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Author Topic: Prestige Class: Bereft  (Read 3747 times)

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June 08, 2009, 11:40:02 AM

...and here's my Bereft Build:

Shadow Speaker - Ninja 10/ShadowDancer 5/Bereft 5

Race: Tiefling
Alingment: Chaotic Neutral

Starting Stats:
STR 12 [+1]
DEX 18 [+4] (Tiefling 16 + 2)
CON 12 [+1]
INT 16 [+3] (Tiefling 14 + 2)
WIS 14 [+2]
CHA 6 [-2] (Tiefling 8 - 2)

Standard Skills: (these are the skills taken every level of each type - excess skills are saved for following levels)
Ninja: Hide, Move Silently, Tumble, Truespeak, Disable Trap, Open Lock, Search, Set Trap, Spot
Shadowdancer: Hide, Move Silently, Tumble, Truespeak, Search, Spot (Disable Trap, Set Trap, Open Lock saved for Ninja Levels)
Bereft: Truespeak (saved points used to max Hide, Move Silently, Tumble, Search when able)

1. Ninja 1 - Ki Power, Sneak Attack +1d6; Truename Training
2. Ninja 2 - Ghost Step
3. Ninja 3 - SA +2d6, Use Poison; Dodge
4. Ninja 4 - DEX +1; Great Leap
5. Ninja 5 - SA +3d6
6. Ninja 6 - Acrobatics +2, ki Dodge; Mobility
7. Ninja 7 - SA +4d6
8. Shadowdancer 1 - DEX +1; HiPS
9. SD 2 - Evasion, Darkvision (wasted as Tiefling ability); Uncanny Dodge 1; Weapon Finesse
10. Ninja 8 - Ghost Strike
11. Bereft 1 - Syllable of Detachment
12. Bereft 2 - DEX +1; Syllable of Alliction; Blind-Fight
13. Bereft 3 - So-Exile
14. Bereft 4 - So-Dissolution
15. Bereft 5 - So-Evervation; Skill Focus (Truespeak)
16. Ninja 9 - DEX +1; SA +5d6;
17. SD 3 - Shadow Daze, Summon Shadow
18. SD 4 - Shadow Evade; Toughness
19. Ninja 10 - Ghost Step (ethereal)
20. Ninja 11 - DEX +1; SA +6d6

Final Stats:
STR 12 [+1]
DEX 23 [+6]
CON 12 [+1]
INT 16 [+3]
WIS 14 [+2]
CHA 6 [-2]

BAB: +14
AB (with light weapon): +20/+15/+5

Fort: 5
Ref: 12
Will: 8

Hide: 23 + 6 + 2 = 31
Move Silently: 23 + 6 = 29
Search: 23 + 3 = 26
Truespeak: 23 + 3 + 3 = 29
Tumble: 23 + 6 + 2 = 31
Disable Trap: 18 + 3 = 21
Open Lock: 18 + 6 = 24
Set Trap: 18 + 6 = 24
Spot: 18 + 2 = 20

*Truespeech used to damage/incapacitate opponent - from hiding safety
*HiPS allows for spamming SA's all the way home
*Moderate SA damage
*Rogue Skills
*Effective attack abilities with light weapons
*WIS bonus to AC
*Ethereal manouvers of Ninja
*Everyone loves a ninja!!

*If WIS bonus to AC is reliant on not wearing armour (like monk) then you'd have to choose between this and leather or padded armour for most of your career - in later levels the armour could be shed once DEX bonus out-reaches armour bonus
*Some skills progression slows right down during bereft levels

EDIT: Added Truename Training at lvl 1 - moved Dodge to lvl 3 for SD reqs still met, weapon finesse to lvl 9 (a bit late, but reqs come first ), moved blind-fight to lvl 12, removed tactile trapsmith completely.
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

June 08, 2009, 11:40:16 AM
Reply #1

Yuan-Ti Pureblood


Str 12
Dex 18
Con 14
Int 14
Wis 8
Cha 16

1 - Bard 1 Wep Prof:Martial
2 - Bard 2
3 - Bard 3 Skill Focuserform
4 - Bard 4 +1Dex
5 - Bard 5
6 - Bard 6 Curse Song
7 - Bard 7 (10disc/perform)
8 - MoE 1 +1Dex
9 - MoE 2 Truename Training
10 - MoE 3 (13TS)
11 - Bereft 1
12 - Bereft 2 +1Dex, Prac Caster:Bard
13 - Bereft 3
14 - MoE 4
15 - MoE 5 Extra Music
16 - MoE 6 +1Dex
17 - MoE 7
18 - MoE 8 Lingering Song
19 - Bereft 4
20 - Bereft 5 +1Dex
21 - MoE 9 Extend Spell
22 - MoE 10
23 - Bard 8
24 - Bard 9 +1Dex, Lasting Inspiration
25 - Bard 10
26 - Bard 11
27 - Bard 12 Epic Focus:Truespeech
28 - Bard 13 +1Dex
29 - Bard 14
30 - Bard 15 Toughness
31 - Bard 16
32 - Bard 17 +1Dex
33 - Bard 18 Epic Focuserform
34 - Bard 19
35 - Bard 20
36 - Bard 21 +1Cha, Armour Sking
37 - Bard 22
38 - Bard 23 Epic Focus:Concentrate
39 - Bard 24 Dragon Song
40 - Bard 25 +1Cha

Str 12
Dex 26
Con 14
Int 14
Wis 8
Cha 18

Skills 248
Conc 35(47)
Perform 43(60)+2 on Songs
Lore 4(31)
Spellcraft 40
Truespeech 43(45, Should be 55 from focus but not on logs nor sheet)
Tumble 40
UMD 43(47)
+11-14 for Bard Song

Fort 21(29)
Reflex 26(34)
Will 24(32)

AC 29(naked or light armour)
HP 289
BAB 26
AB 27/22/17/12
Ranged AB 34/29/24/19

Bard Song +5AC Dodge, +2fort/reflex/+3will, +11skills,+2ab/+3bludge damage, +32HP
Can sing over again 2 more times for +1AC/6HP/+3skills

Minstrel Song Buffs add 2 of following
Aegis Melody - +3shiled AC
Song of Alacrity - Haste
Reverb Defense - Wounding Whisper
Resonate Blade - +sonic damage
DC is 24 where applicable for the other song types, sleep/charm/etc
First Song is 'oversung' when you sing another song minstrel

29 Bard buffs able to cast in light armour. May list out fully buffed after

29 "Songs"
2 Minstrel Songs/Bard song/Curse Song at same time lasting(10rounds+5roundsx10=150rounds per song last 15 minutes)
5 Truespeak Syllables
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.