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Author Topic: PRC Compatible Modules  (Read 42914 times)

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February 05, 2010, 08:06:17 AM
Reply #30
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Quote from: bullarock777

Also, Shadow's Quitus II, a Level 30+ module, which does use a hak(SQ2-V3.HAK), PRC merged successfully. Will be play testing.

Caereena-Krakona, a Level 20+ module, uses a couple tile haks, PRC merged successfully. Custom item are given to player based on original base classes. My first run was all PRC multi-class, no custom gear. I will try again using a NWN base class, plus PRC classes to see if custom item set is given.

Hey bullarock where can i find Shadow's Quitus II ?  I searched net but i couldn't find any module with this name.

February 05, 2010, 12:34:19 PM
Reply #31
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Quote from: giuice

Quote from: bullarock777

Also, Shadow's Quitus II, a Level 30+ module, which does use a hak(SQ2-V3.HAK), PRC merged successfully. Will be play testing.

Caereena-Krakona, a Level 20+ module, uses a couple tile haks, PRC merged successfully. Custom item are given to player based on original base classes. My first run was all PRC multi-class, no custom gear. I will try again using a NWN base class, plus PRC classes to see if custom item set is given.

Hey bullarock where can i find Shadow's Quitus II ?  I searched net but i couldn't find any module with this name.

I believe the reference is to Shadow's Quietus II (abbreviated SQ2), which can be found here:

February 05, 2010, 12:41:30 PM
Reply #32
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Another module that works: I've played through the Sands of Fate series a couple of times with various versions of PRC 3.2 and 3.3, with minimal issues.

February 09, 2010, 12:45:28 PM
Reply #33
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I've just played through the first part of Tangled Web with the latest PrC/CEP combo; no problems. Sweet mudule, too.

February 22, 2010, 08:19:11 AM
Reply #34
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Kingdom of Bortiis 1.05 seems to work fine. If you like hack and slash, undirected exploring of a largish and complex world, and over-the top gear, it's worth a try. Seems like it could be very hard for the wrong builds, but wasn't so difficult for the one I used. Very little scripting (e.g. even conversations never update based on what you've done), but it does have a plot and mysteries to uncover.

February 22, 2010, 05:44:50 PM
Reply #35
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I had problems with Bortiis under earlier versions, so I am glad to hear the current PRC works with it.  The module is vast enough to keep a player busy for a long, long time.

May 29, 2010, 07:46:02 PM
Reply #36

So, on the off chance that someone happens to be wondering, no, it does not seem that Citadel is compatible with the PRC (it's one of the high-rated modules on the vault, is why I checked it out) took me some work to get it all sorted out with the outdated CEP version it uses and getting a merge together, only to log in and find "prc_hide" in my inventory.

Found out that this is because the module itself uses a custom hide for storing its own variables, and the PRC needs its custom hide for its own stuff, so...yeah.

Was going to see if Tales of a Mage works, but it uses some weird mish-mash of the CEP (when I loaded it into the toolset it demanded haks that I didn't have, that the author hadn't mentioned in the slightest, and I had no idea where to download), so gave up on that.

Personally, I'm looking for a module with a balance between combat and story (similar to the three official campaigns), that goes into the epic levels or scales like the OC modules do. (I'd like to feel like I actually -need- that 60+ dc on my spells, or that massive fort save, or 50 AC, etc, without it being a pure hack and slash)

If anyone has any insight, that would be totally great. The vault's search system is...less than stellar. >_> And sorting through various modules that use a gazillion custom haks or any version of the CEP between 1.0 and current, is kind of frustrating.

May 30, 2010, 11:13:56 AM
Reply #37
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I have been for a long time looking for either somebody to host the OC online with PrC as the only hack, or a PW with PrC as the only hack. I surfed this thread hoping to find either/or but have yet to see what I am looking for. I HAVE however seen people that want to build PWs or PrC multiplayer servers and I would be happy to join them so long as I did not need to download too many extra hacks. I am not a moder/coder myself, but what I am good at is fluff creation, writing, world building and generally creating the fluff side of the world rather then working with the hard technological side of module building. So if you need somebody to help you with the writing side of things I would be ecstatic if you let me lend a hand. I am also obviously interested as a player.

Also, my girlfriend may be able to help with the tech as well as the writing. She is an oblivion/elder scrolls moder so she may be able to help us out with NWN.

Also, if anybody knows a multiplayer server/moduel that has the PrC as it's only required hack, please tell me.

December 19, 2010, 06:56:00 AM
Reply #38
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I host  a PRC  server under Roleplay which uses CEP 2.3 and 3.4 beta hak, see for more information and extra help or comments would be very much appreciated, or new players.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2010, 04:57:07 AM by Moixa »

February 13, 2011, 06:49:37 PM
Reply #39
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Hey im playing on the above server,oodles of fun,check it out!

April 13, 2011, 06:59:10 PM
Reply #40
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Thanks for playing :)

A shamless plug, but I currently host 3 diffferent PRC mods, they can be at the moment found under PW Action section of gamespy the servers are called Moixa's server, all are welcome and all play styles welcome - just not be a pain in the ass!  They are alll action style mods, but Amon and LOTR are Action/RP playable

I host Altharian Renegade PRC  which is more a uber mod.

World of Amon PRC CEP, a highly detailed world with lots to do.

and Lotr PRC CEP - which is Lord of the Rings based.

For the above worlds you will need additional haks, the infomation is availlable from, if find hard to find the haks needed make a post as trying to sort some website stuff out currently.

If you are a DM or a scriptor or an Area designer, and have time availlable to help, I would love to have a conversation :)

Long live the PRC!
« Last Edit: April 13, 2011, 07:01:24 PM by Moixa »

April 26, 2011, 06:11:09 AM
Reply #41

There's one great module, made especially for roguish classes with a LOT of use for social skills (skills can get you as much or even more xp than killing) and it's compatible with PRC. A dance with rogues. it got 2 parts.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2011, 06:12:02 AM by marohair39 »