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Author Topic: Prestige Class: Minstrel of the Edge  (Read 7764 times)

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June 08, 2009, 01:36:17 PM

Singer of Songs

The purpose of this character is to be capable of having the greatest number of musical spells in effect similtaneously: 1 Bard Song, 1 Curse Song, 1 Dragonsong, 2 Minstrel of the Edge Songs = 5 songs!

Female Pixie Chaotic Good Bard 20 / Minstrel of the Edge 10 / Dragonsong Lyricist 10

Starting Attributes:
STR (8-4=)4 / DEX (14+8=)22 / CON 10 / INT (14+6=)20 / WIS (8+4=)12 / CHA (18+6=)24

Level 40 Attributes:
STR 4 / DEX 22 / CON 10 / INT 20 / WIS 12 / CHA 34

Armor Class: (10+6+1+1=)18
Damage Reduction: 10/+1
Base Attack: (7+10+10=)27
Attack Bonus (Using Finesse) (27+6+1): +34/+29/+24/+19
Fort/Refl/Will: (3/7/7+7/3/7+0/6/1+10/10/10=)20/26/25
Spell Resistance: (15+40=)55
Max Hit Points: (6*20+8*10+6*10=)260

Special Abilities:
- Armor Proficiency (Light)
- Armor Proficiency (Medium)
- Artist
- Bard Song (24/day)
- Curse Song
- Damage Reduction 10/+1
- Darkvision
- Dodge
- Dragonsong
- Dragonsong Focus
- Epic Dragonsong Focus
- Extra Music
- Fey
- Greater Dragonsong (song of compulsion)
- Greater Dragonsong (song of fear)
- Greater Dragonsong (song of healing)
- Greater Dragonsong (song of speed)
- Greater Dragonsong (song of strength)
- Greater Dragonsong Focus
- Greater Minstrel Song
- Greater Spell Penetration
- Light Armor Spellcasting
- Lingering Song
- Minstrel Song (Aegis Melody)
- Minstrel Song (Blinari's Reverberant Defense)
- Minstrel Song (Hymn of the Eagle)
- Minstrel Song (Quiet Melody)
- Minstrel Song (Requiem of the Resonant Blade)
- Natural Armor Bonus 1
- Practiced Spellcaster (Bard)
- Shield Proficiency
- Skill Affinity (Listen): +2 racial bonus to Listen checks
- Skill Affinity (Search)
- Skill Affinity (Spot)
- Skill Focus (Perform)
- Small Stature
- Spell Ability - Confusion: Can cast once per day as level 4 once per day
- Spell Ability - Entangle: Can cast once per day as level 8 once per day
- Spell Ability - Invisibility: Can cast as level 8 at will
- Spell Ability - Lesser Dispel: Can cast once per day as level 8 once per day
- Spell Ability - Polymorph Self: Can polymorph once per day
- Spell Penetration
- Spell Resistance 15+
- Weapon Finesse
- Weapon Proficiency (Martial)
- Weapon Proficiency (Simple)

Skills: (23*9+10*9+10*9=)387 points
- Concentration: 43
- Discipline: (43-3=)40
- Jump: (5-3+2=)4
- Listen: (43+1=)44
- Lore: (43+5=)48
- Perform: (43+12+3+2+2=)62
- Persuade: (43+12=)55
- Spellcraft: (38+5=)43
- Tumble: (43+6+2=)51
- Use Magic Device: (43+12=)55
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 01:36:27 PM
Reply #1

Ok... no creative name for the class, and yes, I've been reading Dune again.

Race: Avariel
Class: Bard (10)/Minstrel of the Edge (10)/Bladesinger (20)

Starting stats: STR 14, DEX 20, CON 10, INT 14, WIS 10, CHA 14
+DEX at every chance

Level 1-7: Bard
Feats: Curse Song, Proficiency (Martial), Focus (Perform)
Skills: Concentration, Discipline, Lore, Perform, UMD, Tumble

Level 8-17: Minstrel of the Edge
Feats: Focus (Rapier), Dodge, Combat Casting
Songs: Aegis Melody, Hymn of the Cat, Hymn of the Bear, Blinari's Reverberant Defense, Requiem of the Resonant Blade
Skills: Concentration, Lore, Perform, Tumble

Level 18: Bard
Feat: Still Spell
Skills: Lore, Perform, Tumble, UMD

Level 19-38: Bladesinger
Feats: Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Cleave, Epic Focus (Rapier), Great Dex I, Improved Crit (Rapier), Great Cleave, Epic Prowess, Weapon Finesse, Armor Skin, Great Dex II, Blinding Speed, Great Intelligence I
Skills: Lore, Perform (to 25), Tumble (to 40), Spellcraft (to 40)

Level 39-40: Bard
Feats: Great Intelligence II
Skills: Lore, UMD (to 25), Perform

Final stats: STR 14, DEX 32, CON 10, INT 16, WIS 10, CHA 14

Two screenshots, and the BIC file is being e-mailed to the gmail addy. In the screenshots (easy to tell them apart), there's a pic of her character sheet unbuffed (not using song of fury), and one fully self-buffed (including song of fury). Note with the buffed screenshot that song of fury adds an extra attack, at the cost of -2 to the attack bonus. IOW, the actual attack bonus that she can squeeze out is 2 higher than pictured :cheese:

In the buffed screenshot, the following buffs were used (self-cast only): Mage Armor, Aegis Melody, Hymn of the Cat, Heroism, Cat's Grace, Ghostly Visage, Greater Magic Weapon, War Cry, Bard Song, Song of Fury.

In both pics, her only equipment is woodsman's outfit, and a mundane rapier.
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 01:36:37 PM
Reply #2

Magic Minstrel - Elf

Starting Stats
Str - 12
Dex - 16
Con - 12
Int - 12
Wis - 10
Cha - 15

Bard levels 1-7
Skills - Concentration, lore, spellcraft, perform, persuade, discipline
Feats - Weapon Proficiency Martial, Skill Focus - Perform
Stat Increasements - Charisma

Minstrel levels 8-17
Skills - Concentration, lore, spellcraft, perform
Feats - Extra Music, Lingering Song, Skill Focus - Lore
Stat Increasements - Charisma
Class Specific Feats - Milathur's Lullaby, Aegis Melody, Hymn of the Bearm Milathur's Sluggish Rhapsody, Song of Alacrity

Sorcerer levels 18-40
Skills - Concentration, lore, spellcraft
Feats - Practised Sorcerer, Epic Skill Focus - Lore, Epic Skill Foucs - Spellcraft, toughnessm Armor Skin, Spell Penetration, Greater Spell Penetration, Epic Spell Penetration, Great Charisma 1
Stat Increasements - Charisma, Constitution

Ending Stats
Str - 12
Dex - 16
Con - 14
Int - 12
Wis - 10
Cha - 23

Background Story

This beautiful female minstrel had many fans, and enemies, one of these was a wizard, she had let him down physically and emotionally, her punishment - she was made to look like a drow. She doesn't get blinded, though she doesn't get recognized either, her family in the forests don't even recognize her, she now spends most of the time out of the lime light and in the no light of the underdark. She has devoted her life to that of the arcane in hopes to defeat the wizard and lift the curse, until then she is a lonely drow look a like, who sings kareoke in the pubs of the deepest, darkest caverns of the underdark.

Whats so good about it ?

Well, you can get around 6 epic spell uses per day, great spells, high DC (above 20, maybe 25) for her rhapsody and lullaby, what more do you want than someone who can sing her enemies to sleep then kill them with either a sword or something like greater ruin ?
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 01:36:49 PM
Reply #3

An independant functional Scout and Skirmisher

the Ebony Ministrel (Bard 16/ MoE 10/ RDD 14)

Race: Avariel for Dex boost and Keen Senses (also normal Elfs will do)

Class: Bard

Str.:16 -> 30
Dex.:18 -> 18
Con.:12 -> 14
Int.:12 -> 14
Wis.:10 -> 10
Cha.:14 -> 20

Skills(only the needed ones are listed):
Discipline:4 -> max.
Lore:4 -> 8 or more
Perform:4 -> max

useful Skill
Tumble -> max
Search -> max

Martial WP

For Munchism use small statue appearance (->two handed Scimitar instead of Greatsword)

Level 2-8 Bard
Charisma +2
Feats.: Curse Song Skill Focus: Perform
Skills: Increase Lore to 8; Discipline and Perform to 10

Level 9-16 RDD
Charisma +2
Feats.: Pwr. Attack, Cleave, Weapon Focus

Level 17-20 MoE
Strength +1
Feat.: Xtra Music

Level 21 and 22 RDD
Feat.: Epic WF

Level 23-28 MoE
Strength +2
Feats.: Lingering Song, Dragonsong

Level 29-34 Bard
Strength +1
Feats.: Impr. Crit, Gr. Cleave

Level 35-38 RDD
Strength +1
Feats.: Ovr. Crit
Epic Feat.: Armor Skin
Skill: Increase Search to max.

Level 39 and 40 Bard
Strength +1
Feat.: Dev. Crit
Skills: Increase as you see fit (Perform, Tumble, Discipline, Spellcraft, Craft Armor(Mithril Chain), Concentration, UMD)

You get:

Decent to good meelee, 20 Bard Songs (up to 4 at the same time, including Curse Song), some Spellcasting, medium Hitpoints, Dev Crit, good scout (Keen Senses, Invisible via Spell)
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 01:37:02 PM
Reply #4

*Munch munch munch*

This may very well be my most sucessful undead hunter build ever... he was able to take out 4 Dracoliches in a row and 6 Dracoliches simultaneously, ending the fight without a scratch. In all this, I only (personally) casted one spell, which was to summon the SoL companion, the Xag-Ya, a Celestial Cleric, which proceeded to buff me by my command.

My design was for an effective Party leader. I got that and much, much more... He is capable of leading a party through an Undead tomb, then returning alone to his home, or cleansing an area by himself, with the help of his trusty Xag-Ya Companion

Note: He is not a spellcaster... don't depend on that. You can use whatever spells you want that he has.

Well, here goes the Character story...

Not many know this, but not all Drow are cretins bent on destroying the surface dwellers, or topside-dwellers whom have shunned the ways of their kin...

Some find an intermediate ground, a way to mix in with those alike in blood, secretly helping those of the light find their way in the darkness of the Underdark. Dark saints these Drow are sometimes called, They can be found throughout the underdark, protecting those who find their way into the deepest reaches of the Dark... At the same time, they lead a "normal" life back in the Drow cities, using their knowledge of magic to overcome limitations their kin set on weapons and armor to prevent those of the light from using them.

The Dark Saint of the Song

Ran'is Prot'nol

NG Drow Bard 8 / MOTE 10 / SoL 22

HP Max- 48 (8 bard) + 80 (10 MotE) + 220 ( 22 SoL) = 348

Stats (Before Racial Adjustment)
STR 10 >10
DEX 16 > 18
CON 10 > 10
INT 12 > 12
WIS 14 > 14
CHA 18 > 30

Mandatory- 4 Lore, 10 Perform, 10 Discipline
Reccomended for Build - 43 UMD / 43 Perform

SoL was taken before MotE (For Martial Prof)

Songs- Aegis Melody, Hymn of the Bull, Hymn of the Eagle, Requiem of the Resonant Blade, Song of Alacrity

Feats (In order, not including Automatic feats and class feats)

Curse Song
Skill Focus (Perform)
Extra Music
Exalted Turning
Extra Turning
Weapon Finesse
Combat Casting
Nimbus of Light
Lingering Song
Holy Radiance
Great Charisma I
Great Charisma II
Great Charisma III
Great Charisma IV
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 01:37:27 PM
Reply #5

This is my very first character build that I've submitted, hope its up to par. I've designed it so that the user would heavily buff before entering a fight, and buff some more when entering battle (curse song, warcry).

War Cryer

Rakshasa, Neutral Good

Bard 20/Minstrel of the Edge 10/Dragonsong Lyracist 10

Starting Stats:
STR: 18
DEX: 18
CON: 16
INT: 12
WIS: 14
CHA: 20

Final Stats:
STR: 23
DEX: 18
CON: 16
INT: 12
WIS: 14
CHA: 25

Curse Song, Skill Focus (Perform), Dragon Song, Lingering Song, Aegis Melody, Quiet Melody, Weapon Focus (Great Sword), Milathur's Lullaby, Improved Critical (Great Sword), Song of Alacrity, Requiem of the Resonant Blade, Dragonsong Focus, Greater Dragonsong Focus, Epic Dragonsong Focus, Epic Weapon Focus (Great Sword), Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Overwhelming Critical (Great Sword).


HP: 314

AC: 31 (nekkid)

AB: 36/31/26/21 (with non-magic Greatsword)

2-12 + 9 (17-20/2x)

Fortitude: 23
Reflex: 25
Will: 27

Fully Buffed (takes a little whilte :/ )

HP: 364 (Temp)

AC: 43 (with non-magic studded leather armor)

AB: 51/46/41/36 (non-magic Greatsword)

2-12 + 12 (15-20/2x)
+5 Bludgeoning
+2 Sonic
+3 Slashing
+5 Physical

Fortitude: 30
Reflex: 32
Will: 35

I will most likely modify and tinker with it some more before I submit it, but i'd like to ask what some of you think of it so far...
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 01:37:37 PM
Reply #6

Maestro of the Twin Blades

(Bard 22/Minstrel of the Edge 10/Tempest 8)

A centerpoint amidst the whirling noise of battle, the Maestro serves as both inspiration to his allies, and a deadly and rapid display of slashing blades to his foes. Combining Bardic music, spellcasting, magical items, and swordplay, he is a foe not to be underestimated.

You can also use Strongheart (bonus feat - Martial weap), or a Race that gets Martial Weapons naturally, but Orc/Rak/Mino bards seem goofy to me, personally. Perform and Disicpline are the required skills for the MotE, the rest are a personal choice. Spell selection is also personal choice, but combat buffs, protections, and healing are recommended. There's not much allowable variance in the feats til later on, where I've chosen to go more for the Spell/Song side then raw melee power (Great Cha, Cha stat points, etc).

Human (Str-10, Dex-16, Con-12, Int-14, Wis-10, Cha-14)

Level 1 (Bard)
Feats - Martial, Perform focus
Skills Conc. 4, Disc. 4, Listen 4, Perform 4, UMD 4, Tumble 4, Jump 4

Level 2 (Bard)
Skills Conc. 1, Disc. 1, Listen 1, Perform 1, UMD 1, Tumble 1, Jump 1

Level 3 (Bard)
Feats - Curse song
Skills Conc. 1, Disc. 1, Listen 1, Perform 1, UMD 1, Tumble 1, Jump 1

Level 4 (Bard)
Dex +1
Skills Conc. 1, Disc. 1, Listen 1, Perform 1, UMD 1, Tumble 1, Jump 1

Level 5 (Bard)
Skills Conc. 1, Disc. 1, Listen 1, Perform 1, UMD 1, Tumble 1, Jump 1

Level 6 (Bard)
Feats - Finesse
Skills Conc. 1, Disc. 1, Listen 1, Perform 1, UMD 1, Tumble 1, Jump 1

Level 7 (Bard)
Skills Conc. 1, Disc. 1, Listen 1, Perform 1, UMD 1, Tumble 1, Jump 1

Level 8 (Minstrel of the Edge)
Dex +1
Skills - Conc +1, Disc +1, Perform +1, Tumble +1, Jump +1

Level 9 (Minstrel of the Edge)
Feats - Ambidex, Hymn of The Cat
Skills - Conc +1, Disc +1, Perform +1, Tumble +1, Jump +1

Level 10 (Minstrel of the Edge)
Skills - Conc +1, Disc +1, Perform +1, Tumble +1, Jump +1

Level 11 (Minstrel of the Edge)
Feats - Quiet Melody
Skills - Conc +1, Disc +1, Perform +1, Tumble +1, Jump +1

Level 12 (Minstrel of the Edge)
Feats - Two-weap
Cha +1
Skills - Conc +1, Disc +1, Perform +1, Tumble +1, Jump +1

Level 13 (Minstrel of the Edge)
Feats - Milathur's Lullaby
Skills - Conc +1, Disc +1, Perform +1, Tumble +1, Jump +1

Level 14 (Minstrel of the Edge)
Skills - Conc +1, Disc +1, Perform +1, Tumble +1, Jump +1

Level 15 (Minstrel of the Edge)
Feats - Dodge, Song Of Alacrity
Skills - Conc +1, Disc +1, Perform +1, Tumble +1, Jump +1

Level 16 (Minstrel of the Edge)
Cha +1
Skills - Conc +1, Disc +1, Perform +1, Tumble +1, Jump +1

Level 17 (Minstrel of the Edge)
Milathur's Sluggish Rhapsody
Skills - Conc +1, Disc +1, Perform +1, Tumble +1, Jump +1

Level 18 (Bard)
Feats - Mobil
Skills - Conc +1, Disc +1, Listen +11, Perform +1, Tumble +1, Jump +1 UMD +11

Level 19 (Bard)
Skills - Conc +1, Disc +1, Listen +1, Perform +1, Tumble +1, Jump +1 UMD +1

Level 20 (Bard)
Cha +1
Skills - Conc +1, Disc +1, Listen +1, Perform +1, Tumble +1, Jump +1 UMD +1

Level 21 (Bard)
Feats - Spring attack
Skills - Conc +1, Disc +1, Listen +1, Perform +1, Tumble +1, Jump +1 UMD +1

Level 22 (Tempest)
Skills - Disc +1, Listen +1, Jump +1

Level 23 (Tempest)
Skills - Conc +1, Disc +1, Listen +1, Perform +1, Tumble +1, Jump +1 UMD +1

Level 24 (Tempest)
Feat - Perfect Two-Weap Fighting
Cha +1
Skills - Conc +1, Disc +1, Listen +1, Perform +1, Tumble +1, Jump +1 UMD +1

Level 25 (Tempest)
Skills - Conc +1, Disc +1, Listen +1, Perform +1, Tumble +1, Jump +1 UMD +1

Level 26 (Tempest)
Skills - Conc +1, Disc +1, Listen +1, Perform +1, Tumble +1, Jump +1 UMD +1

Level 27 (Tempest)
Feat - Armor Skin
Skills - Conc +1, Disc +1, Listen +1, Perform +1, Tumble +1, Jump +1 UMD +1

Level 28 (Tempest)
Cha +1
Skills - Conc +1, Disc +1, Listen +1, Perform +1, Tumble +1, Jump +1 UMD +1

Level 29 (Tempest)
Skills - Conc +1, Disc +1, Listen +1, Perform +1, Tumble +1, Jump +1 UMD +1

Level 30 (Bard)
Skills - Disc +1, Listen +1, Jump +, Perform +9, Tumble +9, UMD +2
Feat - Epic Prowess

Level 31 (Bard)
Skills - Disc +1, Listen +1, Jump +, Perform +1, Tumble +1, UMD +2

Level 32 (Bard)
Skills - Disc +1, Listen +1, Jump +, Perform +1, Tumble +1, UMD +2
Cha +1

Level 33 (Bard)
Skills - Disc +1, Listen +1, Jump +, Perform +1, Tumble +1, UMD +2
Feat - Great Charisma

Level 34 (Bard)
Skills - Disc +1, Listen +1, Jump +, Perform +1, Tumble +1, UMD +2

Level 35 (Bard)
Skills - Disc +1, Listen +1, Jump +, Perform +1, Tumble +1, UMD +2

Level 36 (Bard)
Skills - Disc +1, Listen +1, Jump +, Perform +1, Tumble +1, UMD +2
Feat - Great Cha 2

Level 37 (Bard)
Skills - Disc +1, Listen +1, Jump +, Perform +1, Tumble +1, UMD +2

Level 38 (Bard)
Skills - Conc. +2 Disc +1, Listen +1, Jump +, Perform +1, UMD +1

Level 39 (Bard)
Skills - Conc. +2 Disc +1, Listen +1, Jump +, Perform +1, UMD +1
Feat - Lasting Inspiration

Level 40 (Bard)
Skills - Conc. +2 Disc +1, Listen +1, Jump +, Perform +1, UMD +1
Cha +1
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 01:37:54 PM
Reply #7

Yuan-Ti Pureblood


Str 12
Dex 18
Con 14
Int 14
Wis 8
Cha 16

1 - Bard 1 Wep Prof:Martial
2 - Bard 2
3 - Bard 3 Skill Focuserform
4 - Bard 4 +1Dex
5 - Bard 5
6 - Bard 6 Curse Song
7 - Bard 7 (10disc/perform)
8 - MoE 1 +1Dex
9 - MoE 2 Truename Training
10 - MoE 3 (13TS)
11 - Bereft 1
12 - Bereft 2 +1Dex, Prac Caster:Bard
13 - Bereft 3
14 - MoE 4
15 - MoE 5 Extra Music
16 - MoE 6 +1Dex
17 - MoE 7
18 - MoE 8 Lingering Song
19 - Bereft 4
20 - Bereft 5 +1Dex
21 - MoE 9 Extend Spell
22 - MoE 10
23 - Bard 8
24 - Bard 9 +1Dex, Lasting Inspiration
25 - Bard 10
26 - Bard 11
27 - Bard 12 Epic Focus:Truespeech
28 - Bard 13 +1Dex
29 - Bard 14
30 - Bard 15 Toughness
31 - Bard 16
32 - Bard 17 +1Dex
33 - Bard 18 Epic Focuserform
34 - Bard 19
35 - Bard 20
36 - Bard 21 +1Cha, Armour Sking
37 - Bard 22
38 - Bard 23 Epic Focus:Concentrate
39 - Bard 24 Dragon Song
40 - Bard 25 +1Cha

Str 12
Dex 26
Con 14
Int 14
Wis 8
Cha 18

Skills 248
Conc 35(47)
Perform 43(60)+2 on Songs
Lore 4(31)
Spellcraft 40
Truespeech 43(45, Should be 55 from focus but not on logs nor sheet)
Tumble 40
UMD 43(47)
+11-14 for Bard Song

Fort 21(29)
Reflex 26(34)
Will 24(32)

AC 29(naked or light armour)
HP 289
BAB 26
AB 27/22/17/12
Ranged AB 34/29/24/19

Bard Song +5AC Dodge, +2fort/reflex/+3will, +11skills,+2ab/+3bludge damage, +32HP
Can sing over again 2 more times for +1AC/6HP/+3skills

Minstrel Song Buffs add 2 of following
Aegis Melody - +3shiled AC
Song of Alacrity - Haste
Reverb Defense - Wounding Whisper
Resonate Blade - +sonic damage
DC is 24 where applicable for the other song types, sleep/charm/etc
First Song is 'oversung' when you sing another song minstrel

29 Bard buffs able to cast in light armour. May list out fully buffed after

29 "Songs"
2 Minstrel Songs/Bard song/Curse Song at same time lasting(10rounds+5roundsx10=150rounds per song last 15 minutes)
5 Truespeak Syllables
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.