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Author Topic: Base Class: Psion  (Read 17468 times)

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June 05, 2009, 10:11:57 AM

Gemini the Mind Mage (INT based, aka the ?Wilycat?)

?Two minds are better than one?

Zakya Rakshasa, True Neutral, Wiz 5 / Psion 5 / CM 30

Stats: Base [Race + Mods]
Str: 10 [ 20 ]
Dex: 14 [ 18 ]
Con: 14 [ 24 ]
Int: 18 [ 30 ]
Wis: 8 [ 10 ]
Cha: 8 [ 8]

Pro?s: 39th Wizard, 35th Psion, High SR (race), decent caster hp (440), high buffed AC, saves, hp & AB, epic spells, 1950 hp Epic Warding, ~60+ psi powers, 3 racial True Strikes, decent Psi-healing powers, Deep Impact for uber (monk) AC?s, ~388 skill points, no smites, good chance to debuff opponents, low chance for opp?s to debuff, Lower Spell Resistance (Fort) DC 63 (69 max Int).

Cons: d4?s, 2 attack / round (un-hasted), psi-focus (bogus!) mechanic (f-off, WotC!), fast Psi pp burn down @ max augment, manual psi-focus (bogus!) required for some meta-psi?s to work (twin Ecto-Shambler), quickslot shortage.

Attack stack: BAB +20, Str +5 (+11 Max Str), Off. Precog +12, Mantle of Egr. Might +4, Gr. Heroism +4 = +45 (+51 Max Str)

Deadeye Sense: +20
65 (45 + 20), 71 (Max Str)

True Strike: +20
85 (65 + 20), 91 (Max Str)

Misc: Masochism + X, enhancements +Y

AC stack (max buff, no items): 10 (Base) + 9 Natural Armor, +2 Armor Skin, +4 Tumble + 4 Dex (+10 Max), + 21 Inertial Armor (Armor), +12 Force Screen (Shield), +12 Def Precognition (Insight) +10 Imp Expertise = 84 (90 Max Dex)

Damage Stack: +5 Str (+11 max), +13 Off. Prescience, +Y enhancements = 18 (24 Max Str)

Skill point ?Saves? allows for quick re-rolls. Save Skills, except as noted. Strictly level 40 build.

1 Wiz1: Extend Spell, Combat Cast (race bonus), +4 Conc, +4 Lore, +4 S-Craft, Save 16
2 Wiz2: +1 Conc, +1 Lore, +1 S-Craft, Save excess
3 Wiz3: Expertise, +1 Conc, +1 Lore, +1 S-Craft, Save excess
4 Wiz4: Int mod (1)
5 Wiz5: (Wiz 5), Empower Spell (bonus)
6 Psi1: Discipline ? Kineticist (Your choice), Imp. Expertise, Psi-Weapon I (bonus)
7 Psi2:
8 Psi3: Int mod (2)
9 Psi4: Twin Power
10 Psi5: (Wiz 5 / Psi 5), Max Power (bonus)
11 CM1:
12 CM2: Int mod (3), Max Spell
13 CM3:
14 CM4:
15 CM5: (Wiz 5 / Psi 5 / CM 5), Deep Impact
16 CM6: Int mod (4)
17 CM7:
18 CM8: Practiced Caster (Wiz)
19 CM9:
20 CM10: (Wiz 5 / Psi 5 / CM 10), Int mod (5)
21 CM11: Armor Skin
22 CM12:
23 CM13: +20 Conc, +20 Lore, +20 S-Craft, Save excess
24 CM14: Int mod (6), Epic Spellcasting
25 CM15: (Wiz 5 / Psi 5 / CM 15), Imp. Combat Cast (bonus)
26 CM16:
27 CM17: Empower Power
28 CM18: Int mod (7)
29 CM19:
30 CM20: (Wiz 5 / Psi 5 / CM 20), Epic Psi-Focus (bogus!) I
31 CM21: Extend Power (bonus)
32 CM22: Int mod (8)
33 CM23: Epic Psi-Focus (bogus!) II
34 CM24:
35 CM25: (Wiz 5 / Psi 5 / CM 25), + 12 S-Craft, Save excess
36 CM26: Int mod (9), Epic Psi-Focus (bogus!) III
37 CM27: Imp. Meta-Psi I (bonus)
38 CM28: Dump skill points: Conc, Lore, S-Craft, Disc, et. al.
39 CM29: Imp. Meta-Psi II
40 CM30: (Wiz 5 / Psi 5 / CM 30), Int mod (10), Top off skills

Skills: Conc: 43, Disc: 21, Lore: 43, S-Craft: 43, Tumble: 21, +175 your choices


1) Twinned Ecto-Shambler (34 hp / round when twinned - no SR, no save, no attack rolls, magical damage) on non-DR classes / opp?s is a great fire and forget power. You have to manually Psi-focus (bogus!)  (Ahem, f-off, WotC geniuses!) to twin the Shambler.

2) Energy Current (Kineticist only) ? max augment & meta-psi then make sure no one ?punks? you into attacking (breaks power). Does ~ 165 ? 330 hp / round (Cold Fort half, all others [fire, sonic, et. al.] Flex half) concentrating ? no pp drain. Do not use on high SR races unless Lower Spell Resistance is used first.

3) Energy Missile (Kineticist only) DC save is NOT a misprint, DC = 10 + 2 (base power level) + 1 / pp + ability mod. Max augment save ~ 50+ DC (Cold Fort half, all others [fire, sonic, et. al.] Flex half) for five twinned, max & empowered missiles. Cannot target same opp twice (arg!). Do not use on high SR races unless Lower Spell Resistance is used first.

4) If you don?t like a power choice (i.e. Mental Barrier = WotC trash!), use Psychic Reformation.

5) Psi-Meditation (aka Psi Medi-Wasting) was intentionally not taken (BS 3.5 mechanic).

6) Race was chosen over Illithid due to better natural AC, Con and Str bonuses.

Download .bic at:

That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

July 05, 2009, 07:41:21 PM
Reply #1

Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

July 26, 2009, 09:14:19 AM
Reply #2

MM_Wilycat & DMM zipped .bic's
Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

August 17, 2010, 09:04:25 PM
Reply #3

Updated with Practiced Manifester, corrected bonus power points and psi-bogus mitigation ;).

Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

August 17, 2010, 09:19:59 PM
Reply #4

Feats: Twin, Max, Empower, Chain, Extend, Overchannel, Psi-Weapon, Deep Impact, Power Pen, Gr. Power Pen, Practiced Manifester, Imp Metapsi III, Imp Manifest VIII

1) Currently non-legal build
2) Used PRC Leto to mitigate psionic bogus (focus) mechanics
3) Updated INT to match Max pp
4) Lower Manifester level than actual Grim Psion:
Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

October 23, 2010, 09:59:51 PM
Reply #5

Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

January 16, 2011, 12:04:30 AM
Reply #6

June 21, 2011, 10:45:16 PM
Reply #7

Zipped .bic's
Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

June 21, 2011, 10:46:32 PM
Reply #8

Zipped .bic's
Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

March 14, 2017, 08:28:09 AM
Reply #9
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What's the Psionic Focus mitigation you're talking about in your builds?
Ideas are bulletproof.

March 14, 2017, 05:53:45 PM
Reply #10

PRC Leto-ed Epic Psi-Focus (Bogus?) X & Psi-Meditation (Medi-Wasting) feats.

You have to manually hit Psi-Medi-Wasting to make sure all Meta-Psi's are applied. Annoying as sh_t.

Anyone else have a "Mother, may I" before casting? WotC genius.
Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

March 14, 2017, 06:51:31 PM
Reply #11
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Yeah, well, I play a psion... Actually being able to apply multiple metapsionics is an advantage over magic classes, as in nwn they can only ever add one. I think epic psionic focus is actually a fair feat. Though pre-epic psionic focus kinda sucks.

Does psionic meditation actually allow you to focus and manifest in one round? Because  in pnp if you focus as a move action you still have a standard action to manifest.
Ideas are bulletproof.

March 14, 2017, 07:30:48 PM
Reply #12

IIRC, Psi-Medi-Wasting granted "Mother, May I" permission-to-manifest in the same round.
Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

March 15, 2017, 04:24:34 AM
Reply #13
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So I just tried and you cannot - at least on my computer. Gaining psionic focus is much faster, but you still cannot do anything but run in that round - no attacking, no casting.
Ideas are bulletproof.

March 15, 2017, 05:40:49 PM
Reply #14

Focus, Fire, Focus, Fire. After your last power, focus again. Annoying as _ _ _ _ yet?  ???

RE: Psionic types. PP burndown is a huge issue, so . .

Two of the best pp economical damage / pp ratio powers are:
Twinned, Extended Ecto Shamber (No SR, No Save, Magic dam) - huge duration, huge damage. Only high DR beats it.
Emp, Max, Extended Energy Current (SR, Cold is Fort save and +1 dam) - you have to concentrate, so AC boost is a must.

The Twinned Shambler does your manifester level in damage each round * 2 min (Extended) / man level. If you have a Psy-Theurge that casts Extended Creep Doom & Twinned, Ext Shamblers, a half dozen of each at the same time melts darn near anything.
Fermi was a Pyrokineticist