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Author Topic: Er... How to calculate caster level?  (Read 5755 times)

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May 30, 2010, 03:02:43 AM

In the description of Archmage:

"The Archmage sacrifices the bonus spell slots he should gain in order to take a High Arcana feat at each level. He does, however, add his level to his base caster class when determining spell power (damage, duration...)."

Then is the sentence "add his level to his base caster class when determining spell power (damage, duration...)." available on other spellcast prestige classes? For example, does a Wizard20/Spellsword10 have a caster level of 20 or 30? And what about a Cleric20/Heartwarder10?

BTW, are there any simple ways to test caster level?


May 30, 2010, 04:38:13 AM
Reply #1
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You need to check class description. If it says ie:

Upon gaining a level in Arcane Trickster, the character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in his highest caster class (bard, sorcerer, or wizard). He does not learn any new spells through his abilities. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (e.g., improved familiar, bonus feats)

than character with 8 levels of Wizard and 10 levels of Arcane Trickster would have caster level = 18 (8 from Wiz + 10 from AT). Spellswords gain +1 caster level every 2 class levels, so Wizard 20/Spellsword 10 will have caster level = 25 (20 from Wiz + 5 from SS).

With Archmage it's a bit different. Your character will gain +1 caster level for every archmage level *and* +1 caster level for every 'Spell Power' feat you take. So Wizard 15/Archmage 5 with 5 x Spell Power feats will have caster level = 25 (15 from Wiz + 5 from Archmage + 5 from Spell Power).

If you don't want to edit scripts, you can check caster level by using some spells like Spell Resistance (it gives 12 + 1 per caster level to your SR, and you can check it on your character sheet), Animate Dead, Create Undead, Create Greater Undead (summons get stronger when your caster level increases) etc.

May 30, 2010, 05:02:12 AM
Reply #2

Greetings & Thank you again xwarren!

I thougt the caster level doesn't stack, so I built a Wiz35/Archmage5 and feel:( Now I know how it works:D

June 04, 2010, 03:45:18 AM
Reply #3

Nothing wrong with a Wiz/Archmage, in fact that's a very solid combination. (for the purposes of things like DCs, spell penetration checks, your effective caster level can go beyond 40, as far as I am aware...unsure if spells that have no cap (i.e. Fire Bolt) scale past 40 in terms of damage dice/other variables, however)

For example, with Epic Spell Penetration, Focused Spell Penetration, Wizard35/Archmage5 (with 3 spell power feats assuming you take Master of Shapes and Elements), for beating SR, that's effectively 53 +d20.

Though I'm sure there are more potent combos (Red Wizard of Thay+Archmage, for instance) that can really break things. xD It's still fun to be able to laugh in the face of a Rakshasa as you blow past his SR.