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Author Topic: Spellcasting Bug  (Read 3301 times)

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June 28, 2012, 04:43:07 PM

Hum, hello again... and sorry if I get annoying in any point, but I'm in the need of help again.

We've found a bug in our module that we don't know how to fix, some spells are not working (You cast them, but they don't add the buffs, for example the Bull's Strength). Can somebody help us please? x_X.
Our scripter doesn't know what to do, and I've red somewhere that it might be a problem with the PRC_Skin.

Thanks, in advance.

June 28, 2012, 06:39:44 PM
Reply #1

Hum, hello again... and sorry if I get annoying in any point, but I'm in the need of help again.

We've found a bug in our module that we don't know how to fix, some spells are not working (You cast them, but they don't add the buffs, for example the Bull's Strength). Can somebody help us please? x_X.
Our scripter doesn't know what to do, and I've red somewhere that it might be a problem with the PRC_Skin.

Thanks, in advance.

The PRC spells aren't working or you have custom spells?

June 28, 2012, 06:48:44 PM
Reply #2

Some are PRC spells and other are core spells.
Examples are, Bull's Strength; Righteous Might; Cat's Grace; Resurrection Spells; Healing spells in general... and the bug is also on the potions, they don't work at all... except with some exceptions.
Nevertheless, some spells work - Though I didn't try the potions of them. (Divine Power, Bless, Divine Favor).

June 30, 2012, 04:05:57 AM
Reply #3
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I've seen this bug before - on the server that this bug occured they made a script that added bonus feats to players skin from OnEnter event - the script didn't even checked it PC had that feats already. So every time player entered the game he had new bonus feats added to his skin. At some point it was impossible to apply any effects on that PC because of NWN engine limitation.

The situation you're describing seems very similar.