ah those abilities (like Bodak's death gaze or cockatrice's petrify touch) are considered as spells?
apparently, an example is that it should work already
//:: Dragon Breath Fire
//:: NW_S1_DragFire
//:: Copyright (c) 2001 Bioware Corp.
Calculates the proper damage and DC Save for the
breath weapon based on the HD of the dragon.
//:: Created By: Preston Watamaniuk
//:: Created On: May 9, 2001
const string DRAGBREATHLOCK = "DragonBreathLock";
//modified to use the breath include - Fox
#include "prc_alterations"
#include "prc_inc_breath"
void main()
// Check the dragon breath delay lock
SendMessageToPC(OBJECT_SELF, "You cannot use your breath weapon again so soon");
//Declare major variables
int nAge = GetHitDice(OBJECT_SELF);
int nDCBoost = nAge / 2;
int nDamageDice;
struct breath FireBreath;
//Use the HD of the creature to determine damage and save DC
if (nAge <= 6) //Wyrmling
nDamageDice = 2;
else if (nAge >= 7 && nAge <= 9) //Very Young
nDamageDice = 4;
else if (nAge >= 10 && nAge <= 12) //Young
nDamageDice = 6;
else if (nAge >= 13 && nAge <= 15) //Juvenile
nDamageDice = 8;
else if (nAge >= 16 && nAge <= 18) //Young Adult
nDamageDice = 10;
else if (nAge >= 19 && nAge <= 21) //Adult
nDamageDice = 12;
else if (nAge >= 22 && nAge <= 24) //Mature Adult
nDamageDice = 14;
else if (nAge >= 25 && nAge <= 27) //Old
nDamageDice = 16;
else if (nAge >= 28 && nAge <= 30) //Very Old
nDamageDice = 18;
else if (nAge >= 31 && nAge <= 33) //Ancient
nDamageDice = 20;
else if (nAge >= 34 && nAge <= 37) //Wyrm
nDamageDice = 22;
else if (nAge > 37) //Great Wyrm
nDamageDice = 24;
//create the breath - 40' ~ 14m? - should set it based on size later
FireBreath = CreateBreath(OBJECT_SELF, FALSE, 40.0, DAMAGE_TYPE_FIRE, 10, nDamageDice, ABILITY_CONSTITUTION, nDCBoost);
//Apply the breath
ApplyBreath(FireBreath, GetSpellTargetLocation());
//Apply the recharge lock
// Schedule opening the delay lock
float fDelay = RoundsToSeconds(FireBreath.nRoundsUntilRecharge);
SendMessageToPC(OBJECT_SELF, "Your breath weapon will be ready again in " + IntToString(FireBreath.nRoundsUntilRecharge) + " rounds.");
DelayCommand(fDelay, DeleteLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF, DRAGBREATHLOCK));
DelayCommand(fDelay, SendMessageToPC(OBJECT_SELF, "Your breath weapon is ready now"));
but when opening it in the toolset, it says that those 2
#include "prc_alterations"
#include "prc_inc_breath"
are not found. is that normal?