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Author Topic: Prestige Class: Man at Arms  (Read 8256 times)

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June 08, 2009, 01:33:47 PM

Nirav Stillmen
-The Biting Wind

Fighter 6, Fist of Hextor 24, Man At Arms 10
-Air Genasi

STR 14 -> 14
DEX 20 -> 30
CON 12 -> 12

INT 14 -> 14
WIS 06 -> 06
CHA 06 -> 06

HP: 379 (480 Max: 60 Fighter, 240 Fist of Hextor, 100 Man At Arms, 40 CON, 40 Toughness)
AC: 30 Naked (10 base, 10 Dex, 8 Tumble, 2 Armor Skin) (Should be 32 with man At Arms Legendary Prowess. If needed, can wear armor or use shields without loss to effectiveness)

With 1 Mundane Rapier
Attack: 57+52+47+42
Damage: 1-6+8 (15-20x2) (+3 Peircing Damage)

With 2 Mundane Rapiers
Attack: 53+48+43+38
Damage: 1-6+8 (15-20x2) (+3 Peircing Damage)

Attack: 53+48
Damage: 1-6+7 (15-20x2) (+3 Peircing Damage)

REF 29

Required Skills:
4 Lore
4 Intimidate
4 Spot

16 Animal Empathy
41 Lore
43 Open Lock
40 Tumble

Total Points:

Noteworthy Feats
-Brutal Strike, Attack - +10
-Improved Power Attack
-Greater Two Weapon Fighting
-Epic Weapon Spec: Rapier
-Focused Strike
-Furious Assault
-Strength Boost
-Strike at the Core

-Immpressive. To start with, an extremly high attack bonus thanks to the epic Fist levels. Even dual weilding he has 4 attacks over +45, meaning that when he swings, he will rarely miss. Running around some random high level baddies with no gear aside from the two rapiers, I don't recall ever seeing him miss. I might have lost track of one or two in the roll sheet however, which brings me to my next point...
-Nice amount of attacks. with high dex, ambidexterity and greater two weapon fighting, dual weilding means 7 attacks. Add in Man at arms Furious Assault for an even 8, with 2 of those attacks having a bonus over 50. While not insane, that is a lot of attacks, and more importantly it's a lot of attacks that will actually connect.
-However, no amount of frustrated swinging is going to accomplish anything if you aren't causing enough damage to actually bypass your enemies damage reduction. This build has a max potential damage of 17 on the strong hand, and 16 on the off hand. Not pitiful, but not staggering. Your average dex build would be happy with that number in most cases. But there's more than meets the eye.
-Improved Power Attack, and Focused Strike. Improved Power attack allows you to exchange 10 of your attack bonus for an additional 10 damage. At +57, this character can afford to let some of his attack bonus go on occasions he just isn't causing enough actual damage. For most builds, this wouldn't be worth noting, power attack isn't all that hard to get. What's noteworthy here, is Focused Strike. Man at Arms Focused Strike doubles the effectiveness of your power attack, giving twice as much damage caused for the attack bonus lost. However, it's limited by your Dex, meaning most builds don't get to make full use of it.
With 30 dex, your Dex bonus is 10, meaning Foused Strike is functioning at full capacity. When activated fully, this characters attack bonus drops to 43, but he gains 20 EXTRA DAMAGE in the process. 43+38+32+28, with 37 damage. Your average fighter would be happy to acheive those numbers with ONE handed fighting, much less with two.
So this character's fighting isn't a one trick pony. He has great control over his attack and damage values from fight to fight, able to dish out a lot of damage however it's needed. He can cause more damage than most fighters, or he can gaurantee a hit with less damage, all to varying degrees based on who he's swinging at.
-It's also worth pointing out that the Fist of Hextors strength boost has 7 uses per day. 7 uses per day at 24 rounds per use = 168 rounds of strength boosting each day. More carrying load, more damage, more people afraid of you.
-As an added Bonus, "Strike at the Core" means that your opponent will be constantly making saves against constitution loss. If they fail a save, remember that even -2 CON is a quick 40 'damage' as far as you're concerned, and that comes at no extra effort to you.

-He also has decent saves. No evasion, slippery mind, or other rogueish tricks, but he has consistently decent saves to start with in the first place. And being Lawful Neutral, feats spells and tricks focusing on good or evil mean nothing to him. He only has to watch for attacks against 'law', which are pretty rare.
-53 in open lock checks. Not many doors are going to slow this guy down.
-16 in animal empathy. Not the best, but it's there, for the odd rat that needs convincing.

-None whatsoever in any way shape or form.

Summary: A fighter, but an unusal one at that. And if you find out he's in town, I would say "Lock your doors and windows", but don't bother. It won't stop him.

Note: This character actually had one wasted feat. I selected Improved Critical for the rapier without remembering that Man At Arms gives it automatically. Anything else that feat would be used for would be non-critical to the build however.
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 01:34:09 PM
Reply #1

Rogue 20/Ravager 10/Man At Arms 10

Some notable bugs/flaws exposed:

1) Ravager's Cruelest Cut keeps claiming "not close enough" no matter how close I get. Might be a problem with collision detection due to minotaur being a large creature, but should be looked into.

2) Man At Arms apparently doesn't actually get THE Improved Critical feat for his weapons. This means no Overwhelming/Devastating Critical. I find this odd, since he seems to have no problem getting the various Weapon Proficiency/Shield/Armour feats at first level...

3) Minotaur's charge should really be available at all times(with a -2 from max AB penalty for being a natural weapon used as secondary attack), not just when unarmed. Also, if used in that way, it should deal 1/2 str mod bonus damage. Interestingly, it dealt more damage than the listed 4d6+6. At first, I thought it was 4d6+6+1.5*Str Mod, but the values don't seem quite right. It also seems to roll maximum damage all the time(but that could be me) Might be interesting, if it could be coded in as an extra attack ala Haste/Furious Assault/Perfect TWF, etc.

Edit: Technically, it should just be an attack that occurs if you click on an enemy from afar, but that might be dangerous due to the lowered AC(but let's face it, with a natural armour of 5, who gives a toss about -2?). The proper damage is 4d6+1.5*Str mod, I just checked the MM. The Minotaur listed there is 19 Strength, for a mod of 4(*1.5=6)

This character has decent Hide/Move Silently scores(in the low 30s), and 10d6 Sneak Attack(with Lingering Damage). Anything he doesn't break in the first round with his 32 base Strength and Scythe, is probably dead in the next round(unless it's undead/construct/ooze) I was working towards getting that Scythe in HotU Chapter 2, but he's got a decent one as is. He also does pretty well with some other weapons. Personally, I'd pick axes/scythe/halberd/warhammer, for the various damage types. Critical Size being more important than Critical Range here. Please don't get me foaming at the mouth by suggesting Kukris, those damn things should be classed as heavier weapons, practically the size of a short sword(and weight of a longsword), rather than a dagger.

Feats chosen: Blooded(although Bullheaded would be pretty appropriate, Blooded was chosen for Initiative reasons), Cleave, Power Attack, Dirty Fighting(for the Ravager requirements), Improved Power Attack, Great Cleave, 4*Weapon Focus(for Man At Arms), Weapon Focus Scythe(using Exotic WP from MaA levels), Improved Sneak Attack, Lingering Damage.

Various bonus feats(all from MaA and Rogue):

Rogue: Crippling Strike, Improved Evasion, Slippery Mind, either Improved SA or Lingering Damage, picking the other as a regular feat.

MaA: Improved Initiative, Superior Initiative, Exotic Weapon Proficiency, pretty much everything listed in the MaA progression.

Skills: Important to have 3 Intimidate at some point, and Lore(standard to max this anyways), in order to qualify. MaA levels put points in Hide/Move Silently, Ravager puts points in Listen/Spot.

Abilities: I pushed for 22 Strength, 14 Dexterity, 18 Constitution, and 10 everything else, after racial mods. All level up points went to Strength.

Strategy: Just sneak in, bonk them over the head(3/2/2 attacks, using Furious Assault, Haste, dual wielding) with your weapon of choice, run around a corner if they don't trigger Great Cleave, Stealth Mode, bonk them over the head again as they follow. He picked up this trick working in a press gang at the docks in his youth. He can also use Flame Twin once a day, due to his gloves. This allows him to gain flanking bonuses on larger monsters, although quite frankly, if he can kill it, so will the flame twin...

Exact Progression: Wait for them to post the build in the link, sorry. :/
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 01:34:22 PM
Reply #2

Yelling Red Mercenary (Bard 8/ RDD 10/ Man@Arms 22)

Again slight Adaption of my former build

Race: Troll
Class: Bard
Alignment: TN (no smiting against this char)

Str.:28 -> 46
Dex.:20 -> 20
Con.:20 -> 22
Int.:12 -> 14
Wis.:06 -> 06
Cha.:04 -> 06

needed Skills (for RDD):
needed Feats (for Man@Arms)
Power Attack, 4 times WF

Recommended Skills:
Perform -> 17
Discipline -> 40
Tumble -> 40
UMD -> 27
(Spellcraft 10)
Spot 30 (20)

Recommended Feats.(in order):
Pwr. Attack, WP:Exotic, WF:Katana, WF:Mace, WF:Heavy Crossbow, WF:Kukri, Cleave, TWF, Ambidex, Impr. TWF, Gr. TWF, Lingering Song, Blindfight, Impr. Power Attack

Man@Arms Epic Feats.:
Epic Powers, Armorskin, Epic WF:Katana

Stat. increase: Always Strength

Level 2-7 Bard

Level 8-15 RDD

Level 16-20 Man@Arms

Level 21 and 22 RDD

Level 23-32 Man@Arms

Level 33 Bard

Level 34-40 Man@Arms

You get:

HP (max rolls): 600
AB (mundane Katana, Mace, Kukri): 47/42/37/32
AC (naked): 34

This is a very versatile Meelee build. What seperates it from others is the elemination of their common weaknesses:
low AC, weak Reflex and Will saves
The average damage output of this build is equal (eventually superior) because:
up to 9 Attacks (with haste and Furious Assault), high AB, high Strength
Impr. Pwr. Attack is aplied to both weapons this translates to
(Katana -> main Weapon; no magic items or spell boosting)
1d10 + 18/9 (Strength) +3 (don't ask where this comes from, it's just in the char sheet) +10 (Power Attack 5 + Dex Bonus from Man@Arms)
= Main Hand -> 32-41
= Offhand -> 23-32

by boosting Str. to 56 and Dex to 30 this becomes
= Main Hand -> 47-56
= Offhand -> 35-44

not counting magic (or magical effected) Weapons, which will be easy to come by via scrolls and UMD

Further you have:

5 HP/Round natural healing (get greater Amulett of Health and a ring of regeneration and you get +10/round)
Usage of nearly any gear and all scrolls, some neat immunities like fire, sleep, paralysis.

I like this one a lot!
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 01:34:38 PM
Reply #3

After a few posts in the bug reports thread, I thought I'd post this here.
the name isn't so much that he's an uber effective fighter it's more to reflect the fact that he abuses bugs to work.

if this has been posted before then sorry for wasting all yours time

race: human
starting stats: whatever you feel like, str should be 16 and dex at least 15
starting class: monk
starting feats: dodge and power attack
level up stats: all into str

1) start leveling up as a monk take "weapon focus: unarmed strike" as your first selectable feat, take monk levels too 5, make sure you have 8 points in jump and 4 into tumble, you can now enter the shou desciple class

2)take 5 levels in shou desciple, when you get to select shou desc bonus feats take mobility and lightning reflexes, the other feats you get for free later on or are of no use too you.

when possible use feats to buy weapon focuses, one of these needs to be kama, bear in mind unarmed dosn't count so you still need another 3, also some other weapon focuses don't seem to count (sling for instance) I took longbow, and the other two into longsword/hand axe as I knew both of those worked.

3)at level 15 you should be monk10/shou desc5 and have 4 weapon focuses (+unarmed) you can now enter the maa class.

level maa too 10 and then go back to monk untill you hit level 40 use your feats to get ambidexterity/twf/itwf and the required feats for dev crit (great cleave/improved crit/overwhelming crit), you should have 2 more spare feats, I used these for epic weapon foucus and prowes, also you get an epic monk feat, wich I used for armored skin, what and where you spend skill points is upto you, personally I went for tumble/heal/discipline and the rest spread around.

Number of attacks: this is the whole point of the build: lots of attacks, go grab a haste item and a pair of kamas, place the dual kamas on a quick slot, turn on Furious Assault, and martial flurry, then hit your quick slot for the kamas, find a likely looking monster, hit flurry of blows and maul it to death with 12 attacks per round..33/30/27/24/21/28/35/35/35/35/32/28

here's the break down (with all the feats turnned on)
base attacks: 33/30/27/24/21/28
Off hand: 33/28
martial flurry35
Furious Assault:35
flurry of blows:35

damage = 12-17 (1-6 +8str mod +3maa bonuses)

with max points into tumble ac is 43 naked at lvl 40

ho hum

12 attacks!
uh dev crit
12 attacks
monk speed/empty body etc
did I mention 12 attacks?

(really)crappy ab
crap crit range
crap hp (mine was 269 with no rerolls though that was with a cons of 10)

so yeah he pretty much sucks at everything, but I think is unbeatable for number of base attacks per round
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 01:34:52 PM
Reply #4

The Splinter of Shadow by Xitooner:

Swift, silent, and adaptable; capable of dealing fatal damage with any number of weapons. A true ninja warrior that uses the shadows and his stealth skills to such good affect that even in the light of day nobody sees more than a blurred shape. To his chosen victim, it seems that a piece of darkness itself, a splinter of shadow, has come to kill him. . .

The "Splinter of Shadow"
Elven 19/4/17 Rogue/Ninja Spy/Man At Arms

Str 13
Dex 20 (32)
Con 10
Wis 8
Int 13
Cha 8

Ability Summary
Sneak is 11d6 (10 Rogue, 1 Ninja)
Improved Knockdown
Superior Initiative
Epic Dodge
WF and ImpCrit in ShortBow and Kukri
WF, EWF, and ImpCrit in Rapier and Mace
Strike at the Core - All weapons used have a DC27 Con Drain
Furious Assult (extra attack/round)
Focussed Strike - Adds Dex Bonus to damage when using Power Attack. Hint: use PrCs PowerAttack1 to get maximum damage/AB loss of -1 to attack, +12 to damage (unbuffed dex mod).

1 Rogue - Power Attack
2 Rogue
3 Rogue - WF(longbow)
4 Rogue - Dex(21)
5 Rogue
6 Rogue - Dodge
7 Rogue
8 Ninja - Dex(22)
9 Ninja - WF(Kukri)
10 Ninja
11 Ninja -(receives HIPS)
12 Rogue - Dex(23) WF(mace)
13 Rogue
14 Rogue - DefRoll
15 Rogue - WF(Rapier)
16 MaA - Dex(24)
17 MaA
18 MaA - WFinesse
19 MaA
20 MaA - Dex(25)

11/4/5 Rogue/Ninja/ManAtArms; 16BAB, 4 attacks/round

21 MaA - Epic Dodge
22 MaA
23 MaA
24 MaA - Dex(26), Knockdown
25 MaA
26 Rogue
27 MaA - GreatDex(27)
28 MaA - Dex(28)
29 MaA
30 MaA - GreatDex(29), EWF(Rapier)**
31 MaA
32 MaA - Dex(30)
33 Rogue - Improved Knockdown, SC1
34 Rogue
35 Rogue
36 Rogue - Dex(31) , SC2, SC3
37 Rogue
38 Rogue
39 Rogue - SC4, SC5
40 MaA - EWF(mace)**

** -denotes ManAtArms bonus feats; other good feat alterantives allowed are ArmorSkin, Epic Prowess, etc.

Saves (add +4 due to Spellcraft)
Fort 21
Reflex 36
Will 19

AC 32 (using a Tower Shield I probably cant justify on a Ninja-type)

Chosen Weapons (one ranged, and 3 finessed weapons of each damage type)
All weapons have 11d6 Sneak, and OnHit DC27 Constitution drain.
43/38/33/28 Rapier d6+16 (preferred weapon)
43/38/33/28 Mace d6+16 (also preferred, use on undead)
41/36/31/26 Bow d8, (+1 if Mighty; for ranged sneak damage)
41/36/31/26 Kukri d4+16

Bluff 10
Discipline 43
Hide 40
Move Silent 40
Spot 20
Listen 14
Spellcraft 20 (+4 to saves)
Tumble 40 (+8 to AC)
UMD 40

Build Comments
---------- -------------
Has proven to be a very strong build once it got going. Sadly, the build is weaker than I hoped in the early going, thanks to the significant pre-reqs of ManAtArms, and desiring 4 attacks/round; it forced Weapon Finesse back too late in the build for me to call it a truly good build from level 1. However, once you get HIPS at level 11, you are dealing ranged sneak damage at will, and the rest of the trip to Weapon Finesse is a piece of cake. And once you have Finesse. . . you are awesome.

I also would have liked to be able to squeeze in Expertise; but I saw no way with Self-Conceal.

Here is an alternative approach to the build that also works; intended for people who consider Self-Conceal to costly:
Replace ManAtArms levels from 26-32 with Ninja Spy, thus ending at 19/10/11 Rogue/Ninja/MaA. This does the following:

- Gives you Imp Invisibility via Ninja Level 10; giving you some Self-Conceal. This frees up 5 feat slots; 2 epic, and 3 Rogue bonus feats.
- Gets 2 more Sneak attacks, Slippery Mind, and the really neat "Mask of a Thousand Faces"; something every RP assassin type would enjoy.
- Alas, you also lose 2 ManAtArms feats from the build.

- Very high damage for a Dex build.
- Versatile; can always use the weapon appropriate for the job, and deal good damage in the process (not countng the sneak).
- Mega-stealth, with high initiative, ImpKnockdown, and excellent sneak damage.
- The extra attacks (Furious Assult) and auto-weapon Con drain are definite plusses.

- Has decent AC with all that Dex, but not exceptional (still grumpy about not getting Expertise).
- Could use some help in Fort/Will save area. Slippery Mind would have helped (see alternative build), and the UMD can be used to help this as well.
- Haste item highly desired (as usual).
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 01:35:12 PM
Reply #5

The Red Mercenary (Bard 6/RedDragonDisciple 10/Man@Arms 22)

Race: Troll (Character History: Once opon a time a Red Dragon Female,
disguised as Troll, got into an antimagic zone
before reverting back to dragon form. Female
Trolls were realy sparse in the region, so a
particular nasty male(Troll) choose our
dragon-lady as mother to his kin
(hence the RDD))

Alignment: chaotic neutral
Starting Class: Bard

Starting Stats:

STR: 28
DEX: 20
CON: 20
INT: 12
WIS: 6
CHA: 4

Skills to boost:

Concentration 4+ (Bard starting)
Discipline -> 42
Lore -> 8 (at level 5)
Search -> 9 Ranks[ClassSkill for M@A] (personal reason: I don't avoid Traps, but I like to see it comming; secret doors OC)
Tumble -> 40
UMD -> 27 (final Bard Lvl)
Perform -> 12 (final Bard Lvl)

Starting Feature: Power Attack

Lvl.2: Bard [2]
Lvl.3: Bard [3] Feat: Weapon Focus 1
Lvl.4: Bard [4] Increase STR (always; end up at STR: 56 including Gr. STR)
Lvl.5: Bard [5]
Lvl.6: RDD [1] Feat: WF 2
Lvl.7: RDD [2]
Lvl.8: RDD [3] Increase STR
Lvl.9: RDD [4] Feat: WF 3
Lvl.10: RDD [5]
Lvl.11: RDD [6]
Lvl.12: RDD [7] Increase STR Feat: WF 4
Lvl.13: RDD [8]
Lvl.14: Man@arms [1]
Lvl.15: Man@arms [2] Feat: Cleave
Lvl.16: Man@arms [3] Increase STR
Lvl.17: Man@arms [4]
Lvl.18: Man@arms [5] Feat: Gr. Cleave
Lvl.19: Man@arms [6]
Lvl.20: Man@arms [7] Increase STR

All Epic Feat: Great STR
Lvl.21: RDD [9]
Lvl.22: RDD [10]
Lvl.23: Man@arms [8]
Lvl.24: Man@arms [9] Increase STR
Lvl.25: Man@arms [10]
Lvl.26: Man@arms [11]
Lvl.27: Man@arms [12]
Lvl.28: Man@arms [13] Increase STR
Lvl.29: Man@arms [14]
Lvl.30: Man@arms [15]
Lvl.31: Man@arms [16]
Lvl.32: Man@arms [17] Increase STR
Lvl.33: Man@arms [18]
Lvl.34: Man@arms [19]
Lvl.35: Man@arms [20]
Lvl.36: Man@arms [21] Increase STR
Lvl.37: Man@arms [22]
Lvl.38: Man@arms [23]
Lvl.39: Man@arms [24] Feat: Improved Power Attack
Lvl.40: Bard [6] Increase STR

STR: 56
DEX: 20
CON: 22
INT: 14
WIS: 6
CHA: 6


The Good

- 600 Hitpoints
- 5 attacks (furious assault AB -2)
- good meelee (nothing fancy but Damage(vanilla Spear) 1d8+34 [23*1.5] +15 (power attack)
- Damage boost via str AND dex items/spells
(to 2d6(base) + 43(STR) +10(HotU Weapon Enchantment) +20(power attack) +elemental [Epic Warding, haha whats that]
- regeneratin 5 (without items)
- Fire Sleep Paralysis immune
- Use Any Item (100,000g value)
- easy to play (just mow'em down)

The Bad

- obviously no significant spellcasting (except scrolls via UMD)
- Immunities and resistances depending on items
- ugly

This build fits my picture of a mercenary:
- Puts everythink he finds to good use (bard)
- Dish out more pain than a regular Soldier and can take some (Man@Arms+heritage)
- kills some ale at the campfire and braggs about his "heroic deeds" (bard)
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 01:35:27 PM
Reply #6

Pixie Tempest with Arms - Scout21/Man at Arms9/Tempest10
Pure 40 again, think i will contrain myself to a playble 1-40 next.Uber race slightly less so due to -6str and needing 13 base for power attack. Can only use races with inherant "dodge" or a free feat

Any alignment

Str 13
Dex 25
Con 12
Wis 12
Int 14
Cha 14

1 - Scout 1 Power Attack, Dodge(race granted feat)
2 - Scout 2
3 - Scout 3 Weapon focus Rapier
4 - Scout 4 +1Str, Mobility
5 - Scout 5
6 - Scout 6 Weapon focus Short Sword
7 - Scout 7
8 - Scout 8 +1Dex, Spring Attack
9 - Scout 9 Weapon focus Handaxe
10 - Scout 10
11 - Scout 11
12 - Scout 12 +1Dex, Weapon focus Dart* ,Pointblank**
**1 scout feat of your own choice,wepfocus will most likely determine which one Rapid reload/pointblank/blindfight/expertise)
13 - MAA 1
14 - MAA 2
15 - MAA 3 Weapon Finesse
16 - MAA 4 +1Dex
17 - MAA 5
18 - MAA 6 Ambidex
19 - MAA 7
20 - MAA 8 +1Dex
21 - MAA 9 Two-Weapon
22 - Tempest 1
23 - Tempest 2
24 - Tempest 3 +1Dex, Epic prowess
25 - Tempest 4
26 - Tempest 5
27 - Tempest 6 Greater Dex I
28 - Tempest 7 +1Dex
29 - Tempest 8
30 - Tempest 9 Armour Skin
31 - Scout 13
32 - Scout 14 +1Dex
33 - Scout 15 Superior initiative
34 - Scout 16 Greater Dex II
35 - Scout 17
36 - Scout 18 +1Dex, Greater Dex III
37 - Scout 19
38 - Scout 20 Greater Dex IV
39 - Tempest 10 Imp Power Attack
40 - Scout 21 +1Dex

Str 14
Dex 38
Con 12
Wis 12
Int 14
Cha 14

Fort 41(45)
Reflex 34(38)
Will 17(21)

316 Skills
Hide/MS 43(57)
Tumble 40
Spellcraft 20
Disc 42(44)
108 leftover

HP 409
AC 40, on the move 45
BAB 27
AB 46/41/36/31 46/31/29/24
Furious Assult 44/39/34/29/46 44/39/24/19
+3 slashing
PRC power +2 piercing damage per -1AB(maxing at -10)


-20 AB for the above max damage, Powerattack does nto effect the AB at the end of the offhand, so the 24/19 stay the same

24 Initiative
polymorph/badger Skirmishing!
Strike at Core-Con damage DC19
55SR(not shown in sheet)
Scout Speed

Epic wep replaced with 4 great dex to give the +2 to AB/AC and anyother dex related stat.
Varied weapons useble, darts can be dropped for another melee weapon and a different scout feat at lvl 12, i use blindfight. Or you can focus for 1 more AB on a single weapon or two with a drop of Greater Dex III/IV. One focus only, allows one more feat, toughness perhaps for the 40hp
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

August 27, 2010, 08:47:43 PM
Reply #7
  • Adept
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Monk 25, Man At Arms 10, Shadow Dancer 5

STR 14 -> 14
DEX 16 -> 28
CON 14 -> 14
INT 10 -> 10
WIS 14 -> 14
CHA 10 -> 10

This one is for an RP server, tell me what you think and correct me when im wrong please (im sure ill make a few mistakes)

Level 1 Monk Power attack Dodge

Level 3 Weapon Focus Kama

Level 6 Weapon Focus any will do

Level 9 again, any weapon focus will do

Level 12 Same here

Level 13 Man at arms

Level 15 Weapon Finesse

Level 18 Mobility

Level 21 Epic Weapon focus

Level 23 Shadow Dancer

Level 24 TWF

Level 27 Great Dex

Level 29 Monk

Level 30 Epic Dodge

Level 33 Ambidex

Level 36 ITWF

Level 39 Great Dex

Level 40 Armor Skin

When i did this build i was thinking i wanted someone that could pack a punch, that was fast, with lots of attacks and more than decent TS, but i wanted it to also be as hard to kill as it could be.

Im pretty sure i`ve made a mistake but i wanted to hear your opinion and if you think its a good build.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2010, 09:03:23 PM by Lhynn »