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Author Topic: CAnt run the PRC ;(  (Read 7259 times)

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June 16, 2009, 10:02:32 AM

Hi all.

 I ve just stumbeled upon this module for the great game NWN and i m being a bit disappointed because i just can t get this mod started. i used 3.3 f exe installation, when i install hte mod into my game module , it writes many messages about overwriting and generally sais things are bad. character creator doesnt run at all. cant use new classes for my new character, the choices are avaliable but the OK button is shadowed during the character creation, so i cant choose the new classes (

June 16, 2009, 11:00:04 AM
Reply #1

You need to use the PRC Character Creator to start with a PRC race or base class. Instructions are in the manual.
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 16, 2009, 03:39:04 PM
Reply #2

Also you do realize that PRC is not as mod but a hak (like CEP) so due to this it has many updates over time and can make mod found in the vault using PRC not work correctly(if outdated)  with the newest version of PRC. The best advice I had about this was to keep the original mod (with out haks) and make update and a new mod with the newest version of PRC each time.

Also Prc has a massive amount of content available and there is no way one can really "wing" it with out reading the manual (read little at a time as it can be overwhelming if you are new to PRC specially for the installation part.)

If you are new to NWN or the custom content side of it then hang in there and take small steps (do not try to understand it all at once it is to much). As Strat stated you need the character Creator/builder (separate down load) to make your character.

In all it will take a bit of "getting to know" all that prc has to offer before you can enjoy all that it has to offer, but trust me when I tell you it is well worth it. (just a bit frustrating... well frustrating if you know little about scripting like me hehe)

Best of luck, be safe!

June 17, 2009, 09:44:24 AM
Reply #3

Thnks, actually the problem was that i didnt have .NeT package on my pc. It all works now. I ve got a little question though is it normal, that i ve got also classes like "plant" "vermin" "abberation" in the class choosing wondow? (no no i cant choose them , its just annoying). Also: as far as i understand i cant take feats on 1st level that are not satisfied by the requirements otherwise i wont be able to level my character? Tried to take unavaliable feats on further levels, which led to the game asking me to relevel which is good, since i think noone wants to exploit such possible bugs.

Also: where can i get the neccesary material components for my new spells? (i took the necrotic cyst feat to cast cyst spells, i was delighted by this fact, you probably will need feats to meet focus requirements )

Also: anyone has any ideas what does it mean that the creature is shaken whenever a necromantic spell is cast on it? ( i mean the effect of Dreadful necromancy feat)?

Also: how can i fix the animation problem: the summon undead 1 spell gives me skeletons right? but one looks like a human or a dwarf (naked ) ;(
« Last Edit: June 17, 2009, 09:49:31 AM by geg_Ma3gau »

June 17, 2009, 10:15:06 AM
Reply #4

Yes, if you take an illegal feat at level 1, your character breaks.

As for the monster classes, that's for how we do racial hit dice for some monster races, when that feature is turned on.

There are no actual material components required, it's just text, not game code.

Shaken is basically-2 attack, saves, and skills, I think. Not sure if it includes damage. Anyway, this place should give you an idea, just search for shaken there, or the other effects you aren't sure of.

You have naked dwarf error?  We need to fix that line of spells, still. Hope you enjoy your nudist companion :P
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 17, 2009, 10:26:04 AM
Reply #5

Lol ok, going to overrun the campaign with the naked dwarven army D  Could anyone please explain how do i turn every pnp feature on, like summoning endless skeletons with you (im not sure exactly how should it work, but you get the point)?

June 17, 2009, 04:22:13 PM
Reply #6

Quote from: geg_Ma3gau

Lol ok, going to overrun the campaign with the naked dwarven army D  Could anyone please explain how do i turn every pnp feature on, like summoning endless skeletons with you (im not sure exactly how should it work, but you get the point)?

There are switches that control that. There is an include file that has all the details (can't remember the exact file name now) I remember where one could find info about that in the old forum but still learning all the posts on this new one) but I know for sure it is a multisummon var switch that turns it on you can also access it from the conv in game but will only be active for that game.

I am glad you got it working!

June 18, 2009, 02:23:53 AM
Reply #7

Ah, good , ivve found the needed file with the switches now ill take care to study one.