot of fun.

Recently I thought I might try a Mystic Theurge build.  I created a character with starting attributes of Wis 14 and Int 14.  I advanced three levels as a cleric and three levels as a wizard.  The Mystic Theurge class lights up when I go to select my seventh level.  I select it, go through picking skills, okay the final result and wind up with a sixth level character three levels of cleric and three levels of wizard.  My default class choice has reverted to wizard.  I have tried advancing several times and the result is always the same.  Seems wierd to me, so I thought I would post it here.  

On a side note I also tried creating a Dread Necromancer and that didn't work either.  

Anyways, hopefully someone will have a suggestion, though for myself I don't see what to do.


Edit:  Well, I have just discovered I can't advance past character level six as a Cleric or Wizard either.  I am using the Pretty Good Character Creator / Customizer (which I have used to examine a few other builds).  I have no idea what is wrong in the case.  I am just playing with a Human Wis 14, Int 14 (now 15)  Cleric 3 / Wizard 3 and I can't get it to advance beyond level six at all.  I don't even know if it is a PRC problem or a PGCCC problem, or some odd interaction between the two.  I will test further and report.

Edit #2:  Well, I have just tried taking the 1st level bic of the character into Endless Nights 3 and then given him 100,000 xp.  The character cannot advance beyond level six in Endless Nights 3 either.  Strange as I have played two other characters in Endless nights, one in his teens and one in his twenties.  So in the case of Endless Nights I don't really think it is the module.  Somehow the particular character file appears to have had an error built into it on character creation.  It was created using NWN character creation program rather than the PRC CC.  So, time to try a few different characters and see if any of them exhibit the same problem.

Edit #3:  Well, I just made a new character using the PRC CC, same stats but starting as a wizard rather than a cleric.  Loaded him up into the PGCCC and tried to level him to level 7.  Again he  got stuck at level six.  Can't advance as a Cleric or Wizard or Mystic Theurge.  I'm for bed (which is where I should have gone a while ago), but if anyone has any thoughts (other than a complete reinstall, which I may get around to, but I am hoping it doesn't come to that) please share.

Edit #4:  Well, I just checked and if I take the Cleric and just advance it as a Cleric I can get to level 10 with no signs of problems.  If I take the Wizard and just advance it as a Wizard I can get to level 10 with no signs of problems.  Somehow it is the Cleric / Wizard combination which is creating problems.  For me.  A quick look at the forums suggests no one else has been having this problem.  I am starting to think re-install.  Oh well.

Edit #5:  By the way, the log at the bottom of the screen indicates when I fail to advance a level "you have gained enough experience to advance a level" and "you must be able to cast 2nd level spells".  I have memorized my full complement of spells, including 2nd level arcane and divine spells, I have then actually cast a 2nd level arcane and a 2nd level divine spell, and then rested again, and I keep getting the same error message.

Edit #6:  Well, I just tried taking my cleric to 5th level, and then starting to advance as a wizard, and as a wizard I was limited to 3rd level, and at that point when I tried to go back to advancing as a cleric I couldn't advance as a cleric either.  Similarly, when I start with a wizard I can advance it to level 5, start advancing as a Cleric, and when I get to level 3 as a Cleric I can no longer advance (at least not as a Wizard, Cleric, or Mystic Theurge).  This is getting a mite peculiar.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2009, 08:08:27 AM by Yllidor »

October 20, 2009, 11:53:55 AM
Reply #1
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hi the awnser is linked in the link of this post

i have the same problem too
« Last Edit: October 20, 2009, 11:54:57 AM by rafhot »
My servers:

badlands PRC  direct connect:

to3h pw :

pindorama educational project nwn :

October 20, 2009, 06:08:30 PM
Reply #2
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Thanks for the effort Rafhot, but unfortunately the linlk you included to thread 340 simply takes me to the Forum Index page.  Could you please try posting the link again, or alternately summarize the salient point(s) of the other thread?  It would be greatly appreciated by me if not anyone else.  


Edit:  Okay Rafhot, I found the thread you were referring to and have downloaded the fix.  I will report back after I test to see if the fix has worked for me.

Edit #2:  Okay, the fix seems to work fine.  Thanks for the assistance Rafhot and the members of the PRC team (XWarren in particular as he seems to have coded the solution, though if I understood correctly he also caused the error in the first place, but thanks anyways, anyone can foul something up but it takes a special form of genius to fix it).

Edit #3:  I take it back.  The fix does not appear to be working.  That is to say, when I put my Cleric 3 / Wizard 3 into the PGCCC I was able to advance as a Mystic Theurge, so that seems to be working.  However, when I took my first level Cleric into Endless Nights 3 I couldn't even advance to 2nd level; I appeared to be getting the same error message about needing level 2 spells to advance (select the feat necessary to advance) (why I need a feat to advance I don't know and it normally appears to be automatic and invisible so I really don't know what it is referring to).

Edit #4:  I retract my retraction.  The problem was that I was using a Cleric 1 who I had created before applying the revised Script Hak, and the character had Augment Summoning as a level one feat.  When I tried a new character who didn't have Augment Summoning everything worked fine.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2009, 08:30:05 PM by Yllidor »