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Messages - Anaris

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Help / Dread Necromancer
« on: September 04, 2009, 09:45:12 AM »
And I have no problems with it so far (works for all undead summons created by my 20th level Dread Necro)

made that line change, will check later. thing is, it doesn't seem like that will alter the issue. could it have something to do with the loss of undead qualities on rest, would they also lose corpsecrafter bonii?

Help / Dread Necromancer
« on: September 03, 2009, 03:16:54 PM »
Quote from: DM Heatstroke

I'm wonder if it only works when something besides your character kills them?

that's something i now suspect, and shall test forthwith!

in the meantime, still looking for the associated script.


okay, this is confusing me now. Destruction Retribution works for Create Undead and Create Greater Undead, but not Animate Dead or the Summon Undead spells.

i also just saw a greater mummy die and the burst was thirty feet away from it, where the minotaur chieftains who killed it with bolt attacks were.

Help / [Duskblade]
« on: September 03, 2009, 11:01:49 AM »
Personally, i can't get Quick Cast to do ANYTHING and Arcane Channeling is just a longer way of storing the charge - and it can only be done in combat.

the method for channeling is to activate it, then cast the spell at a hostile target, then it will store and you can deliver it with a sword blow. thing is, that hostile target will get an attack of opportunity when you cast the spell, so you may as well just cast it on him, as far as i can see.

Help / Dread Necromancer
« on: September 03, 2009, 10:53:20 AM »
do they have to be destroyed in a particular way? will me hitting them to death produce the effect, because that's how i tested it.

as for that number, i've found the reference for it. i just don't know how to find the script that it's tied to...

and what's SVN?

if i'm asking questions that are answered in some sort of well basic tutorial, do tell me. i am clueless about the code, and the community.

Help / Dread Necromancer
« on: September 02, 2009, 11:59:40 PM »
unless Alertness has a second level spell casting prerequisite, no it's not. unless Cleric has a feat at level four that checks for second level spellcasting?

i do have practiced spellcaster for DN, but i've had it for at least two levels at the point i get this error.

any idea where Destruction Retribution is in the 2das? i can't find it at all, and that's my next target, since it doesn't seem to work.

Help / Dread Necromancer
« on: September 02, 2009, 01:01:13 PM »
hmm, that link appears to take me to the forum mainpage. does it work for you?

also, what specifically does it fix, the demilich powers?

Help / Dread Necromancer
« on: September 02, 2009, 10:05:40 AM »
so, i started playing this. i'm liking the balance between permanent undead (with the right switches) and temporary undead, and finding the whole experience thoroughly enjoyable.

except for the bugs. now, i'm just about figuring out how to alter game files and have spent the last few days trying to figure out what the heck a .cmd file is and how to use a compiler. in short, my knowledge of the intimate workings of this stuff is limited. however, i was under the impression i'd installed the .haks right -  but if my error could cause these, do go ahead and tell me. however, for now i'm going to start a list of problems - leaving out the unable to resolve spell to spellbook error that happens every time i cast - hasn't stopped me so far.

1: i'm using default switches apart from pnp_animate_dead, create_undead_permanent and prc_multisummon, which are all active. when i create a permanent undead, and then rest, it loses all its undead qualities - no immunities. (i had to open up create and create greater undead and change the extraordinary tag to a supernatural effect - thanks to whoever wrote the animate dead spell by the way - to stop them unsummoning on rest). it's possible that this caused it, but it happened with animated dead as well, which i never touched.

the only way i've found to get around this one was opening Vile Death and adding the Necropolitan template to the list of things it does to Undead. now they retain immunities just fine, but it's a little inconvenient.

2: Mental Bastion doesn't seem to be working. yes, i know that was the least helpful bug report ever, but i can find more information if someone can suggest where to look - i'm clueless.

3: this is a strange one. i've had to remove divine spellcasting as a requirement in order to get True Necromancer, because my original plan was DNecro/Cleric/Tnecro. only, attempting to level beyond level 3 in cleric, when also possessed of ANY DNecro levels, just delevels you and says "you must be able to cast level 2 spells to take this feat".  i tried DNecro 1/Cleric 4, Dnecro 3/Cleric 3 and Cleric 4/Dnecro 3, which produced the error when trying to level DNecro up.

lastly, i was wondering if anyone could give me a quick breakdown of the Lich Template Class Phylactery, and what properties allow it to function as such. i'd like to see about non-amulet phylacteries, as well as debating adding the Demilich at-will spell abilities to it. the only file i can find, though, is UTI, which i have no idea how to open.

any help much appreciated!

Other Features / PRC Templates
« on: September 02, 2009, 09:53:05 AM »
i have necropolitan, vampire, vampire spawn and sometimes demilich (when i have 20 dread necro levels anyway) in my template list. Necropolitan seems to work - i had to add it to Vile Death as a cheeky workaround for a bug that caused any DNecro permanent summoned undead to lose all their undead features when i rested.

Lich exists but doesn't seem to do what it's supposed to.

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