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Messages - Badjaccur

Pages: [1]
Help / Subrace field not recognized
« on: October 11, 2009, 02:45:37 PM »
Thank you N-S for your help.
I changed the scripts reflecting your suggestion.
The only script I can't get to compile is rr_enter.nss. And it looks like the factions are set here so this must be why the whole faction thing is not working. When trying to compile I get the following error:


I have looked for a place that looked like it could use a right bracket but everything seemed OK.
Anyone have any idea how to fix this (hopefully final) issue?
In case someone wants to take a look at this I attached the script.

Help / Subrace field not recognized
« on: October 04, 2009, 10:54:49 AM »
Thanks for the pointers on compiling and spawning, I really appreciate it, including the time you spent in helping me out. I'll make sure I look into this as soon as this annoying race thing is fixed.

I have changed the race-strings into integers and made sure that only single equal signs were used. Sad thing is it didn't help. I still get the same behavior. "Human" and "Drow, female" characters spawn in UD with a faction that makes the Drow that live there attack both of them on sight. (With much success of course, both get slapped into the Fugue plane where the Statue sends them to... Benzor, home of the non-Drow and non-Duergar.

Weird thing is that when I put the single equal sign in drow_recog.nss
Code: [Select]
if (GetRacialType(GetPCSpeaker()) = 163 || 164) I get the following error when compiling: "ERROR:CANNOT ASSIGN A VALUE TO THE LEFT-SIDE OF THIS STATEMENT"
Double equal sign does compile. Same goes for duergar_recog.nss

hc_on_client_enter.nss does not compile and gives the following error:
sei_subraces.nss(740): ERROR: INVALID DECLARATION TYPE
Line 740 in sei_subraces.nss looks like this:  return nSubrace;

The same thing happens with hc_play_on_death.nss and hc_on_ply_respawn.nss

rr_enter.nss does not compile and gives the following error:
Line 250 in rr_enter.nss looks like this:  if(use_pc_subrace())

The same thing happens with wizbang_drow.nss

Man, this is a LOT harder than I expected.

Help / Subrace field not recognized
« on: October 03, 2009, 03:45:08 PM »
Quote from: DM Heatstroke

In all the code I posted above replace the following:




Sorry about that, been a long time since I messed with AR's starting area & I thought I did it the way I showed you originally.

Hate to bug you again but I get the same behavior. All created characters get UD as starting point, chopped up by drow and spawn in Benzor.

Also the scripts don't compile, giving "ERROR: VARIABLE DEFINED WITHOUT TYPE" for every line where I changed the number with the race.
I can not use PRC's compiler since it will not compile the custom AI (Jasperre's AI). Aurora toolset gives compile errors but completes anyway and most stuff seems to work (i.e. it errors on ATS crafting system and AI but both work fine as far as I can tell) Any ideas?

Help / Subrace field not recognized
« on: October 03, 2009, 06:36:09 AM »
DM Heatstroke Wrote:
1.) Which area is the server guide?

The Server Guide is a statue in The Gateway to Nordock, the first area players enter. It gives information and sends players to their starting area in Underdark Central (Drow), Duergar caverns (Duergar) or Benzor (rest of the races).
2.) What ever you choose to do, let me make one suggestion, don't use encounters.  Get a nice spawn system like NESS or BESIE to spawn your creatures & placables in.  Saves a good bit of memory especially in large modules.

I prefer & can give you pointers for NESS.

Thanks a lot for that one, sure will look into it. I can use *any* advice or hints with building this PW, and this seems like another good one.

Help / Subrace field not recognized
« on: October 02, 2009, 05:16:07 PM »
First of all the good news: the dialog is gone now (for new toons), so our problem got fixed!
But there is also bad news: Every character that is made (so Drow, Duergar and Others) shows the same behavior:
[ulist=disc]When they hit the server guide they spawn in the Underdark
Get attacked by the drow
Spawn in Benzor Temple (spawning location for Others)[/ulist]
Trying the Plagued Nordock is something we thought about but we were not that happy with CEP (since it's a big download) and the crafting system they put in (CNR, since we like ATS better).

But looking at the trouble we have now it might be our best option... Especially when there's more scripting problems ahead, and I as a scripting n00b probably won't be able to maintain the mod anyway.

DM Heatstroke, thank you for taking the time to look at the mod, helping with the scripts and the good advice.

Help / Subrace field not recognized
« on: October 02, 2009, 03:53:22 AM »
Quote from: DM Heatstroke

I hate to say it, but you guys are going to have some pretty serious scripting hurdles getting this module to work properly with the PRC & I'm not just talking about the subrace stuff.

Thanks a lot for looking into this!
Surely seems like we have some work to do... But I think it's worth it so I have some work to do now.

Thank you both DM Heatstroke and Fluffy for your help. I really appreciate it.
I'll keep you posted when I make any progress.

Help / Subrace field not recognized
« on: September 29, 2009, 05:04:10 PM »
Wow, my brain hurts.
I have been looking through scripts trying to find what is happening where but no luck so far. This is far more complicated than I hoped.
The desired behavior is that Nordock's subrace system no longer gives any boni to abilities and such since PRC handles this in a far better way. I also want the scripts check for the player's race (like DM Heartstroke suggested) instead of subrace and set factions and spawning point accordingly. But I have no idea how to do this.

If anyone has any (hands-on and scripting n00b compatible) suggestions or hints they are much appreciated.

Help / Having a couple problems with PRC and server
« on: September 28, 2009, 03:48:22 PM »
Since I'm working on Ranger Jim's Nordock mod now I feel free to close this thread since problems as described in the original post have been solved. Help from DM Heartstroke helped a LOT. Thanks heaps!

Help / Subrace field not recognized
« on: September 24, 2009, 03:51:03 PM »
I used to play this Nordock server with PRC installed and as far as I know we used both systems at the same time. (This was not good because the buffed stats from Shirley's and the PRC's unbuffed racial stats stack, giving the Drow and Duergar double boni, but it was all about getting the right factions and spawning point.) So it worked one way or the other.

So I assume that some script would be checking for any subrace, if set to "Drow" it would set faction, add stats etc. Same goes with Duergar. But if no subrace was set it should set the spawning point to Benzor and not add bonus abilities. The last thing does not happen, but brings up the dialog and the options to set both race and subrace instead.

The idea about letting the faction script detect the race is really a good idea, although I don't know how to set the correct spawning point once the race is detected. But I have not looked at the script yet and as I mentioned before, I'm new with this.

I'm going to see if I can find out what script is doing what and how I can change it to work as it should again.

Again my thanks for your advice. I really appreciate it.

Help / Subrace field not recognized
« on: September 24, 2009, 03:19:55 PM »
Thanks a lot for your suggestions, DM Heartstroke. In the mean time I found that when I use the Bioware CC to make an Elf and set the subrace to "Drow" the subrace does get read because the dialogue that asks me for my race and subrace does not show up, I get the (buffed, the way Shirley's subrace system works) ability boni and spawn in the Underdark. So something is working. With the hints you gave I 'll look into the scripts again and hope I'll find out that is happening here. If I hit that good old brick wall again I will make sure to PM you for advice.

Thanks again, your help with this is much appreciated.

Help / Subrace field not recognized
« on: September 24, 2009, 02:09:11 PM »
Thank you both fluffyamoeba and DM Heartstroke for you help,

The thing with Shirle's subrace system is that it also sets a faction and a starting point. In Nordock Drow and Duergar have their own starting point in cities in the Underdark, while all other races start topside in Bezor. I don't care much for the subrace bonuses/penalties because the PRC handles those a lot better, but I still need to set the right faction and spawning point. But for some reason the subrace is not being read. I was hoping someone would recognize this problem and could give me some clues.

I have played NWN for quite a few years now and I just LOVE what you guys at the PRC did with it but this is my first serious attempt at building a PW. And I'm a complete n00b when it comes to scripting, so any help is appreciated.

Help / Subrace field not recognized
« on: September 22, 2009, 06:53:18 PM »
Hello DM Heatstroke, thanks for your quick reply.

No, I don't think so. It's a clean Nordock with only the subrace system Nordock uses (written by Shir'le E. Illios who has seemed to disappear from the face of Faerun) patched with the PRC pack.

Help / Subrace field not recognized
« on: September 22, 2009, 05:54:04 PM »
I'm not sure if this is PRC related but since I can not find any information on this problem, have PRC 3.3g installed and think the most skilled NWN developers are found here B) I might as well give it a try on this forum.

I'm running a Nordock mod that was patched with PRC 3.3 and uses the convoCC without any problems. Characters I made (using convoCC or the Java CC) get a dialogue with the following text as soon as they enter the starting area:

Your subrace field was not recognized. Please, finish this dialog completely to correctly initialize your subrace.

Does anyone have any idea what is going on here and how this can be fixed?

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