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Author Topic: Prestige Class: Brimstone Speaker  (Read 3654 times)

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June 08, 2009, 11:40:42 AM

I'll submit my build plan using the Brimstone Speaker.

This will maintain clerical spells and Brimstone Speaker abilities to aid/augment the fighting abilities of the Alaghar.

Earthen Fire - Cleric 8 / Brimstone Speaker 6 / Alaghar 6

Race: Dwarf (required)
Alignment: Lawful Good
STR 14 [+2]
DEX 10

CON 16 [+3] (Dwarf: 14 + 2)
INT 14 [+2]
WIS 16 [+2]
CHA 6 [-2] (Dwarf: 8 - 2)

1. Cleric 1 - Truespeak/Heal +4, Lore/Concentration/Craft Weapon/Armour +2; Truename Training;
Domains: Dwarf & Good (required mix for PrC's)
2. Cleric 2 - Truespeak/Heal +1, Craft W/A +1
3. Cleric 3 - Truespeak/Heal +1, Craft W/A +1; Martial Weapon Proficiency
4. Cleric 4 - WIS +1; Truespeak/Heal +1, Craft W/A +1
5. Cleric 5 - Truespeak/Heal/Lore/Conc +1 (standard skills from here onward)
6. Cleric 6 - Power Attack
7. Cleric 7 - __
8. Brimstone Speaker 1 - WIS +1; Tongue of Flame 3d6
9. Cleric 8 - Extend Spell
10. Alaghar 1 - Weapon Focus (Battleaxe), Blindfight
11. Alaghar 2 - Silverbeard +1, Rockburst 1/day
12. Brimstone Speaker 2 - WIS +1; Cleave
13. BS 3 - Lesser Heavenly Entreaty
14. BS 4 - __
15. Alaghar 3 - Clangeddin's Strike 1/day; Great Cleave
16. BS 5 - STR +1; Tongue of Fire 5d6
17. BS 6 - Heavenly Entreaty
18. Alaghar 4 - Clangeddin's Might 1/day; Practiced Spellcaster (Cleric)
19. Alaghar 5 - Silverbeard +2, Improved Critical (Battleaxe)
20. Alaghar 6 - STR +1; Clangeddin's Strike 2/day, Rockburst 2/day

Likely to complete BS levels to 10, then continue Alaghar until the end.

Final Stats:
STR 16 [+3]
DEX 10

CON 16 [+3]
INT 14 [+2]
WIS 19 [+4]
CHA 6 [-2]

(could potentially trade in 2 STR levels for 2 WIS levels - depending on damage and carrying capacity desired)

BAB: +16 (gets 4 attacks)
AB (When using B-Axe): +19/+14/+9/+4

Fort: 16 Ref: 6 Will: 16

Concentration: 18 + 2 + 4 = 24
Craft Armour: 5 + 2 + 2 = 9
Craft Weapon: 5 + 2 + 2 = 9
Heal: 23 + 4 = 28
Lore: 18 + 2 + 2 = 22
Truespeak: 23 + 2 = 25

Battle Axe
Tower Shield
Full Plate
(make the dude a mobile fortress basically)

*Full spellcasting potential of equal level Cleric (except domain spells?)
*Decent attack bonus - gets maximum 4 attacks
*Can summon Heavenly Entreaty as well as clerical summons
*Fairly decent fighting abilities with Clangeddin's Might & Strike added in
*Elemental damage potential with Tongue of Fire & Rockburst
*Clerical spells are mainly for buffing and healing, extend spell makes pre-battle buffs last longer while he does the work himself.

*Virtually no turning capabilities whatsoever
*Gets better abilities fairly late in progression
*Expensive equipments requirements to be safe from harm (full plate + tower shield)
*Restricted to BattleAxe for a weapon - not so bad if able to find good ones easily.

EDIT: Added Truename Training at 1st level, removed combat casting, moved martial prof and power attack to lvl 3 & 6 respectively
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 11:40:56 AM
Reply #1


Str 10
Dex 13
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 19
Cha 6

1 - Cleric 1 Truename Training(Fire Domain Required)
2 - Cleric 2
3 - Cleric 3 Intuitive Attack
4 - Cleric 4
5 - Cleric 5 (8 lore)
6 - Fire 1 Zen Archery
7 - Fire 2 (10 TS)
8 - Brimstone 1
9 - Brimstone 2 Extend Spell
10 - Brimstone 3
11 - Fire 3
12 - Fire 4 Spell Focus:Evocation
13 - Fire 5
14 - Fire 6
15 - Fire 7 Greater Focus
16 - Fire 8
17 - Fire 9
18 - Fire 10 Prac Caster:Cleric
19 - Brimstone 4
20 - Brimstone 5

Str 10
Dex 13
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 24
Cha 6

Skills 69
Conc 18(20)
Truespeak 23(24)
Spellcraft 20
Lore 8

Fort 13(17)
Reflex 6(10)
Will 22(26)

AC 22(fullplate+tower)
HP 180
BAB 11
AB 25/20/15*
1-6 19-20

AC 45
HP +40
AB 55/50/45/40
1-6+6 19-20x2
+2d6 divine Undead


Fort 20(24)
Reflex 9(13)
Will 27(31)

Full casting as 20 Cleric
+3SR/DC for fire spells
DC27 Lesser Summon
DC30 5d6 Line of fire
Immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, critical hits and sneak attacks. -15 fire resist, Double damage from cold

*The +3SR/DC do not seem to factor in on logs, bug?
*Also Intuitive attack adds two times your wisdom. Unarmed counting as simple and making the AB "static" if you will, use a mace and you get another +XX wismod.
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.