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Author Topic: Aielund saga and the PRC  (Read 5804 times)

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October 08, 2009, 09:26:02 PM
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So through making a custom hak and tlk file, I got the aielund saga to work with the PRC.  However, there is one problem.  I don't get EXP for killing mobs spawned by encounters.  I get EXP for completing quests and for killing "bosses" that are already placed on the map, but I don't get anything from killing an encounter spawned creature.  Is there any way I can fix this?  Is it possible to go into the actual module and edit a setting to chance this?  Thanks in advance.

Also if anyone knows anyone knows any good epic mods (meaning they are meant for lvl 20+ characters) please let me know!

Thanks so much!

October 09, 2009, 12:57:52 AM
Reply #1
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Alright, I figured it out myself.

I figured I'd share the answer.

In the hack prc_spells.hak there is an overide script for nw_c2_default7 that handles behavior (such as giving out EXP) when creatures die.

Without the PRC that script has a line - ExecuteScript("sha_xpsystem", OBJECT_SELF); that is responsible for the EXP system.  So I exported the nw_c2_default7 script, recompiled it with the added line of code (changed the name of course), and now it works perfect.