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Author Topic: Want to join an adventuring party?  (Read 8576 times)

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May 24, 2010, 06:54:37 PM
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My girlfriend and I, who both use the PrC are looking for some people to join us in playing the OC and expansion campaigns using the PrC. The catch, neither of us can host a server due to router issues and other things which she knows more about then me, so what we need more then anything is a person willing to host the OC and expansion campaigns that also will be able to join in with the party, and ideally another party members. The classes we will be going as are a rogue(my girlfriend) and a cleric heading towards Master of Shrouds(me). So yes, this will be an evil campaign. We could really use an arcane caster and melee fighter(An Anti-Paladin or Blackguard would be a good fit, but any works.) however don't feel limited to those roles, we will take anything really, the most important thing is that we find somebody to host the game for the party.

So, anybody interested?

May 25, 2010, 04:45:03 PM
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Sadly, I can't host or join the game, but if you are going evil, I have a good build suggestion.  Instead of doing cleric/master of shrouds, try cleric/dread necro/true necro.  (Naturally, you won't be able to get to true necro until HOTU, so you might just try a straight dread necro build for the OC, then add cleric/true necro for HOTU.  (However, since the DN is an arcane caster, you would need someone else to be the cleric.)

If I recall correctly, the master of shrouds undead work well at middle levels but would be very underpowered for HOTU.

Dread necromancers don't look formidable at first:  low hit points, low BAB, very restrictive spell list), but with the multisummon switch set to 1 (turned on), a dn can build a fairly effective undead army even at low levels.  As the character advances, it can summon creatures up through level 20 (bone warriors, who typically get summoned in groups of three).  DNs gradually accumulate resistances and immunities, until level 20, at which point a DN becomes a lich for free (all the regular undead immunities plus immunity to cold and electricity, boosts in several skills, boosts in charisma, intelligence, and wisdom).  Also, unlike normal arcane casters, DNs can rebuke undead like an evil cleric.  As a practical matter, that means that if you are low on undead and on summon spells, you can use turn undead to recruit any wandering undead into your army.

You need five cleric levels added to the DN to qualify for true necromancer.  The TN gives you some additional powerful summons, but the best part is that the TN can create a zone of desecration around himself to strengthens all nearby undead.  The level 20 DN, being undead himself, is also strengthened.  (Great synergy there!)  TN progresses the DN caster level but also adds the cleric levels for any necromantic spell, so that you can end up a level 40 caster for most of your arcane spells.  TN turn undead levels also stack with your other turn undead levels, so you can turn undead at level 40 as well.  (I'm not 100% sure about the last part.  The TN levels stack with the cleric levels, but, since the DN was written later, the TN description doesn't make it clear whether the TN and DN turn undead levels stack.)

Be sure to take Corpsecrafter and some of the related feats, because they make your undead stronger.  In particular, I like "chilling touch," or whatever it is called, that enables the undead to do 1d6 cold damage in addition to their normal damages.  "Nimble bones," which causes all your undead to move faster, is another must have.  (UNnlike a typical arcane caster, you rely less on wreaking direct mayhem with spellcasting, except necromantically, and more on wreaking indirect havoc through summoned undead.

It is true that a DN would be in trouble in a combat situation surrounded by many foes, but with 20 to 30 undead around him, it is pretty hard for hostiles to close in.

Anyway, that's my vote for the best evil arcane build.

May 26, 2010, 09:15:50 AM
Reply #2
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Yeah, DN/Cleric/TN sounds interesting, but I would lack higher level spells for quite some time. I am sure the summons make up for that, but DNs can't make an undead army until level  8 when they get animate dead, as far as I know. So are you suggesting I go something like DN 20/Cleric 5/TN 15? I ask because TN is a class which benefits from you taking many levels in it since the best summons require many TN levels. So taking only 15 TN levels just seams odd unless your only taking it for the zone of desecration and letting your DN spells do the summoning rather then the TN create undead abilities.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2010, 09:45:21 AM by Giygas »

May 26, 2010, 09:58:46 AM
Reply #3

Quote from: Giygas

Yeah, DN/Cleric/TN sounds interesting, but I would lack higher level spells for quite some time. I am sure the summons make up for that, but DNs can't make an undead army until level  8 when they get animate dead, as far as I know. So are you suggesting I go something like DN 20/Cleric 5/TN 15? I ask because TN is a class which benefits from you taking many levels in it since the best summons require many TN levels. So taking only 15 TN levels just seams odd unless your only taking it for the zone of desecration and letting your DN spells do the summoning rather then the TN create undead abilities.

You've forgotten about Summon Undead I-V.

May 26, 2010, 10:46:56 AM
Reply #4
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I thought those spells only summoned one undead creature?
« Last Edit: May 26, 2010, 10:47:27 AM by Giygas »

May 26, 2010, 01:15:37 PM
Reply #5

Quote from: Giygas

I thought those spells only summoned one undead creature?

How many do you think Animate Dead animates at once?  Not that that matters in the least if you have the PRC_MULTISUMMON switch set.

Of course, Summon Undead's duration is much, much shorter. :(

May 26, 2010, 04:54:35 PM
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Quote from: DM Heatstroke

Quote from: Giygas

I thought those spells only summoned one undead creature?

How many do you think Animate Dead animates at once?  Not that that matters in the least if you have the PRC_MULTISUMMON switch set.

Of course, Summon Undead's duration is much, much shorter. :(

Actually, it's not :P - the spell has the same duration as summon monster * spells, so it's 24h by default or 1 round per level with the switch on.

May 27, 2010, 10:26:39 AM
Reply #7

Quote from: xwarren

Quote from: DM Heatstroke

Quote from: Giygas

I thought those spells only summoned one undead creature?

How many do you think Animate Dead animates at once?  Not that that matters in the least if you have the PRC_MULTISUMMON switch set.

Of course, Summon Undead's duration is much, much shorter. :(

Actually, it's not :P - the spell has the same duration as summon monster * spells, so it's 24h by default or 1 round per level with the switch on.

If 24h is the default, then the manual is wrong.

May 28, 2010, 03:28:53 PM
Reply #8
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Quote from: Giygas

Yeah, DN/Cleric/TN sounds interesting, but I would lack higher level spells for quite some time. I am sure the summons make up for that, but DNs can't make an undead army until level  8 when they get animate dead, as far as I know. So are you suggesting I go something like DN 20/Cleric 5/TN 15? I ask because TN is a class which benefits from you taking many levels in it since the best summons require many TN levels. So taking only 15 TN levels just seams odd unless your only taking it for the zone of desecration and letting your DN spells do the summoning rather then the TN create undead abilities.

Others have already indicated how you can build up an undead army early on.  Even at early stages, when the undead are relatively low level, they make a nice barrier between you and your adversaries.  Powered up by corpsecrafter feats and undead mastery (level 8), they are considerably stronger than their level rating would indicate.  And when you get summon undead V (mummies), they have their own fear auras that can wreak havoc with humanoid enemies.  Remember too that even weaker undead can distract an enemy for a round or two while cast a spell...or run like hell if the battle is getting out of hand.

The selection of spells is much more limited than with a sorcerer, but once you add cleric levels you have access to all the cleric spells through scrolls.  If you have enough cash (which won't always be true in the OC, but I think it is true sometimes), invest in a few storm of vengeance spells for emergencies.  They are very effective at damaging and potentially stunning all but the strongest adversaries.  Once you acquire the higher level death spells, you can probably cut opposing armies down to size and let your undead finish off the survivors.

With regard to the true necro abilities, yes, you don't get to the very highest level summons, but you do get as high as emperor of blood (pretty high level vampire) who is worth having.  it's not an optmal true necro build, but it is the best way I have found to optimize the dread necro, since it advances both spellcasting and turn undead abilities.  And zone of desecration is nothing to be scoffed out, keeping in mind that your character is undead himself by this point and also benefits from the effects.  When those effects are multiplied across 20-30 undead, they can be truly devastating.

I admit there are times when I really want a fireball at low levels or an Isaac's Greater Missile Storm at high levels, but you do get access to epic spells eventually, which helps considerably.

I haven't tried this build in the OC, but it has worked in other modules, despite the seeming weakness of the character in the beginning.

June 01, 2010, 12:16:37 PM
Reply #9

If no one else has already offered, I should have my spare NWN server PC rebuilt in a couple of days.  I'll be glad to set it up for you to play.  I don't know if I'll have time to play on it myself, however.

Server specs:

Windows 2000 Pro SP 4 with non-essential services disabled

AMD Athlon XP 2400+ @ 2Ghz
SOYO Dragon 2 Motherboard
1.5 GB or PC3200 DDR RAM
40GB & 30GB 5400RPM EIDE HDs


5Mbps ADSL
« Last Edit: June 01, 2010, 12:25:46 PM by DM Heatstroke »

June 02, 2010, 09:48:39 PM
Reply #10
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Thank you. Thank you very much. You don't know how much this means to us, you truly have done us a great service. When the server is up please give me the gamespy info(Such as what category(Role Play, Action ect..) it's under, server name ect...) via PM or in this thread, whichever you prefer.

June 04, 2010, 10:59:35 AM
Reply #11

Server PC is back together & seems to be stable.  Hopefully, I'll have time to setup the OC modules for the PRC & the MySQL DB for a vanilla ConvoCC tonight.

June 04, 2010, 01:45:44 PM
Reply #12
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Thank you, when you finally have the server up, don't forget to post or PM me the gamespy info such as what category it's under, what it will be called, what, if any, passwords will it have ect...

June 07, 2010, 12:54:19 PM
Reply #13

Quote from: Giygas

Thank you, when you finally have the server up, don't forget to post or PM me the gamespy info such as what category it's under, what it will be called, what, if any, passwords will it have ect...

It's been up since Friday, never heard back from you via PM.

Currently updating it to 3.3h.

If anyone else wants to try it out
GameSpy = "NWN OrigCamp - PRC" under the Story category.
Direct Connnect =

I really want to know if the server will autoload from Prelude to Chapter 1.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2010, 02:01:29 PM by DM Heatstroke »