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Author Topic: Turn monster abilities to have a recharge time and to scale appropriately  (Read 8121 times)

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May 29, 2012, 04:52:56 AM
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where does one modify the monster abilities (listed under the "monster ability" tab) in order to make them more similar to the PnP?
My first PrC+Q module (and 1st mod ever): Revamped OC

May 29, 2012, 10:51:05 AM
Reply #1

where does one modify the monster abilities (listed under the "monster ability" tab) in order to make them more similar to the PnP?

Find their scripts in the spells.2da.  The NWN Wiki is also a good place to find out.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2012, 10:52:49 AM by DM Heatstroke »

May 29, 2012, 11:44:01 AM
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ah those abilities (like Bodak's death gaze or cockatrice's petrify touch) are considered as spells?

apparently, an example is that it should work already

//:: Dragon Breath Fire
//:: NW_S1_DragFire
//:: Copyright (c) 2001 Bioware Corp.
    Calculates the proper damage and DC Save for the
    breath weapon based on the HD of the dragon.
//:: Created By: Preston Watamaniuk
//:: Created On: May 9, 2001

const string DRAGBREATHLOCK = "DragonBreathLock";

//modified to use the breath include - Fox
#include "prc_alterations"
#include "prc_inc_breath"

void main()
    // Check the dragon breath delay lock
        SendMessageToPC(OBJECT_SELF, "You cannot use your breath weapon again so soon");

    //Declare major variables
    int nAge = GetHitDice(OBJECT_SELF);
    int nDCBoost = nAge / 2;
    int nDamageDice;
    struct breath FireBreath;

    //Use the HD of the creature to determine damage and save DC
    if (nAge <= 6) //Wyrmling
        nDamageDice = 2;
    else if (nAge >= 7 && nAge <= 9) //Very Young
        nDamageDice = 4;
    else if (nAge >= 10 && nAge <= 12) //Young
        nDamageDice = 6;
    else if (nAge >= 13 && nAge <= 15) //Juvenile
        nDamageDice = 8;
    else if (nAge >= 16 && nAge <= 18) //Young Adult
        nDamageDice = 10;
    else if (nAge >= 19 && nAge <= 21) //Adult
        nDamageDice = 12;
    else if (nAge >= 22 && nAge <= 24) //Mature Adult
        nDamageDice = 14;
    else if (nAge >= 25 && nAge <= 27) //Old
        nDamageDice = 16;
    else if (nAge >= 28 && nAge <= 30) //Very Old
        nDamageDice = 18;
    else if (nAge >= 31 && nAge <= 33) //Ancient
        nDamageDice = 20;
    else if (nAge >= 34 && nAge <= 37) //Wyrm
        nDamageDice = 22;
    else if (nAge > 37) //Great Wyrm
        nDamageDice = 24;

    //create the breath - 40' ~ 14m? - should set it based on size later
    FireBreath = CreateBreath(OBJECT_SELF, FALSE, 40.0, DAMAGE_TYPE_FIRE, 10, nDamageDice, ABILITY_CONSTITUTION, nDCBoost);

    //Apply the breath
    ApplyBreath(FireBreath, GetSpellTargetLocation());

    //Apply the recharge lock

    // Schedule opening the delay lock
    float fDelay = RoundsToSeconds(FireBreath.nRoundsUntilRecharge);
    SendMessageToPC(OBJECT_SELF, "Your breath weapon will be ready again in " + IntToString(FireBreath.nRoundsUntilRecharge) + " rounds.");

    DelayCommand(fDelay, DeleteLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF, DRAGBREATHLOCK));
    DelayCommand(fDelay, SendMessageToPC(OBJECT_SELF, "Your breath weapon is ready now"));

but when opening it in the toolset, it says that those 2
#include "prc_alterations"
#include "prc_inc_breath"
are not found. is that normal?
« Last Edit: May 29, 2012, 12:07:59 PM by Dark_Ansem »
My first PrC+Q module (and 1st mod ever): Revamped OC

May 29, 2012, 03:23:02 PM
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but when opening it in the toolset, it says that those 2
#include "prc_alterations"
#include "prc_inc_breath"
are not found. is that normal?
By default prc_include.hak is not added to mod during installation. It's only needed to compile prc scripts, and we don't recommend doing that in Toolset (use prc script compiler or advanced script compiler).

May 29, 2012, 04:46:22 PM
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My first PrC+Q module (and 1st mod ever): Revamped OC

May 30, 2012, 03:05:48 AM
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May 30, 2012, 03:12:09 AM
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June 19, 2012, 09:06:57 AM
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My first PrC+Q module (and 1st mod ever): Revamped OC

June 19, 2012, 10:33:18 AM
Reply #8

so it already implements a recharge time, even for dragons?

I doubt it.  The "recharge time" you are talking about would be part of the creatures AI, not the breath weapon itself.

June 19, 2012, 10:51:36 AM
Reply #9
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I doubt it.  The "recharge time" you are talking about would be part of the creatures AI, not the breath weapon itself.
Actually the code for dragon breath weapons does contain recharge counter, but I imagine this will only work if the dragon has unlimited uses of breath weapon. I haven't noticed any AI conflicts, but I haven't really payed any attention for this aspect of the game.

June 19, 2012, 02:20:19 PM
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My first PrC+Q module (and 1st mod ever): Revamped OC

June 19, 2012, 02:27:57 PM
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how could I set unlimited breath weapon?
Appearently it's not possible - I'm starting to think that there's a bug in PRC code. Reacharged breath works for shifters with unlimited breath uses, but it probably breaks 'regular' dragons. I'll have to check that in game.

June 19, 2012, 04:50:23 PM
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My first PrC+Q module (and 1st mod ever): Revamped OC