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Author Topic: Couple of Newbie Questions  (Read 4656 times)

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April 07, 2014, 11:31:06 AM

Does this henchmen AI mod: have a version for the 3.5 PRC version?  Alternately, does the version it has there (for 3.2) work?

Second, is Shifter with a caster that isn't druid possible? (Can it get Natural spell? And if so, does it work with alternate casting systems (invocations, psionics, etc?))  Thanks!
« Last Edit: April 07, 2014, 04:53:12 PM by Alwayssnarky »

April 07, 2014, 04:30:02 PM
Reply #1
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I only known the answer to the first question. If you check the manual, you will discover a large number of other classes that can take the PNP Shifter class in the PRC. However, they are typically not casters but rather classes with a natural form, like initiates of draconic mysteries, once they acquire the dragon form. A spell caster without an alternate form wouldn't be eligible.

April 07, 2014, 04:34:41 PM
Reply #2
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Oh, I'm wrong--casters with spells that enable them to change shape can apparently take the class also. Here's the full list from the manual:
Special: You must be able to assume an alternate form. See the following list:
Arcane or divine classes with the ability to cast Polymorph Self.This includes:
Archivist (spell level 4, class level 7)
Hexblade (spell level 4, class level 14)
Ranger (spell level 4, class level 15)
Shaman (spell level 4, class level 7)
Sublime Chord (spell level 4)
Sorcerer (spell level 4, class level 8)
Suel Archanamach (spell level 4, class level 8)
Witch (spell level 4, class level 8)
Wizard (spell level 4, class level 7)
Divine classes having the Animal domain, which gives the ability to cast Shapechange at spell level 9.
Classes with the ability to use one of these invocations:
Mask of Flesh, Humanoid Shape, Spider Shape, Hellspawned Grace.
Classes with certain special abilities:
Bonded Summoner: Elemental Form (Level 10)
Druid: Wild Shape (Level 5)
Initiate of Draconic Mysteries: Dragon Shape (Level 10)
Ninja Spy: Thousand Faces (Level 7)
Werewolf: Alternate Form, Wolf (Level 1)
Certain races:
Hound Archon
Naztharune Rakshasa
Yuan-ti Pureblood
Zakya Rakshasa

April 07, 2014, 05:09:57 PM
Reply #3

My intention was a changeling with either invocations or psioncs, and I wanted to know if that counted as "spellcasting: 3rd level spells" for the purposes of fulfilling that prerequisite. (and if so, would they be able to get natural spell?)

Also, you said you knew if the ai mod works?  I'd like my wizard to cast spells, which isn't happening right now.  ( or is that a cohort bug?.

EDIT:To answer some of my own questions; according to debug testing, invocations and psionics do not qualify for the shifter prerequisites.  I did not test truenaming or manuevers, but I do not think they would be more likely to work.  Also, testing with a wizard/shifter seems to show that natural spell is locked off to any non druids, despite the manual saying shifter 1 unlocks it.  (I am not certain how useful it is to shifters anyway, as a lot of their forms probably can cast spells, since they aren't limited to animals. (can anyone confirm or deny this?))

(I'm using Endless Nights 6, if any of that is a bug related to the module.)

Still no info on the ai mod, but my current theory is that it would either completely break, or work fine but not notice any powers etc. that were added after 3.2 (the version it is for.) 
« Last Edit: April 07, 2014, 05:43:37 PM by Alwayssnarky »

April 10, 2014, 05:11:10 PM
Reply #4
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Oh, sorry! I meant I only know the answer to the second question.

The PRC is very complex, so it is doubtful that add-ons designed for earlier versions will work with newer ones.