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Author Topic: Prestige Class: Lich  (Read 24520 times)

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June 08, 2009, 01:33:05 PM

Eternal Divine Gladiator (Gladiator Lich aka ?Glich?)

Zakya Rakshasa, True Neutral, CL 8 / Ho 22 / L10, Domains: War*, Nobility
* 1) No exotic weapons (Kukri) and 2) EWep Focus not available in 3.3A2

Stats: Base [Race + Mods + Lich]
Str: 16 [ 38 ]
Dex: 12 [ 16 ]
Con: 8 [ 30 ]
Int: 12 [ 24 ]
Wis: 14 [ 26 ]
Cha: 14 [ 24 ]

AB Stack: BAB +26, Str +14 (+20 Max Str), TWF -4, WFoc +1, EProw+1, EWFoc +2 (toolset) = +40 (+ 46 Max Str)

Cleric AB buffs (24): Div. Favor +5, Man o? Egr. Might +4, Gr. Heroism (Nobility domain) +4, Div Power +4, B-tide +2, Recitation +2, Bless +1, Aid +1, Prayer +1

TWF AB: 64 Base (40+24); 70 Max Str
Single WF AB: 68 Base; 74 Max Str

Deadeye Sense (epic spell): (+20)
TWF: 84 Base, 90 Max Str
Single WF: 88 Base, 94 Max Str

Racial True-Strikes (3X): (+20)
TWF: 104 Base, 110 Max Str
Single WF: 108 Base, 114 Max Str

Misc. AB buff: Masochism (+X), enhancements (+Y)

Pro?s: Uber-spell def, high DR def + good (680 Max) HP, significant immunities + Elem Immunity spell, 44 DC (50 Max Str) Dev Crit, High AB at max buff, 7 attack / round (un-hasted), +14 (+20 Max) Str Damage + 14 (+20 Max ) E Div Might, Two-Wep Rend at 1.5X Str bonus, huge crit range, cleric buffs (+24 total AB), Masochism, self-heal (Harm, Gr. Harm, Extended Regen), unlimited Greater Undead summoning, True Neutral (no Smites), 6 base epic spells, 3 racial True Strikes, Natural Armor + Armor Skin + heavy armor + shield + EDShield, can Single WF when EDShields are gone, good debuffs (Anti-Magic Field, Wall of Dispel, Superb Dispelling), 30th caster + Extend = long lasting buff(s), only debuffed by Superb Dispelling.

Cons: no Heal potions for undead (Dead Bull ? negative energy drink = only from Toolset) = heavy reliance on (vamp?) regen items & spells, garbage Flex save, -4 AB from medium wep, few ?discretionary? feats [Extend Spell, K-down, P-Caster, etc. at 15th], uber-race only, War domain Wep Focus doesn?t access exotic (Kukri) and EWFocus. Deadeye Sense does not work at L40 in 3.3A2 (400 xp cost).

Skill point ?Saves? allows for quick re-rolls. Strictly level 39 or 40 build.

1 Cleric: Power Attack, Racial bonus feat: Divine Might, War domain Wep Focus: Scim
+2 Disc, +4 Lore, Save 8
2 Cleric +1 Lore, Save 11
3 Cleric: Div Shield, +1 Disc, Save 13
4 Cleric: Strength mod (1), Save 17
5 Cleric (5 CL) +1 Disc, Save 19
6 Cleric: Craft Wondrous Item, Save 23
7 Cleric +1 Disc, Save 25
8 Cleric: Strength mod (2), Save 29
9 Ho: Ambi-Dex, Save 33
10 Ho (8 CL / 2 Ho) Save 37
11 Ho: Imp. Crit: Scim (bonus), Save 41
12 Ho: Strength mod (3), TWF, Save 45
13 Ho: Imp TWF (bonus), Save 49
14 Ho: Save 53
15 Ho (8 CL / 7 Ho): Extend Spell, Cleave (bonus), Save 57
16 Ho: Strength mod (4), Save 61
17 Ho: Gr. Cleave (bonus), Save 65
18 Ho: Greater TWF, Save 69
19 Lich: Lich mod: Int +2 [Note 1] [INT 16], + 17 Lore, Save 55
20 Lich: (8 CL / 10 Ho / 2 L) Strength mod (5), Save 58
21 Ho: ESkillFocus: Lore, Save 63
22 Ho: Save 68
23 Ho: Over Crit: Scim (bonus), Save 73
24 Lich: Strength mod (6), Two Wep-Rend, Lich Wis mod +2 [18], Save 76
25 Lich (8 CL / Ho 13 / L4), Lich mods: Cha +2 [16], Con +12 [30], + 6 Lore, +24 S-craft, Save 49
26 Lich: Lich mods: Int +1 [Note 1] [INT 17], Wis +1 [19], Cha +1 [17], Save 52
27 Lich: Epic Spells, Lich mods: Int +1 [Note 1] [INT 18], Wis +1 [20], Cha +1 [18], Save 56
28 Lich: Strength mod (7), Lich mods: Int +2 [Note 1] [INT 20], Wis +2 [22], Cha +2 [20], Save 61
29 Lich: Lich mods: Int +1 [Note 1] [INT 21], Wis +1 [23], Cha +1 [21], Save 66
30 Lich: (8 CL / Ho 13 / L9) Epic Divine Might [Note 2], Lich mods: Int +1 [Note 1] [INT 22], Wis +1 [24], Cha +1 [22], Save 72
31 Ho: Save 80
32 Ho: Strength mod (8), Save 88
33 Ho: Epic Divine Shield [Note 2], Dev. Crit: Scim (bonus), Save 96
34 Ho: Save 104
35 Ho (8 CL / 18 Ho / L9), Save 112
36 Ho: Strength mod (9), Gr. Str I, E-Prowess (bonus), Save 120
37 Ho: Save 128
38 Ho: Conc+ 38, Disc +36, Lore +13, Tumble +20, Save 9
39 Ho: Gr. Str II, Armor Skin (bonus) [Note 3], Disc +1, Save 16
40 Lich (8 CL / 22 Ho / L10): Strength mod (10), Lich mods: Int +2 [Note 1] [INT 24], Wis +2 [26], Cha +2 [24], Lore + 2, Tumble: +1, S-Craft + 19
Conc: 38, Discipline: 42, Lore: 43, S-craft:43, Tumble: 21

1) Consider manually adjusting Int (ModINT) for skill points. Skill points may not include Lich Int bonuses.
2) Consider manually adjusting Cha (ModCHA) if Epic Divine feats not available
3) EWFocus was not available in 3.3A2 w/War domain WFoc. Armor Skin taken instead.
4) Can only cast Deadeye Sense < = L39. L40 does not have xp to spare. L39 bic was loaded but took Lich at L39 per build.
5) All Epic Spells acquired but one. Herculean Alliance never would acquire properly.
6) The Unseen Wanderer was not accessible with Nobility domain, but worked for Elf.

For low magic (item) worlds, the same build is included, but War and Elf domains (Point Blank Shot and True Strike [no extended True Strike = f-off, Bioware!]) were taken. Elf (v. Nobility) loses Greater Heroism (+4), but gains a significant number of additional True Strikes.
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And with strange aeons even death may die.

July 05, 2009, 06:23:55 PM
Reply #1

Re-post of Strat 10/26/06 08:17

true neutral
12 cleric (1-10, 29-30)
18 warpriest (11-28)
10 lich (31-40)

14 str
8 dex
14 con
10 int
20 wis (15 +1x5)
20 cha (15 +1x5)

34 concentration (+25 before you take improved combat casting)
40 lore
5 persuade (+5 before lvl 10)
40 spellcraft

looks like i lost 10 skillpoints. maybe leveling up as a lich ignores quick to master. (???)

strength domain (lvl 1), war domain (lvl 1), combat casting (before lvl 10), craft wonderous item (before level 30), divine might, divine shield, epic spell penetration, epic weapon focus (heavy crossbow), greater spell penetration, improved combat casting, improved critical (heavy crossbow), point blank shot, power attack, rapid reload, spell penetration, weapon focus (heavy crossbow), zen archery

ab, unbuffed: +40/+35/+30/+25
add 10 divine damage for 10 rounds 13/day
epic spells & cleric spells
immunities & damage reduction

you could change one of the feats to practised spellcaster (cleric)
Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

July 05, 2009, 06:25:58 PM
Reply #2

Re-post from Strat 10/26/06 16:31

The vigilant lich is the ultimate survivor. Alert, persuasive and Amazingly tough there are few situtations indeed that they cannot deal with. Due to their vigilant training they vary a lot. Some study magic like a typical lich, others accumulate knowledge or treasures. The one called 'Hand of Fate' watches, and influences, the rise and fall of empires.

Race: Half-Drow
Alignment: True Neutral
HP: 919 (max 1024)
AC: 19
Strength: 24 (raised from starting value of 14)
Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 30 (14 base + Great Constitution IV + Lichdom )
Intelligence: 14 (12 + Lichdom)
Wisdom: 18 (16 + Lichdom)
Charisma: 12 (10 + Lichdom)
Attack Bonus: +34/+29/+24/+19
Domains: Knowledge/Protection


lv1-7: Cleric. Make sure you take Track and Endurance feats as well as getting 4 ranks in lore, 5 ranks in persuade and 5 ranks in listen.

lv8-16: Vigilant

lv17-20: Cleric. Take Craft Wondrous Item feat.

lv21-25: Lich

lv26+ Vigilant.

Notable feats: Great Constitution IV, Epic Toughness V, Favoured Enemy: Undead, Weapon Proficiency: Martial and Exotic.

Features: Haste 3/day, Summon Lich/Summon Skeleton Chiefton, Protection Domain power, Fear Aura, Lich Touch, Cleric Spellcasting up to lv6 spells, Immunity to cold and electricity, 15/+1 Damage resistance, ability to wield all types of weapons and wear all types of armour.

My thoughts on the build:

Like I implied at the beginning of the post you could build a vigilant/lich in a lot of different ways. I just did it this way because I was in a world domination mood :E. I did originally try it with a ranger (I'm still undecided whether I should have had a hawk companion named eye of fate or a rat companion named pinky) but I couldn't get lich to enable even though I took it up to 22 ranger.

The main disadvantages with the way I built 'Hand of Fate' is probably the lack of offense. lv6 cleric spells with no attack focused feats and the lack of BAB from the cleric and lich levels may mean you're ridiculed by bob the ogre weapon master/vigilant (well, until he steps into your fear aura )

Oh and sorry for any spelling mistakes or general wierdness, I'm a bit tired.
Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

July 05, 2009, 06:27:15 PM
Reply #3

Re-post from Strat 10/26/06 17:55

Lich Killer
Wizard 8/Mage Killer 22/Lich 10

Race: Tannarukk
Str 18
Dex 12
Con 14
Int 18 (Allways increase this)
Wis 6
Cha 4


1 Wizard/ Extended Spell/ Familiar Eyeball
2 Wizard/
3 Wizard/ Lightning Reflexes
4 Wizard/
5 Wizard/ Combat Casting
6 Wizard/ Great Fortitude
7 Wizard/ Spellcraft to 10
8 Mage Killer/ Improved Saves: Reflex 1
9 Wizard/ Craft Wondrous Item
10 Mage Killer/
11 Mage Killer/ Improved Saves: Reflex 2
12 Lich/ Maximize Spell
13 Lich/
14 Mage Killer/
15 Mage Killer/ Empower Spell/ Improved Saves: Fortitude 1
16 Mage Killer/
17 Mage Killer/ Improved Saves: Fortitude 2
18 Mage Killer/ Practised Spellcaster (Wizard)
19 Lich/
20 Lich/
21 Mage Killer/ Great Int I/ Improved Saves: Fortitude 3
22 Mage Killer/
23 Mage Killer/ Improved Saves: Fortitude 4
24 Mage Killer/ Great Int II
25 Mage Killer/ Concentration to 25/Improved Combat Casting/ Improved Saves: Fortitude 5
26 Lich/
27 Lich/ Spellcraft to 21+/ Epic Skill Focus (Spellcraft)
28 Lich/
29 Lich/
30 Lich/ Lore to 21+/ Epic Skill Focus (Lore)
31 Lich/ Heal to 34
32 Mage Killer/
33 Mage Killer/ Quicken Spell/ Improved Saves: Fortitude 6
34 Mage Killer/ Spellcraft to 30+/ Automatic Quicken Spell I
35 Mage Killer/ Improved Saves: Reflex 3
36 Mage Killer/ Greater Spell Focus (Necromancery)
37 Mage Killer/ Automatic Quicken Spell II/ Improved Saves: Reflex 4
38 Mage Killer/
39 Mage Killer/ Epic Spell Focus (Necromancery)/ Improved Saves: Reflex 5
40 Mage Killer/ Automatic Quicken Spell III


Concentration 43
Discipline 21
Heal 34
Intimidate 42
Jump 7
Lore 43
Persuade 10
Search 10
Spellcraft 43
Tumble 20

For an evil style and flavor...
Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

July 05, 2009, 06:29:19 PM
Reply #4

Re-post from Strat 10/26/06 19:19

Divine Undead Alhoon (Cleric 8/ Hospitaler 22/ Lich 10)

Slight Adaption of my former build

Race: Illithid
Class: Cleric
Alignment: TN (no smiting against this char)
Domains: War, Strength

Stats(Lich Bonus in brackets):
Str.:18 -> 28
Dex.:12 -> 12
Con.:16 -> (28)
Int.:16 -> (26)
Wis.:20 -> (30)
Cha.:21 -> (31)

needed Skills (for Hospitaler):
Lore:5, Discipline 5

Recommended Skills:
Concentration -> 25 (for Impr. Combat Casting)
Discipline -> 42
Tumble -> 20
Spellcraft -> 40+ (must be 4@ Lvl. 18 for Practised Spellcaster)
Lore -> max

Needed Feats. (for Lich):
Craft Woundrous Item, (Practised Spellcaster to increase Caster Lvl to 21+)

Recommended Feats.(in order):
Pwr. Attack, Combat Casting, Craft Wondrous Item, Divine Might, Knockdown, Impr. Knockdown, Practised Spellcaster, Epic Skill Focus: Spellcraft, Epic Skill Focus: Lore, Impr. Combat Casting, Blindfight, Extend Spell, Epic Divine Might, Armorskin

Hospitaler Bounus Feat (@ Hospitaler Level 3, 5, 7, 9)
Cleave, Gr. Cleave, WF:Scimitar, Impr. Crit:Scimitar

Hospitaler Epic Feats (@ Hospitaler Level 13, 16, 19, 22)
Epic WF, Ovr. Crit, Dev. Crit, Epic Powers

Stat. increase: Always Strength

Level 2-8 Cleric

Level 9-18 Hospitaler

Level 19-27 Lich

Level 28-39 Hospitaler

Level 40 Lich

You get:

HP (max rolls): 640
AB (mundane Scimitar): 39/34/29/24
AC (simple Full Plate): 33
Saves (not that important as you are immune to Spells up to Level 9:

Minimum of 5 Epic Spells

Lich Boni
DR: 30/+20; Int, Wis, Cha +10; Con +12
Skill boni
Elemental resistance/immunities
Immune: Paralysis, Mindaffecting, Sneak, Critical, Poison, Disease, Death...

In other words: Anyone wanting to kill you has a tough time.
Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

July 05, 2009, 06:31:24 PM
Reply #5

Re-post from Strat 10/26/06 19:30

Wizard 28/Lich 10/Iaijutsu Master 2

Go straight wizard until level 18, and then take your 2 iaijutsu master levels in order to gain the int AC bonus and 3 attacks per round. Take your lich levels AFTER you reach character level 20 or the no BAB progression of the lich will kill you. When I created this character, and took my lich levels in epic levels, I gained the 1/2 BAB progression that all epic characters get, but I believe this is a glitch. Using practised spellcaster and spell penetration feats, this character is a very powerful wizard with a caster level of 32 and access to epic spells. The 3 attacks per round and katana finess bonuses mean that character is a potent build for a player wishing to create a "melee mage" that uses the plethora of wizard buffs to become a decent melee combatant. The high AC from combined dex and wis, and the insane defensive abilities of the lich means that you will not die easily.


- Immunity to level 0-9 spells.
- Damage Reduction 30/+20
- Damage Resistance 20 to acid, fire, and sonic
- Turn Resistance +20
- Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma +10
- Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Persuade, and Spot +20
- 3 attacks per round and no BAB penalty from being a lich (due to the glitch with taking lich levels post epic)
- Dex bonus to AB when using a Katana
- Int bonus to AC when not wearing armor


- Not as powerful spellcasting power as a level 40 wizard
- Powerful melee attacks compared to other melee mages, but not comperable to builds with higher BAB
- Low HP
- Lich bonuses to int/wiz/cha count towards the cap on ability score bonuses, so in high magic worlds where you can easily get +12 to each stat, the bonuses are worthless except for saving money on gear.
- Must pay exp and gold to create the items neccessary for lich levels.

Note: When I created this character using an autoleveller module, I choose the option that levelled you to 40 and gave the "appropriate" amount of gold for a level 40 char, and after spending the gold and exp on the lich items, I could only reach level 38, but had hardly a dent in my wallet. So the exp cost of the lich items is equivalent to the exp needed to reach levels 39 and 40.
Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

July 05, 2009, 06:33:49 PM
Reply #6

Re-post from Strat 10/26/06 19:56
Divine Undead Brute (Cleric 8/Hospitaler 22/Lich 10)

Race: Yuan-ti (Illithid would be better stat wise, but I can't stand the tanticles)
Alignment: non-good, non-chaotic (I think ne fits)
Starting Class: Cleric
Domains: as you see fit
my favories: Air (for call lightning)
Trickery (like to do things alone and impr.invisible is always good to have)

Starting Stats:

STR: 18
DEX: 10
CON: 10
INT: 18
WIS: 20
CHA: 20

Skills to boost:

Concentration - as high as possible (around 40 Ranks @ Lvl40), but not the most important one
Discipline - max until Lvl 7 (5 Ranks; needed for Hospitaler), max@every Hospitaler levelup
Disable Device - I think 1 Rank is needed to be boostet by Trickery Domain)
Open Locks - same as above (1 Rank)
Lore - max (41-43 for Epic Spells)
Search - 10 Ranks (personal reason: I don't avoid Traps, but I like to see it comming; secret doors OC)
Spellcraft - max on Cleric and Lich levelups (41-43 Ranks for Epic Spells)
Tumble - max when possible (I end up at 20 Ranks @ lvl 40)

Starting Feature: Power Attack

go for max rolls on HP at levelup (Con bonus due to Lich comes late in the game)

Lvl.2: Cleric [2]

Lvl.3: Cleric [3]
Feat: Cleave

Lvl.4: Cleric [4]
Increase STR (always; end up at STR: 28)

Lvl.5: Cleric [5]

Lvl.6: Cleric [6]
Feat: Extra Turning

Lvl.7: Cleric [7] (make sure Discipline and Lore are at least 5)

Lvl.8: Hospitaler [1]
Increase STR

Lvl.9: Hospitaler [2]
Feat: Spell Penetration

Lvl.10: Hospitaler [3]
Bonus Feat: Divine Might

Lvl.11: Hospitaler [4]

Lvl.12: Hospitaler [5]
Increase STR
Feat + Bonus Feat: Knockdown + Impr. Knockdown

Lvl.13: Hospitaler [6]

Lvl.14: Hospitaler [7]
Bonus Feat: Impr. Crit(Greatsword->any 2Hd. Weapon will do, but I love the reddish glow+comments of Enseretic)

Lvl.15: Hospitaler [8]
Feat: Greater Spell Penetration

Lvl.16: Hospitaler [9]
Increase STR
Bonus Feat: Weapon Focus(same as Impr. Crit.)

Lvl.17: Hospitaler [10]

Lvl.18: Cleric [8] (important)

Lvl.19: Lich [1]

Lvl.20: Lich [2]
Increase STR

Resume Pre Epic:

BAB: 16 = 4 attacks/round
Caster Level 18 (4 Spellslots of 9th Level)
Saves: Fort 13/ Refl.5/ Will 14

Lich Properties +4 - Gain bonuses to Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Persuade, and Spot.
Lich Touch - Touch attack causes 1d6+5 damage and possible paralyzation for 1d4 rounds
Increased damage and duration of paralyzation.
Intelligence +2
Increased Defense - Gain Damage Reduction 5/+1, Natural Armor +3, and Damage Resistance 10 to cold and electricity.
Fear Aura

Lvl.21: Lich [3]
Feat: Great Charisma

Lvl.22: Lich [4]

Lvl.23: Lich [5]

Lvl.24: Hospitaler [11]
Increase STR
Feat: Epic Divine Might

Lvl.25: Hospitaler [12]

Lvl.26: Hospitaler [13]
Epic Feat: Great Cleave

Lvl.27: Hospitaler [14]
Feat: Practised Spellcaster(Cleric)

Lvl.28: Hospitaler [15]
Increase STR

Lvl.29: Hospitaler [16]
Epic Feat: Overhelming Critical

Lvl.30: Hospitaler [17]
Feat: Epic Skill Focus(Spellcraft)

Lvl.31: Hospitaler [18]

Lvl.32: Hospitaler [19]
Increase STR
Epic Feat: Devasting Critical

Lvl.33: Lich [6]
Feat: Epic Skill Focus(Lore)

Lvl.34: Lich [7]

Lvl.35: Lich [8]

Lvl.36: Lich [9]
Increase STR
Feat: Epic Spell Penetration

Lvl.37: Hospitaler [20]

Lvl.38: Hospitaler [21]

Lvl.39: Hospitaler [22]
Feat + Epic Feat: Epic Reflexes + Epic Weapon Focus

Lvl.40: Lich [6]
Increase STR

You end up here!

Abilities (Lich boni included):

STR: 28
DEX: 10
CON: 22
INT: 28
WIS: 30
CHA: 31

Skills (Character Sheet):

Concentration - 47
Discipline - 51
Disable Trap - 10
Open Locks - 1
Lore - 62
Search - 39
Spellcraft - 62
Tumble - 20

Fort : 29
Reflex: 19
Will : 29

Did you gess it? I want it all, this is my version of a Jack'o all Trades.


The Good

- meelee presents to recon with
AB:38 naked just plain Greatsword, easy to boost above 50 via Items or Spells, even higher using both
Damage: 2-12+13(Threat:17-20 / x3) + 20 Epic Divine Might + Cleric Spells + ...
- DR 30/+20
- Spell Immunity up to 9th Lvl.
- Elemental Immunities/Resistances
- Stat. boost
- Skill boost
- 6 Spellslots of 9th Lvl.
- 6 Epic Spells

Playable from Lvl. 1

The Bad

- medicore Hitpoints (520 at max rolls)
- Reflx. Saves
- medicore AC of 28 with plain Full Plate
- to be good comes at a price, to be exact: 1,360,000 gold and 62,400 XP

Comments are welcome

You are free to take other feats, but make sure you take the martial ones as Hospitaler Bonus'/Epic's
Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

July 05, 2009, 06:36:24 PM
Reply #7

Re-post from Strat 10/26/06 20:03
^^arctic dwarf can't use a two handed axe, i think it uses battleaxe as such.

next one:

I call it the "Immortal Templar"

Race: Githzerai

Alignment: must be lawful evil

Starting Abilities: Str 12, Dex 22, Con 12, Int 12, Wis, 16, Cha 8

pre epic progression: (class&level; ability increment, if any; skill increment; feature(s), if any; comments, if any)

1 Cleric (C) 4 Conc, 2 Tumble, 2Hide Toughness
2 C 1 Conc, 2 Lore
3 C 1 Conc, 2 Spellcraft, Weapon Finesse
4 C 1 Conc, 2 Lore
5 C 1 Conc, 2 Spellcraft
6 C 1 Conc, 2 Lore, Craft Wondrous Item
7 C 1 Conc, 1 Lore, 1 Spellcraft
8 C INT+1, same skills, save 1
9 C same skills, save 2, Extended Spell Duration
10 C same skills, save 3
11 C same skills, save 4
12 Lich (L) INT+1, 1 Conc, save 5, Empower Spell
13 L 1 Conc, save 6
14 L 1 Conc, save 7
15 L 1 Conc, save 8, Practised Spellcrafter (Cleric)
16 Monk (M) INT+1, 15 Disc
17 M 5 Disc, 2 Tumble
18 M 1 Disc, 6 Tumble
19 M 1 Disc, 6 Hide, Double Kick or Combat Casting
20 M DEX+1, 1 Disc, 4 Hide, 2 Tumble
21 M 1 Disc, 6 Conc, Improved Dexterity I
22 M 1 Disc, Tumble 3, Hide 3
23 M same skills
24 M same skills, Improved Dexterity II
25 M same skills
26 M same skills
27 M 1 Disc, 6 Conc, Improved Dexterity III
28 M DEX+1, 1 Disc, 1 Conc, 5 Hide
29 M 1 Disc, 1 Conc, 5 Tumble
30 M 1 Disc, 1 Conc, 3 Tumble, 2 Jump, Improved Dexterity IV
31 M 1 Disc, 1 Conc, 1 Tumble, 4 Jump
Definition: the skill increment in lvl 31 is the final skill set (FSS)
32 M DEX+1, maximise FSS
33 M max FSS, Armor Skin
34 M max FSS
35 M max FSS
36 M CON+1, max FSS, Self Concealment I
37 M max FSS
38 M max FSS
39 M max FSS, Self Concealmet II
40 M CON+1, Self Concealment III

Result: 11Cleric/4Lich/25Monk Githzerai

final Abilities: Str12, Dex30, Con14(+12), Int16(+2), Wis 16(+2), Cha 8(+2)

AC 39 (naked), can be buffed to 55 with long term spells and Phylactery
AB 31 (naked), can be buffed to at last 40 with Divine might (about 3 times available and another 4 times (can be more or less, depends on player) with extended duration) and maybe some other stuff
5 attacks per round (standart for monk is enough, more attacks don't make sense)+improved nockdown+stunning hit 25 times
immune against lot of shit like critical hits, sneak attack, necromancy and mind affecting spells
acceptable skills (Conc, Disc, Tumble and Jump all at level 43, but also some lore and spellcraft)
permanent concealment 30%, temporary concealment 50%
Spell Resistance 45
Improved Evasion
straight progression, perfect balance after level 16, very playable
good saves, good HP, i don't see any weaknesses.

best regards :]
Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

July 05, 2009, 06:38:09 PM
Reply #8

Re-post from Strat 10/26/06 20:08
I've been tooling out a build that was mentioned in the first thread very basically, a Fighter/Cleric/Lich combo.

'The Stultifying Munchkin'
Fighter 4/Cleric 26/(Demi)Lich 10

Race: Rakshasa or other high stat race (I figure, we're already in the realm of that which is at an ungodly level of munchkinness, why not?)
Alignment: Any evil
STR: 17+2=19 +4
DEX: 8+4=12 +1
CON: 8+6=14 +2
INT: 12+2=14 +2
WIS: 16+2=18 +4
CHA: 10+2=16 +3

Skills to max during FTR Levels: Concentration, Discipline, Lore
L1: Fighter (1): Feat - Weapon Focus (Greatsword), Power Attack
L2: Fighter (2): Feat - Cleave
L3: Fighter (3): Feat - Skill Focus: Lore
L4: Fighter (4): STR +1, Feat - Weapon Specialization (Greatsword)
Skills to max during Cleric Levels: Concentration, Lore, Persuade, Spellcraft
L5: Cleric (1): Domains - Strength, War
L6: Cleric (2): Feat - Divine Might
L7: Cleric (3): Just Skills
L8: Cleric (4): STR +1
L9: Cleric (5): Feat - Craft Wondrous Item (Needed for Lich)
L10: Cleric (6): Just Skills
L11: Cleric (7): Just Skills
L12: Cleric (8): STR +1, Feat - Improved Critical (Greatsword)
L13: Cleric (9): Just Skills
L14: Cleric (10): Just Skills
L15: Cleric (11): Feat - Great Cleave
L16: Cleric (12): STR +1
L17: Cleric (13): Just Skills
L18: Cleric (14): Feat - Skill Focus: Spellcraft
L19: Cleric (15): Just Skills
L20: Cleric (16): STR +1
Skills to max during Lich Levels: Lore, Spellcraft
L21: Lich (1): Feat - Overwhelming Critical (Greatsword)
L22: Lich (2): Just Skills
L23: Lich (3): Just Skills
L24: Lich (4): STR +1, Feat - Devastating Critical (Greatsword)
Skills to max during Cleric Levels: Concentration, Lore, Persuade, Spellcraft
L25: Cleric (17): Just Skills
L26: Cleric (18): Just Skills
L27: Cleric (19): Feat - Epic Weapon Focus (Greatsword)
L28: Cleric (20): WIS +1 (finally, 9th level spells)
L29: Cleric (21): Just Skills
Skills to max during Lich Levels: Lore, Spellcraft
L30: Lich (5): Feat - Epic Prowess
L31: Lich (6): Just Skills
L32: Lich (7): CHA +1
L33: Lich (8): Feat - Practised Spellcaster: Cleric
L34: Lich (9): Just Skills
L35: Lich (10): Just Skills
L36: Cleric (22): CHA +1, Feat - Epic Skill Focus: Lore
L37: Cleric (23): Cleric Bonus Feat - Great WIS 1
L38: Cleric (24): Just Skills
L39: Cleric (25): Feat - Epic Skill Focus: Spellcraft
L40: Cleric (26): STR +1, Cleric Bonus Feat - Armour Skin

This build blends impressive melee ability with surprisingly decent spellcasting ability (at least when it comes to buffing). With the Strength and War domain powers activated, and Divine Might, and the spell Mantle of Egregious Might, this character becomes a potent force of death indeed. Again, see why munchkinism causes problems?

Other options for this build include subbing out the skill focuses for more melee oriented feats, as I tried to balance this build a bit more in between, and so I could have some epic spells.

I'll do some stat-verifying tomorrow and see just how it stacks up in regards to what exactly it can do. Also, I'm working on fleshing out another build mentioned in the first thread, sort of. A Druid 20/Ocular Adept 10/Oozemaster 10.
Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

July 05, 2009, 06:40:11 PM
Reply #9

Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

July 26, 2009, 09:00:19 AM
Reply #10

EDG zipped .bic
Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

September 28, 2009, 07:37:06 PM
Reply #11

3) Used ModCON 5 to add the +5 Con from Transcendent Vitality

Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

November 18, 2009, 04:44:11 AM
Reply #12

Eternal Divine Monk-chin  (aka “Super Glich”)

“You can’t spell ‘munchkin’ without ‘u’ [uber], ‘m-n-k’ and ‘i-c-h’ ”

Nymph, LG shifted to TN, shifted back to LG, CL 28 / M 2 / L10, Domains: War, Nobility

Stats:  Base  [Race + Mods +lich]
Str:       13     [ 13 ]    
Dex:     14     [ 20 ]      
Con:     11     [ 30 ]      
Int:        8      [ 24 ]      
Wis:     15     [ 38 ]    
Cha:     15     [ 38 ]    

AB Stack: BAB +25, +14 (+20 Max Wis) Intu Attack, Flurry –2 = +37 (+43 Max Wis)

Cleric AB buffs (25): Div Power +5, Div. Favor +5, Man o’ Egr. Might +4, Gr. Heroism (Nobility domain) +4, B-tide +2, Recitation +2, Bless +1, Aid +1, Prayer +1

Flurry AB: Base 62 (37+25); 68 Max Wis
UBAB: 64 Base; 70 Max Wis

Deadeye Sense (epic spell): (+20)
Flurry AB: 82 Base, 88 Max Wis
UBAB: 84 Base, 90 Max Wis

True-Strike (Item): (+20)
Flurry AB: 102 Base, 108 Max Wis
UBAB: 104 Base, 110 Max Wis

Misc. AB buff: Masochism (+X), enhancements (+Y) + Divine Inspiration (+3 vs. evil)

Damage stack: +1 Str (+7 Max) +14 Div Might (20 Max Cha) +5 Div Favor, +2 B-tide, +1 Prayer + Y enhancements = 23 (35 Max Str & Cha)

Naked max buff AC Stack: 10 +20 Epic Mage Armor (Armor) +14 (+20 Max) Unearthly Grace (Defl) +14 (+20 Max) Divine Shield (Shield) +14 Wis (+20 Max) +10 Imp. Expertise (Parry) +8 (Tumble) +5 Dex (+12 Max) +5 Natural Armor (Lich) +2 Natural Armor (Armor Skin)  + 4 Mantle of Egr (luck) +4 Haste (item) = 110 (134 Max Dex, Wis, Cha). Add items for more AC insanity.

Naked no buff AC Stack: 10 + 14 Unearthly Grace (Defl) +14 Wis + 10 Imp. Expertise (Parry) +8 (Tumble) +5 Dex +5 Natural Armor (Lich) +2 Natural Armor (Armor Skin)  = 68

Save stacks: +5 Conviction +4 Mantle-o’ +4 Gr. Heroism +1 Prayer  + 1 Resistance (cantrip) = +15  buff
Fort: 23 (Base) +10 Con (+16 Max) +14 Cha (+20 Max) = 47 (59 Max Con & Cha) +15 = 62, 74
Flex: 18 (Base) +5 Dex (+11 Max) +14 Cha (+20 Max) = 37 (49 Max Dex & Cha) +15 = 52, 64
Will: 23 (Base) +14 Wis (+20 Max) +14 Cha (+20 Max) = 51 (63 Max Wis & Cha) +15 = 66, 78

Pro’s: Immune to nearly all spells/powers, practically unhittable (excl. touch) max AC (68 naked unbuffed / 134 Max buff w/ 1 Haste item,), extreme lich DR 30/+20, fey DR 10/ cold iron, 11 hp / round regen (9 Fast Heal +1 lich +1 Trans Vitality), very high saves, High AB at max buff (+25 total AB), 5 att / round UBAB, 6 / rnd Flurry, 7 / rnd hasted Flurry, 8 / round hasted Flurry + Div Power, +14 (+20 max) Div Might damage, med-high hp (680, 920 Max Con), 5 base epic spells, immune to cold, elec + Elem Immunity spell, DR 20 to acid, fire, sonic, 8+ Soul gems (DC 50 Fort v. Death, no SR! Evil align shift), L32 caster, lich touch when buffs are gone, Necro focus (lich), medium-high spell DC’s Spell Lev + 24 (30 Max Wis), major bonus spells, high Stunning Fist DC 44, 50 Max Wis, extended buffs, self-heal (Regen), Evasion + uber Flex save = 95% chance for no damage v. elem spells that affect lich, 95% chance to deflect 1 missile attack per round, unlimited Greater Undead summoning.

Cons: weak offense without buffs, no Dev-Crit, vulnerable to Smites (good) & KD (low Str mod), Div Might / Shield only last 14 (20 Max) rounds, only 2 stunning fists, Unearthly Grace save skin borked with lich mods & Cha items

Skill point “Saves” allows for quick re-rolls. Strictly level 40 build. Save Skills, except as noted.

1 Mo1: Power Attack
2 CL1
3 CL2:
4 CL3: Intuitive Attack
5 CL4: Mod 1: Wis [22]
6 CL5: +9 Conc, +9 Lore, +9 S-Craft, Prac-Caster
7 CL6
8 CL7: Mod 2: Wis [23]
9 CL8: Extend Spell
10 CL9
11 CL10
12 CL11: Mod 3: Wis [24], Div Might
13 CL12
14 CL13
15 CL14: Div Shield
16 CL15: Mod 4: Wis [25]
17 CL16
18 CL17: Craft Wondrous Item
19 CL18
20 CL19: Mod 5: Wis [26], shift alignment to True Neutral
21 Lich1: +15 Conc, +15 Lore, +15 S-Craft, Epic Spells, Int +2 [16], Cast Trans Vitality (ModCON 5) [18]
22 Lich2
23 Lich3: Wis +2 [28]
24 Lich4: Mod 6: Cha [24], Cha +2 [26], Con +12 [30], Expertise
25 Lich5: Int +1 [17], Wis +1 [29], Cha +1 [27]
26 Lich6: Int +1 [18], Wis +1 [30], Cha +1 [28]
27 Lich7: Int +2 [20], Wis +2 [32], Cha +2 [30], Imp. Expertise
28 Lich8: Mod 7: Cha [31], Int +1 [21], Wis +1 [33], Cha +1 [32]
29 Lich9: Int +1 [22], Wis +1 [34], Cha +1 [33]
30 Lich10: Int +2 [24], Wis +2 [36], Cha +2 [35], Armor Skin
31 CL20
32 CL21: Mod 8: Cha [36],
33 CL22: Fast Heal I
34 CL23: Gr. Wis I (bonus) [37]
35 CL24
36 CL25: Mod 9: Cha [37], Fast Heal II
37 CL26: Gr. Wis II (bonus) [38]
38 CL27
39 CL28: Fast Heal III, +18 S-Craft
40 Mo2: Mod 10: Cha [38], +19 Conc, +43 Disc, +19 Lore, +43 Tumble, + 18 Your choice, Shift alignment to LG

Conc: 43, Discipline: 43, Lore: 43, S-Craft: 42, Tumble: 43, +18 Your choice (recom: Taunt [Cha], Spot [Wis])


1) Note that PRC blocks monk kama attacks from working with TWF chain.
2) Went LG to get Intuitive Attack (uses Wis v. Str to att). Focused on Wis (instead of Dex + Wep Finesse) due to lich mods.
3) To get more AB for ranged attacks, swap Zen Archery for Imp. Expertise
4) To avoid Smites, change Wis mods to Dex and switch IntuitiveAttack to Wep Finesse
5) LG vulnerable to smites – although very hard to hit
6) Max displayed AC is 126 – the 8 from Tumble is not included
7) Domain notes: A) Chose attack buff domains: War (Mantle o’ Egr Might), Nobility (Gr. Heroism) B) True Strike accessible thru Elf domain C) Plant domain gives access to Creeping Doom
8) 5 att / round UBAB, 6 / rnd Flurry: , 7 / rnd hasted Flurry, 8 / round hasted Flurry + Div Power
9) Con must be modified by console (DebugMode=1, then ModCON 5, ModCON 12 at L24) to access Fast Heals
10) Used ModWIS, ModINT, ModCHA 10 for lich abilities – becoming a lich is a one way trip.
11) Unearthly Grace save skin borked with lich mods & Cha items. Used dm_modifysave command to add 19 to each save (adjusted Unearthly Grace Cha mod)
12) Make max buff save v. Maximized Undeath-to-Death by max ability Mind Thayer Necro 95% of the time. Lich vulnerable to Und-to-Death?
13) Download the Alignment changer: - Files
14) Copy extracted gn* files to the override directory
15) ~, then DebugMode=1; dm_spawnitem gnam_1; pick up the spawned item
16) DebugMode=0; Use NAM; if it doesn’t work, ~ dm_runscript gnam_1_manually

Fermi was a Pyrokineticist

December 15, 2009, 07:25:07 PM
Reply #13

January 16, 2010, 08:36:20 PM
Reply #14