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Author Topic: PRC Compatible Modules  (Read 42915 times)

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June 09, 2009, 07:03:29 PM

Hello. I think that the PRC is awesome, but I want to find a good module to play with it. Is there like a list of PRC compatible mods out there? Thanks in advance.

June 09, 2009, 11:12:13 PM
Reply #1

Well you can play just about any mod that has no Haks or Tlk files (Cep is ok). the only bad thing is that they are often made with out taking PRC into account and thus making it not so fun to play (except for hack and slash ones).

Prc had put out some modules they recommended it is on the vault but it is for an older version of Prc I think it is for 3.0.

It has long been my dream to see a mod made from scratch using PRC that would be an epic task for sure let alone the mod of the century IMO.

The one everyone seems to play is Endless nights but it is Hack and slash no RP sad to say.

Hope it helps. Maybe some day the game developers will take a closer look at all the super work done with by PRC and they will make a NWN3  mod/ campaign that supports all the PRC content but does not require the use of a really new gamer type computer with all the powerful graphic cards etc. Maybe they can make it optional like NWN1 where you could choose form 16 bit or higher.

Be safe!

June 10, 2009, 01:04:48 AM
Reply #2

Endless Nights sounds perfect. I have a problem, though. I downloaded Endless Nights VI w/ PRC, and then downloaded the CEP files needed to play it (its out of date). When I try to play, though, some classes are left blank. Is this because the module is out of date  or did I do something wrong? I never had this problem with HOTU, which is what I was using to make different characters. Thanks for the help.

June 10, 2009, 01:51:53 AM
Reply #3

Well I have not played Endless nights for some time. But I do remember some posts in the Vault of community members updating that module to Endless nights VII or VI not sure but if they updated it to the new PRC and adjusted the switches to reflect that I do not know for sure. As far as CEP I think you just need to make sure you have the version that module is using in your Hak file and make sure you have the correct Tlk (merge CEP and Prc file) and it should work.

I wish I could be better help but I am not very cleaver when it comes to explaining the technical parts of the modules ( I just have come to learn how to do it by driving the PRC team crazy *grins*)

Perhaps someone that is actively playing with that module can guide you in the right direction so you can get the latest PRC version working with that module.

Do not get discouraged as it can be discouraging at times but once you get it sorted out it will be well worth it. The best NWN 1 has to offer IMO PRC just has so much more to offer...


June 10, 2009, 08:10:07 AM
Reply #4

Blank names would come from using an out of date TLK file. Which it would do if its not 3.3f2 (and I don't think it is). This is why it's often better to use mods that have the PRC as their only hak.
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June 13, 2009, 09:58:59 AM
Reply #5
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annihilatus666,  if you downloaded the version with the prc already installed, it might simply be an issue of the mod using an older version of the prc while you have the newer files.  

I always tried to make sure EN4 and EN6 would work fine by installing the PRC on the base module, and last I checked (a few version of the PRC ago), that worked  perfectly fine.  So you could try downloading just the base mod (the CEP 2.0 one) and installing the PRC onto it.

I was going to download and install the new PRC but it seems it didn't like the fact that I simply copied NWN off my external drive.   Dunno if I actually wanna reinstall and repatch everything, but perhaps I could hunt down the regkeys it wants.

BTW, EN4 and EN6 both play very differently.  EN4 had a very random magic system where it was possible to get uber fast, but you'd need it by end game. EN6 I designed around the idea of having a one death and your out system and a low magic system that was more geared towards the level of the character.  So if you can't get EN6 to work, you can always try EN4.

June 13, 2009, 07:31:38 PM
Reply #6

i found the mod prc world extreme is a good way to test out the prc

June 14, 2009, 05:06:24 AM
Reply #7

Clansunstar I believe PRC World Extreme doesnt use the latest PRC though. Otherwise I would host the crap out of that server. If anyone knows how to reconfigure PRC World Extreme Module so it uses prc 3.3f please let me know. I would love to host that server and play the PRC with some friends. Is anyone capable? Anyone up to play PRC together? Or even help me make my PRC mod?

June 14, 2009, 07:03:12 AM
Reply #8

You could just try swapping the hacks for the latest if it doesn't use the CEP. That should work, most of the time.
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 15, 2009, 04:02:41 PM
Reply #9

PRC World Extreme, unfortunately uses the CEP. So I dont really know what to do. Also I am having troubles hosting it as it lies now. For some reason the server can not be hosted.

June 15, 2009, 11:20:24 PM
Reply #10

well i have just about every version of the cep in my hak folder. what i did was changed all the haks to current versions and i tend to use it as a single player mod, i would have interest in helping get it up for a pw. i have some building skills and some minor scripting skills. any way i can help i will.:)

the mod is a very large mod and would need trimmed IMO to run as a good server. it takes a very long time to load. their is an older version that tends to run better but it is a bit smaller than the best version IMO.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2009, 11:23:22 PM by clansunstar »

June 16, 2009, 03:12:53 AM
Reply #11

Clan Sunstar to help get this mod hosted as a PW it would be much appreciated. I could use your help for I dont know how to even host it. It is to complicated. If we sat down together and talked things through that would put a lot of stress of my shoulders. When you get the chance email me at . Or even better if you have MSN messenger or Xfire email your usernames. I would eventually like to speak with you in a chat room on IRC. So the sooner you get a hold of me the sooner I can get this module up. Hope to hear from ya soon.

June 16, 2009, 08:03:39 PM
Reply #12

I just went through getting EN6 to work with the PRC; had a lot of issues with it.  I'm not sure that what claims to be the latest CEP/PRC merge hak actually is...  What I ended up doing was taking the CEP2.0 version of EN6, manually removing the tlk from it, and then using the module updater to add the latest merge hak to it.  That seemed to work, but I haven't discovered yet if it will cause problems.

I did notice some blank class names, which is why I think the merge is out of date.  But so far they are classes I don't care about.  :)

If anyone could track down a confirmed CEP2.2/PRC3.3a merge it would be much appreciated; I don't quite have the skill to build one myself.

June 16, 2009, 09:01:48 PM
Reply #13
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Quote from: MaxAstro

I just went through getting EN6 to work with the PRC; had a lot of issues with it.  I'm not sure that what claims to be the latest CEP/PRC merge hak actually is...  What I ended up doing was taking the CEP2.0 version of EN6, manually removing the tlk from it, and then using the module updater to add the latest merge hak to it.  That seemed to work, but I haven't discovered yet if it will cause problems.

I did notice some blank class names, which is why I think the merge is out of date.  But so far they are classes I don't care about.  :)

If anyone could track down a confirmed CEP2.2/PRC3.3a merge it would be much appreciated; I don't quite have the skill to build one myself.

I used the EN6 version without PRC installed ( from, and installed PRC myself (using the PRC installer program).I also had to open EN6 in the toolset and disable the code that strips you of all items (because it was causing problems like those described in the 1st and 3rd posts here: After I did that, it worked without too many problems even without the PRC/CEP merge hak, which now rather surprises me--maybe I just got lucky.

June 17, 2009, 02:50:34 AM
Reply #14

Would also like to note that I would be very, very interested in seeing a PRC-using persistent world.  I'd be glad to offer my help in any way I can to make it happen.  Unfortunately, I don't have much in the way of needed skills; like I mentioned earlier, I couldn't even figure out how to make a proper merge hak.  ^^;  And I have no real experience with the toolset...

But I'm certainly willing to try and learn if there is something I can help with.