Hello there! After I got NWN working on my PC (woo Vista?) I decided to download many things, among them your excellent PRC. Looking through the new classes, I noticed the Lich template class, and thus was born my idea to remake Xykon, one of my favorite characters from a DnD webcomic called Order of the Stick. As you can guess, he's an epic level sorcerer who went through the lichification process to rid himself of his humanity/old age, and I want to try and recreate him in NWN with the help of the template.
So here's what I'm looking to do (Help illustrating a build from lv1 to 40:
Sorcerer 28, Anti-Paladin 2 (?), Lich 10...Although I have been told it is a good idea to at least get sorcerer 29 for the feat. Should I drop the Anti-Paladin levels?
Looking for a feat focus around primarily necromancy, and secondarily evocation, Xykon's two favorite schools of magic. To that end, how many Spell Foci feats should I grab, and what else would be worthwhile to round out the feats.
Skills: Lore, Concentration, Spellcraft, Bluff/Persuade, methinks.
Stats? Should I grab a 16 or an 18 charisma, and how much intelligence should I invest in? No problems with low wisdom, as that fits the RP and the Powergaming perspective I'm looking for here
Oh, forgot to add that I was planning on either bringing him through the OC to HotU or SoU to HotU. Is this viable, or do I need to make some changes, as I know that Demi-Liches are EXPENSIVE. If there is any advice on a good module to bring him through let me know!\
(I was going to originally try Endless Nights VI, seeing good things about it, but I have problems with it - I got the version that was CEP compatible and inserted PRC into it, and got everything working, but when I tried to play, I could only move a few steps before my character automatically stopped moving and did a backstep like he was in combat. Made spellcasting impossible and doing anything else incredibly frustrating.)